Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1494: Complete chain of evidence

Shanghai Branch of the Security Bureau.

In the ad hoc group's temporary office, Captain Captain, sitting at his desk with a thoughtful expression on his face, was fiddling with bionic memory in his hand as if studying something.

At this moment, a holographic portrait of his ai assistant suddenly appeared at his desk, and said with an electronic voice without emotional ups and downs.

"Squadron, you call."

The memory in his hand was stuffed into a drawer, and Xing looked at his assistant ai and said casually.

"Who called?"

"Academician Lu."

Academician Lu?

Brow raised unexpectedly, Xingbian thought for a moment, then said.

"Help me connect."


The three-dimensional three-dimensional holographic image was diffused into sky-light particles and reconstructed into a two-dimensional holographic panel. With the switching of the video window, Academician Lu sitting in his own living room appeared in front of him.

Just when the Captain of the Penalty was about to ask what was calling him, Lu Zhou, who was sitting at the other end of the phone, opened the topic and asked.

"Is the investigation of the bombings fruitful?"

"Not so fast," Xingbian shook his head and said, "This case is very tricky. If there is any news, I will tell you ... did you just call me for this matter?"

If I can tell you ...

After finishing the first half of the sentence, the expressionless sentence side silently added a sentence in his heart.

Investigating the Universe Spirit Foundation is a matter for the Security Bureau, and for no reason should not involve unrelated ordinary people. This is true whether it is for security reasons or to avoid the spread of panic.

After hearing his perfunctory remarks, Lu Zhou smiled and continued to speak in a relaxed tone.

"Do I look so busy?"

After a pause, he looked at the Captain in the video window and continued.

"Looking like your investigation is falling into a bottleneck, I just have some clues, I don't know if I can help you."

Hearing Lu Zhou's statement, he didn't think that his investigation could go deeper than himself, and the Captain of the Criminal Captain smiled, and didn't take it too seriously.

"Oh? What clue."

"About the alpha virus."

The moment he heard the word, Xingbian sat upright from his office chair, staring earnestly at the video window hovering over his desk, and asked anxiously.

"Where did you hear the word? And how much do you know about the alpha virus?"

Although the alpha virus is not classified as secret, its various versions have spread on the black market in a small area six months ago, but for most ordinary people, this stuff is still a mysterious existence.

On the one hand, the vast majority of ordinary people jailbreak their bionics at most, and modify their personality and functional attributes. There is no need to modify the deepest underlying logic. On the other hand, pan-Asian cooperation Intentionally delete and block this information to prevent the spread of panic.

Therefore, unless it is involved, you will never know something like alpha virus.

Even if you have encountered a bionic person infected with alpha virus ...

Facing the sight of the Captain's inquiry, Lu Zhou continued in a relaxed tone.

"In East Asia Power's database."

"East Asia Power's database?" Bewildered by this sentence for a few seconds, looking at Lu Zhou's sentence, he frowned slightly, and frowned, "What do you mean?"

"That's a long story, I'll pick the key points," and spent a few seconds thinking about how to compose the story. After thinking about Lu Zhou on the sofa for a while, he slowly said, " When I checked the financial statements yesterday, I found an abnormal expenditure of one billion credit points. "

"For curiosity, I used the chairman's authority to retrieve the backup files in the database and tracked the flow of the funds. It turned out that all the expenditures were directed to a project named x-100."

Captain: "x-100?"

"Well, the ai automatic control program of the fusion core seems nothing on the surface, but it is surprisingly behind ..."

Looking at the Captain in the video window, Lu Zhou continued.

"Still out of curiosity, I continued to track down the x-100 project itself along this line, but this check was not important, and the problem was immediately found out. All procedures and documents about the x-100 project were kept intact, Even the evaluation opinion given by the East Asian power engineer can be found. However, it is strange that the program code-named x-100 is gone, as if it disappeared. "

How this matter sounds like a case of using corporate power to extract corporate assets.

Although the amount of money involved in this one billion credit points is not small, if it is placed on the news, it can be broadcast in three episodes, but this case is not under the control of the Security Bureau, and it is reported to the economic investigation through normal channels That's it. Xingbian is a little confused as to why Lu Zhou said these things to himself.

"……and then?"

"Then I happen to be a person who likes to ask questions," Lu Zhou smiled slightly, and continued. "After some investigation, I was lucky to find the x-100 program in the cache data of the Electromagnet Research Lab server. "

"Maybe it's too late to delete it. I transferred the source code and researched it. Then I accidentally discovered that the viruses and the" out of control "bionic people in my yard seem to be infected with the same type ... At least the core part of the source code is basically the same. "

The moment he heard this sentence, Xingbian was so shocked that he stared at the landing boat with disbelief.

"You mean ... East Asia Power is involved in the development of alpha virus?"

"It's unlikely," Lu Zhou said, shaking his head. "To be honest, the complexity of that code doesn't seem to be developed by an information technology company with less than 50 employees. Compared to East Asia Power The virus developed by the invested Dawning Technology is more willing to believe that ten years ago, they got this thing from somewhere and then analyzed-or improved it. "

"How much do you know about alpha virus-" At the halfway point, the Captain of the Suddenly stopped his breath, took a deep breath, and continued to say with a serious tone, "I change the question, how much do you know about the Spirit of the Universe Foundation? . "

Cosmic Spirit Foundation?

Hearing the name, Lu Zhou's face had an unexpected expression on his face.

Although he also had a hunch before, all the strange events that happened a hundred years later may be related to the experiment a hundred years ago, but he did not expect that he would hear this order a hundred years later. People miss names.

Seeing that Lu Zhou hadn't spoken for a long time, the expression on the side of Xun gradually became embarrassed and asked with a cough.

"... Uh, you don't know?"

"Knowing is knowing, but it's just a bit of a surprise," said Lu Zhou, who had returned to God, cast a curious look at the Captain of the Video in the video window. "It's been a hundred years. Is that foundation still active? Mine Meaning, are they ... still jumping like they were a hundred years ago? "

"The situation may be more complicated than a hundred years ago," he seemed to be hesitant to involve Lu Zhou, and Xingbian was silent for a while, then he said, "When are you free, can you talk face to face? About the universe Of the Spirit Foundation. "

To the surprise of the Captain of the Sentence, he thought that Lu Zhou would readily accept his invitation, but he did not expect that after hearing his proposal, Lu Zhou refused to hesitate.

"No, I'm not here to discuss with you the terrorist organization that was a hundred years ago. I don't have much interest in those idiots who cheat under the guise of science."

"I just want to tell you that I have complete evidence here, including the signed contract, including the original of the x-100 project-the alpha virus."

"You said so, it seems that you did not intend to give us the evidence," Xingbian said simply, "OK, what do you want, say it directly."

"I will not mention any embarrassing conditions. The only requirement is that you be confidential when you act. Although the x-100 project has been funded by East Asia Power, I am sure that this is not the opinion of the board of directors, but the former The personal actions of Chairman Liu Zhengxing and former Scientific Committee member Song Yangwei. "

Hearing what Lu Zhou said, Xing said with a smile.

"You can rest assured that since they are using the alpha virus to fund research and development, and conceal the substance of the project, East Asia Power is also a victim, and we will of course protect the victims."

Moreover, the alpha virus is also inconvenient to disclose, especially in connection with East Asia Power.

Imagine that in the 22nd century where information technology is highly developed, network cables have not only been integrated into everyone's life, they have even penetrated into many people's bodies. It is unnecessary to say how important the role of bionics in production and life is.

If pan-Asian people are told that they trust and take pride in East Asia Power, they are developing an evil virus that is enough to subvert society itself. What do they think? What will happen to Pan-Asian cooperation then?

It is hoped that throwing such a serious problem on a dead person and a board member of a scientific committee will convince everyone that ordinary people should be treated as fools.

Although this matter has related to the safety of everyone's life and property, from a high-level standpoint, these ordinary people should not know too much.

"Thank you for your understanding," Lu Zhou nodded, then suddenly thought of something, and continued, "Oh yes, if it is convenient, I hope you can move faster when you catch people. I have a hunch, if I let that Song Yangwei heard the wind, maybe his people are gone. "

Moreover, Lu Zhou seriously suspected that Liu Zhengxing's death might not be due to himself, but to the alpha virus.

In this case, as another person involved in the x-100 R & D project, Song Yangwei is also very likely to be caught up, even those people are already thinking about slaying him.

If he died at this time, Lu Zhou felt more or less embarrassed.

Once he was in conflict with himself, and secondly he was the last person involved in the "x-100 case". He is a person who is afraid of trouble. No matter it is the Foundation or any alpha virus, he just wants to create the second-generation controllable fusion.

As for the other ...

Children and grandchildren have children and grandchildren, let these younger generations toss.

Looking at the video window, Captain Sentence raised his eyebrows.

"Do you doubt our profession?"

Lu Zhou sighed and said.

"If you stand on my side and wake up to see so many magical things, I believe you will become like me."

"Whether it's believe it or not, you should be a friendly suggestion."

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