"I found what you want."

Sitting in the office, looking at the holographic screen floating on the desktop, hearing the sudden words from the videophone, the whole side of the prisoner was trapped there.

After a long time, he settled down and said.

"Found ... what do you mean?"

"Literally, you want clues about the alpha virus," Lu Zhouyan said concisely in the video window. "Procedure defense against this virus is not possible, but I found a key point about the alpha virus here. witness……"

Key witness?

The frown on the side of the sentence twitched fiercely, and the amount of information in this sentence could not be digested for a while.

Although it was him who asked Lu Zhou to assist their task force in investigating the alpha virus, he never imagined that this academic gangster would assist them in this way.

Taking a deep breath, he asked seriously.

"Who is the witness? Where is he now?"

"It's not clear on the phone, and it's not easy to say. In this way, I will give you an address. You'd better come as soon as possible ... because, I'm not sure if he will wait here peacefully."

Upon hearing this sentence, Xingbian immediately said, "I'll be right here!"

After writing down the address, he immediately hung up the phone, and then contacted the person in the Operations Section. Within a minute, the whistling alarm bell killed the Security Bureau's garage.

In just five minutes, three or four police cars passed through half of Shanghai and stopped downstairs of Morinaga's house.

The door was closed smoothly, and the criminal side coming down from the car went to the iron door, took out a compass-like meter from his hand, and scanned the door.

Frowning, he then looked at Shi Jin, who was already waiting for him, and ordered.

"Start entering."


After receiving the instructions from the Captain of the Criminal Squad, Shi Jin nodded, landed cleanly and made a breakthrough gesture with the commando next to him, then pushed the pistol insurance, followed the two heavily armed commandos and rushed in.

Considering the potential threat of the alpha virus, the commandos who were dispatched this time were all elites in the game, and were the kind of people who had not used implants.

However, even though the group was ready for a fierce battle in the face of a dangerous KB organization such as the Foundation, the expected battle did not occur.

Or, they came a little late.

"... What happened here." Looking at the mess in the living room and the automatic weapons hanging from the ceiling, Shi Jin's face was filled with incredible expression.

It's hard to imagine that in a place like the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, such a heavy firepower system, which is beyond the scope of light weapons, will appear in someone's home.

There was a drop of cold sweat on my forehead. I thought that if the people who broke into this place were their own party, if the owner of this room decided to resist the arrest, I'm afraid they were already sieved.

Combat experience is a matter of time, but this danger is clearly beyond the scope of experience.

"It looks like we're late." He glanced grimly at the place, and locked his eyes on the side door of the living room. Then he said, "Team A went to the study to collect evidence, Team B and I went to the garage."



Morinaga has been arrested.

When he was found, he was tied around the car's hood. It can be seen that he has tried to save himself, such as trying to rip off the plastic rope that tied him.

But unfortunately, even if the nails of the **** of the index finger thumb were scrapped, he could not break the rope that tied him a little.

Although confused about why people like Morinaga would participate in the foundation's conspiracy, iron-like evidence was before him, and he quickly ordered the arrest of Morinaga in the name of crimes against social security.

Even if it wasn't for the senior figures of the Foundation, the arms he deployed in his own home would be enough for him to sit through this cell ...

Interrogation room.

Eyelid puffy Morinaga stared gloomily at a group of agents sitting at the back of the glass window, including Xuan Bian and Shi Jin. The complexion on his face could not see the scenery and decentness of the past.

Facing the interrogation of the Security Bureau, he said sarcastically.

"I won't say anything, just give up."

Xingbian did not look at him, but looked at the doctor standing next to him and said.

"Inject him with elixir."

The doctor nodded and removed a needle from the toolbox.


The moment he saw the needle tube, Morinaga rarely saw a panic in his eyes and struggled on the chair.

"Don't come over."


Screaming like a pig sounded, ignoring Morinaga's struggles, the doctor calmly injected a safe dose into his veins, and then left the interrogation room with the toolbox.

Sitting on a chair, Morinaga's hands had blue muscles, his eyes were covered with bloodshot blood, but soon he calmed down, and the breathing rhythm of his chest also became steady.

It's just that those blood-stained pupils are written more crazy than before ...

Watching Morinagamoto sitting in the interrogation room, the side of the sentence said coldly.

"What's going on with the alpha virus?"

Perhaps because the efficacy has not been fully exerted, Morinaga's eyes flashed a struggle.

Regardless, this struggle did not last long.

After being silent for a while, he suddenly smiled and said.

"A virus designed for ai, especially bionic human memory ... Give it up, alpha has spread on the black market. Those who are far more criminally motivated than us will be more prone to spreading viruses than we are. Heart, it's no surprise that at least 100,000 bionics have already infected it. "

"You guy ..."

With his fist clenched tightly, looking at the embarrassing face, Shi Jin angrily took two steps forward, but was stopped by the captain's hand.

"Actually, I have always had a question," staring at Morinagamoto, who was sitting behind the table, and continued to say, "People like you should be considered worry-free. Why would you choose to believe in an empty faith?"

"Nothingness? That's because of your ignorance," Mortal eyes reflected a look of scorn, looking at the expressionless side of the sentence, Morinagamoto continued to say, "If you hear that Whispering from the void, I don't think so. "

Shi Jin frowned.

"Whisper in the void?"

A dry laugh came out of Morinaga's throat: "... that's the favor of a few talents, the prophet first heard it, and then shared it with me. My wish was to share the favor with others, when Believers on this planet, full of spirits of the universe, have strong spiritual energy that will connect us closely, and we will do everything. "

Listening to this crazy description, Shi Jin's face did not know whether to show contempt or sympathy, and finally shook his head.

"... Really hopeless guy."

The Captain standing next to him frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "So what does this have to do with the alpha virus?"

"Of course it matters."

Speaking of this, Morinaga's smile suddenly brought a hint of cruelty.

In a slower tone, he continued, "Only in disasters will the lost lambs seek faith in the faith and find comfort in the spiritual world. Imagine once the cornerstone of modern society is to be maintained. Broken like tofu chunks, formerly trusted partners have become bloodthirsty killing tools ... Guess with your brain, what will the world look like? "

The interrogation room suddenly became quiet.

Behind many people, a drop of cold sweat involuntarily slipped.

Originally in their thoughts, the Cosmic Spirit Foundation was about to use the alpha virus to make a fetter to fulfill their evil aspirations, but did not expect that they had no intention of negotiating from the beginning, but intended to directly promote the prosperity of the 22nd century Buried in this terrible ai virus before rising from chaos, transitioning from underground to the surface.

The look at the side of the sentence gradually became cold.

"You made the virus?"

"We? Are you referring to that Dawning Technology? Hahahaha ..." Morinaga smiled frantically and said in a hoarse voice, "Of course not ... how did we get it? Ah, yes, I think of it, it seems that the source code was bought from a group of empty thieves. According to them, the virus was stolen from the Tiangong City New Technology Laboratory, but who cares? Is it good to use it anyway? . "

Staring at Morinagamoto in the interrogation room, Shi Jin, standing in front of the glass window, asked sharply.

"An empty thief? Which empty thief? Where are they?"

"It's about 0.03 astronomical units from Ceres, anyway, their base is near there. I don't know more about it," Morinaga said with a chuckle. "No, it's useless! My mission has been completed. Yes, it was completed as early as last year! Get ready to feel despair, you will soon realize the feeling of falling from the cloud into the abyss. Let me see how ugly you will be in the last days. . "

Looking at the madness of Morinagamoto, the doctor standing next to the side of the frown frowned, and said with some worry.

"His mental condition is no longer suitable for further interrogation ... or, increasing the dose?"

"No need, we already know the key clues. As for him," Xingbian thought for a while and continued, "Let's keep it, I still have a lot of questions to talk to him slowly."

Looking at the Captain of the Criminal who turned towards the door, Shi Jin quickly followed in his footsteps and said anxiously.

"Captain, the situation is urgent, and we must take action immediately! From Morinagamoto, to question which family members his virus has spread to—"

"It's useless. Once the virus has spread, it doesn't make much sense to investigate the intermediary. Now it is imperative to lock in the alpha virus from the source."

He paused, walked quickly to the side of the sentence in the corridor, and continued his expression coldly.

"After returning to the office, you will write the interrogation report and I will submit it to the superior department."

"Next up is the work of the First Fleet."

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