Institute of Nuclear Engineering, Jinling University.

Four freshman students who just finished their class, as the crowd surged out of the classroom, talking about what happened in the school recently, while walking towards the cafeteria.

"... I just glanced at the virtual reality community when I was in class, and I saw someone in the discussion group of the School Student Union's Outreach Department saying that in the past two days, East Asia Power seems to be coming to our school for a job fair? Have you heard ? "

"East Asia Electric Power's job fair?" The tall boy who walked in the middle staggered slightly and said in a strange tone, "Really? Didn't they come some time ago?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's lack of labor."

"Can I get the registration form? What is the recruitment process? Is it the same as last time?"

"How am I clear?" The student who broke the news earlier shook his head and continued, "But I heard that this time it seems to be divided into a written test and an interview."

"Yes! I'll go and have fun at that time, if you choose to invite you to dinner."

"Haha, together, I'll make a name for myself."

Listening to the excited discussions of the roommates next to him, the boy with glasses slanted three people and said with a lack of interest.

"Go ahead, I plan to take the postgraduate entrance examination, so I won't waste that time."

Looking at Xueba in the bedroom unexpectedly, the tall boy thought he had heard it wrong, and said in surprise.

"This is a good opportunity to go to East Asia Power, don't you really try?"

Someone in the entire Nuclear Engineering Institute didn't want to go to East Asia Power?

What was the reason for reporting this major at the beginning?

Another student beside him nodded and persuaded.

"Yeah, you are the one who has the most hope for the top score in our bedroom, brother! Isn't it more than studying in Hong Kong after entering East Asia Power?"

The glasses man smiled slightly and said huh.

"That may not be so."

The boy who broke the news earlier frowned and asked.

"Do you know any inside information?"

"There is no inside information. I just listened to a senior who went there for an internship for six months and said that it wasn't as good as the outside description. The company is big and the benefits are nothing to say. After all, people's turnover is there. There is no academic atmosphere at all in the laboratory, and there is no engineer culture. Apart from writing reports all day long, there is no end to the meeting. Do n’t talk about any talents. It ’s an ordinary person going in and soaking in the big room. Staying in the dyeing tank for two years, it must be used out! "

The tall boy yelled, "Let's not be so exaggerated."

The glasses man shook his head and did not intend to explain more.

"Exaggerate if you go in and you will know it. Oh yes, I also heard that relationship is more important than ability, promotion is not read thesis and the evaluation of the leader, serious and disobedient have to be suppressed. You Whoever loves that qi will accept it, anyway, I will not go. "

"However, I heard that Academician Lu seems to be the chairman of the board and has cut a group of people! It should be different this time."

"Academician Lu? Oh, what about Academician Lu?" The boy with glasses shook his head and sighed quietly, "The current East Asian Power is no longer the East Asian Power he is familiar with."

When did it start?

no one knows.

It was only when they realized that the energy giant that made everyone yearn for it was no longer as good as they thought.

Even in the eyes of most people, East Asia Power is still proud of them. But its reputation in the college circle, especially for students who have gone there for internships, is no longer the first choice.

However, perhaps there is still a lingering expectation in mind, or it may be because the return of the landing academician can bring a different change to it.

The vast majority of people have signed up for the written examination of the job fair even if they do not have too many expectations.

Not just students at Jinling University.

Not just schools in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration.

Academician Lu personally presided over the job fair, and immediately spread out in the college circle of the Pan-Asian cooperation. Because there are no restrictions on the region for enrolling in the written test, all universities across the Pan-Asia region that are involved in research related to controllable fusion are eyeing this recruitment.

So one week after the start of the job fair, tickets for the maglev train from Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei City Group and the Pearl River Delta City Group to Jinling have been snatched, and even nearby hotels have been booked .

Not just because of Academician Lu.

Many people have heard some wind from the gossip. Before the job fair began, Lu Zhou not only sent Director Liu, the leader of the electromagnet research laboratory, into the bureau by thunder, but also cut the two in a big way. More than a thousand people.

Although this may sound strange, the reality is that the entire electromagnet research laboratory is now almost cut into empty shelves.

And the vacated seats are quite eye-catching ...


In addition to the occasional Lu Zhou going to school to take a preparatory course these days, basically he stayed at home and went nowhere.

On the one hand, there are risks to going out, on the other hand, the job fair is still busy.

In order to prevent the reorganized electromagnet research laboratory from falling into the history of history again, he intends to take full responsibility for this job fair, without any intention of letting other laboratories intervene.

After all, the confusion in East Asia Power R & D is far from a problem not only for the research unit of the Electromagnetic Research Laboratory, but also for the ills that are common in all research institutes.

He intends to use the newly re-energized electromagnet research laboratory as a breakthrough, as a model unit for scientific research reform, and wait for certain results here before promoting it to other research institutes.

In addition to the job fair, there is also the research topic of second-generation controllable fusion.

As the person in charge of the project, he must work out a specific research plan for each research unit, at least clearly specifying what each department should do and what role it should play in the project.

These people were not so conscious.

If they are ambiguous again in this kind of thing, I am afraid they will have to break new ground again.

However, when Lu Zhou was very happy, he suddenly received an unexpected call.

The call was from Song Yangwei.

That is the Song director of the science and technology committee of the board of directors he replaced. As one of the shareholders of East Asia Power, the director Song is also the chairman of Yangwei Capital and the old man from Liu Sihai.

The moment he received this call, Lu Zhou had already guessed that this guy probably came to plead with his son-in-law.

It turned out that he was still too young.

It seemed to be that he was an unsophisticated person. The voice from the phone had no meaning at all.

Instead it sounds like a threat?

"... I warn you, immediately withdraw the lawsuit against Liu Sihai!"

Lu Zhou: "... Are you taking the wrong medicine?"

"I'm not joking with you anymore," a tone of anger in the tone, Song Yangwei on the other side of the phone, without concealing the threat in the tone, said, "If you go it alone, I will start shorting East Asia Power immediately! Want to engage in second-generation controllable fusion? Oh, let's go and see. When the market value of East Asia Power evaporates by hundreds of billions, you can see if the board will stand by your side. "

After speaking, he did not give Lu Zhou a chance to speak, and he dropped the call and hung up the phone.

Looking at the interrupted video call interface in the holographic screen, Lu Zhou froze slightly, and then couldn't help laughing.

It's strange.

咋 Everyone likes to talk harshly with me for scientific research.

Do I look like the kind of person who will bow to the evil forces?

Shaking his head, Lu Zhou closed the video call window at will, turning his head and leaving Song Yangwei's threat behind him.


Then try it out.

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