Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1500: Implant prosthesis

The courtyard of the villa.

Crowded with footsteps and women crying.

A stretcher rushed into the yard, and was quickly dragged out of the villa by two bionic ambulance personnel and ran towards the ambulance.

Two police cars parked at the gate of the hospital, soothing the emotions of the victims' families while pulling up the cordon that blocked the scene.

About 5 minutes ago.

Song Yang Wei, the boss of Yangwei Capital, was found dead in his own home.

There were no traces of a blow on his body, and no deadly toxin was found in the blood. If it weren't for that deadly expression, almost no one would suspect that it was just an accident.

In short, things happened very suddenly, and suddenly everyone didn't have time to respond, not even the slightest precaution.

It was not until the agents deployed nearby found out that the situation was wrong, and actively contacted Song Yangwei to confirm the situation, only to find that the person was dead.

Standing beside the cordon, Xing Bi felt the e-cigarette from his pocket and, after taking a breath, stuffed it back.

Watching Shi Jin coming to his side, he said in a deep voice.

"How did people die."

Shi Jin did not speak, but silently handed the sample bag with the chip in his hand to the captain.

The moment he saw the chip stored in the sample bag, Xingbian's eyes gradually glared.

After a while, he said heavily.

"Implanted prosthesis?"

"Yes, Song Yang Wei had an artificial heart implanted on his body, but was turned off half an hour ago ..."

Shi Jin nodded his head, the look on his face was also full of dignity. After a pause, he continued in a complex tone.

"We may be in trouble."


Great Northwest.

A four-wheeled off-road vehicle away from the smoky nature reserve is galloping on a deserted road.

Looking at the positioning system on the car, Wang Peng cast his gaze on the rows of impenetrable woods outside the window, with a shocked expression on his face.

"Unexpectedly, a century has passed, and the desert in the northwest has become a forest."

"It's been this way a long time ago. This is also one of the legacy left by Academician Lu, although most of his descendants have achieved it for him ... We have arrived."

After passing the checkpoint at the fork, the car continued to drive along the path for a while, then stopped in front of a military base not marked on the map.

Honestly, these buildings did not feel any military facilities at all.

The reason why we can see at a glance that this is a military base is purely because of the intuition of being a soldier.

Pushing the car door and walking down from the driver's seat, the man driving the car narrowed his eyes, looked at the military base in front of him, and said with a bit of nostalgia.

"This is the largest special forces training base in Pan Asia and the most advanced training base in the world ... As for why I said that, you will know after you enter."

Wang Peng: "Are the Security Bureau special forces?"

"No, but most people graduate from here," the man with a frosty face grinned, standing next to the car door, and continued, "No matter what training you have received before, here are all A new beginning. Hope you can forget those outdated technologies and pass the assessment carefully. "

Wang Peng smiled lightly and said.

"Although this is a new beginning, there are things that are not out of date."

The man shrugged and didn't speak.

A curious glance at him, Wang Peng continued.

"Speaking of which, you didn't tell me your name along the way."

"Hunter, my friends call me like this, you can call me like this," shook hands with Wang Peng, the man grinned, and continued, "Good luck anyway, if you can go If we pass the assessment, we should see you again soon. "

"I borrow your good words."

After shaking hands, he let go, and Wang Peng cast his eyes to the base not far away, asking casually.

"May I ask, how long is the training time. Or, when do you say the assessment will start?"

Haha said with a smile: "It has already begun. As for when it will pass, it depends on when you can reach the average standard of security agency agents."

Wang Peng: "I mean what this standard is."

"You have to find it yourself."

Throwing an unclear answer, after the man made a farewell gesture, he turned to the off-road vehicle.

With the sound of the engine starting, the car quickly turned onto the road and disappeared into Wang Peng's field of vision.

Do I need to do it by myself?

Watching the car go away, just as Wang Peng was thinking, a voice calling out his name suddenly came from behind him.

"Wang Peng?"

Turning around and looking back, a strange man stood there directly, while a holographic screen floated on his left wrist.

Although he couldn't see what kind of text was displayed on the front of the screen, he could probably guess that it should be something like his resume or identity information.


Wang Peng originally thought that the person would inquire about his information thoroughly, but did not expect that after checking the name, he just glanced at himself and put away the holographic screen suspended on his wrist.

"A little earlier than expected, come with me."

Dropping this sentence, he turned back and walked towards the military base.

Looking at the back of this person, Wang Peng didn't hesitate for a long time, followed the suitcase in his hand and followed.

Passing the whistle card in front of the door, when he followed the footsteps of the strange man into the base, everything in front of him suddenly opened up.

It was also at this instant that he finally understood why the agent who claimed to be a fox hunter called this the most advanced training base in the world.

It seemed that he noticed the expression on his face, looked back at the man who gave him a glance, and said with a smile.

"You look a little surprised?"

"It's quite surprising," Wang Peng continued, glancing around the empty hall. "If I don't already know what this place is, I might not be able to associate it with military bases."

Although he has not visited the military facilities of other countries in this era, everything he has seen has refreshed his understanding of military bases.

The most common here is not soldiers wearing military uniforms, but scientific researchers wearing white coats. As far as what he sees, the ratio between the two even exceeds 1: 1.

Those weird technologies along the way, as well as some baffling gadgets, make it hard to imagine that this is a military camp, instead it is more like a laboratory.

After reading the surprise on Wang Peng's face, the man smiled slightly and continued.

"In this era, the vast majority of military conflicts occur in space far from the ground, as well as distant Mars colonies. And even if military conflicts occur, the collision of flesh and blood is mostly done by ai."

"However, there are still some tasks that are not suitable for ai to complete. My name is Lin Feng. I am your guide. If you have any questions, you can consult me."

Wang Peng couldn't help asking, looking at a man who had walked by with an arm growing to the side of his exaggerated, under-painted skin, with obvious metal skeletons.

"Is that a bionic soldier?"

"Strictly speaking, we do n’t have pure bionic soldiers. On the one hand, they violate human relations and on the other, they are unnecessary. On the front battlefield, different types of drones and remote-control vehicles adapted to all terrain will have two legs. Humanoid soldiers are more reliable. In a non-frontal battlefield, the bionic human memory cannot be perfectly responsive, which is lacking in most AI programs today. "

After a pause, Lin Feng continued.

"As for the thing you see, it's called implanted prosthesis."

Wang Peng: "... Implant a prosthesis?"

Lin Feng nodded.

"Yes, one is common in this era, and it can even be said that it has become a fashion thing."

"Natural organs always have a variety of problems, including viral infections, functional failure, or pure damage caused by some force majeure, so implanting prostheses has become a new fashion ... of course, military The research in the field will actually be earlier, dating back to the 1920s and 1920s, the first case of the application of bionics prosthesis appeared. "

Wang Peng: "... I may know the person you said."

At that time, because biosphere a was attacked by unknown species, Li Gaoliang lost his legs in order to protect biosphere a.

At that time, neural access technology was in the ascendant. After Academician Lu knew his condition, he personally designed a bionic prosthesis for him. Although he also heard about it, and the person who said it used bragging tones, Li Gaoliang, who installed bionic prosthetics, really seemed to be the same as a normal person, and even had better legs and feet than normal people.

If he remembered it correctly, it was very hot at the time.

After hearing Wang Peng's words, Lin Feng's face showed a surprised expression, and then said with a smile.

"I almost forgot, you seem to be from that era."

Wang Peng: "I have a question for you."

Lin Feng: "What's the problem?"

Wang Peng: "Are you a bionic person?"

"... discovered by you," Lin Feng, who was seen through for a moment, gave a slight smile, then nodded with a smile, and continued, "This was originally part of the assessment, but I didn't expect you to pass the first day. You are of the better type of insight, and I will recommend a few suitable gear for you. "

Although it was expected, I did not expect that even places such as the "Recruit Camp" used bionics.

It seems that the reliance on smart tools in this era is really exaggerated to the extent that he cannot imagine.

Shaking his head in his heart, Wang Peng glanced behind the glass window next to him. The soldier who underwent regular inspection and maintenance of the prosthesis said casually.

"If the equipment you are talking about refers to the kind of prosthesis implanted, it's okay. By contrast, I still believe in myself more."

Lin Feng shrugged.

"It seems that stubbornness is also one of your characteristics."

"But it doesn't matter. This is a personal choice. Although I recommend that you accept the convenience of technology in this era, after all, it will make it easier for you to pass the assessment."

"There are no shortcuts for some things. This sentence was told by a friend of mine," Wang Peng smiled slightly and continued in a calm tone. "Take me to the dormitory and wait for my luggage After that, I want to see the training ground. "

Lin Feng smiled slightly and nodded.

"no problem."

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