In the vast expanse of deep sky, a series of black starships are following a nearly straight trajectory, heading towards the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars.

The end of the voyage was Ceres.

The target is a pirate space base about 0.03 astronomical units from Ceres!

Speaking of air thieves active in the asteroid belt, it has a long history.

As early as in the 1950s when the first Starlight cargo ship attack occurred, the term air thief came into people's sight through the news media.

As the scale of the aerospace industry continues to expand, asteroid belt mining has gradually become a low-cost and hugely profitable industry, leading to a large number of spacecraft moving from the Earth-Moon system to the asteroid belt.

Everyone is counting on being able to get rich overnight, discovering a large pile of gold or precious metals that are more expensive than gold from 500,000 asteroids and hundreds of millions of meteorite fragments, and driven by this extreme desire for wealth Then, naturally, a group of criminals were born who were eager to get something for nothing, and at the same time took risks.

Relying on the legal gaps in the asteroid belt and the limited binding power of countries in this area, they have modified the spacecraft purchased or leased and attacked other civilian mining ships or mining stations, which has made governments and regions of various countries The existence of an alliance headache.

The complex meteorite environment makes it difficult for large starships to be stationed in this area for a long time, and if it is only a small ship or a space base, it is difficult to guarantee the scale advantage of the regular army on the battlefield.

If decentralized, those military installations could easily be targeted by air thieves. And if it is deployed centrally, although it guarantees combat effectiveness, it is basically equivalent to a display with a battlefield width of billions of kilometers and limited visibility.

After all, you can't expect the empty thieves to always hit their heads against the steel plate and drill themselves into the cage.

In contrast, the pirates who wandered between the asteroid belt and Mars, can rely on small ships and smuggled arms, mixed wind and water.

This is partly because Mars's complex social environment provides fertile soil for air thieves active in the asteroid belt, and partly because of the indulgence of some regimes or regional alliances.

After all, the goods seized from competitors are always cheaper than the goods that flow into the market through normal channels. Besides, they can also limit the development of competitors, and by the way, they can digest the surplus arms in their own homes.

Although the Pan-Asian Cooperation will dispatch fleets every time to focus on clearing the asteroid belts in a certain area, the results achieved are not great.

In the first place, there is always news leaked in advance, and in the second place, the cost of sending the fleet to the asteroid belt is too expensive.

Taking this operation as an example, Huashan, the command ship, is the lightest aircraft carrier in the Pan-Asia-Pacific Air Force. The two cruisers and five destroyers escorted are all of the same type with lighter tonnage.

But even so, as long as it enters the range of the asteroid belt. The cost of this war is bound to be an expensive to expensive number ...

"A carrier-based aircraft was sent to investigate the nearby airspace, and the destroyer was vigilant on the periphery. The cruiser's magazine was opened, and the emp bomb was found. The abnormal target was close to the direct-locked attack."


The edges of the asteroid belt are getting closer.

On the bridge.

With the command of the commander, twelve carrier-based drones ejected from the carrier Huashan and took off, like silver bullets, pierced into the interior of the asteroid belt.

Although most of the air thieves' armed forces are backward, it is difficult to pose a substantial threat to the regular army of any regional alliance on the front battlefield, but they are usually very clever to use the terrain advantage to deal with the regular army.

For example, a nuclear warhead is installed inside some asteroids with relatively stable orbits and not too large. When a regular warship approaches, a nuclear bomb detonates, and the hull is damaged by projectile high-temperature meteorite.

For another example, some cruise missiles hidden behind meteorites, drones carrying explosives or anti-armor weapons, and even small attack boats with a bunch of bulk weapons.

While these air thieves threatened nearby mining stations, they were always able to cause problems for regular ships in unexpected places.

The work of these carrier-based aircraft is to investigate the nearby battlefield environment, clear out the traps left by the air thieves, and lock down the potential threats ...

Inside the bridge.

Staring intently at the holographic three-dimensional star chart suspended on the command table, the commander's brow behind his hands could not help but frown slightly.

Almost half an hour has passed since the dispatch of the carrier-based aircraft, but no trace of thunder or automatic weapons has been found in this area.

Years of experience with empty thieves told him that this group of empty thieves may be a little unusual.

"Report, news from the forward reconnaissance ship, an unknown space station was found near the 0.03 astronomical unit of Ceres."

Upon hearing the reports from his subordinates, the commander immediately ordered.

"Modeling on Scanned Data."


The light blue image appeared on the command table, and a space station constructed of a three-dimensional, three-dimensional holographic grid quickly appeared in front of everyone.

Like most civilian mining stations, this space station is embedded in a small asteroid and occupies a quarter of the asteroid's volume.

Due to the high content of metal deposits in the surrounding area, a natural "electromagnetic wave black hole" has formed. If you do not take a closer look, you will not find the existence of this space station.

Staring at the space station, the military adviser standing next to the command table frowned and said.

"Too strange."

As usual, their carrier-based aircraft approached this location, not to mention that the two sides had begun a fierce exchange of fire, at least the air thieves hiding in the space station could not react at all.

However, the current situation is that the entire space station and the surrounding airspace are quiet, and only one base is located there alone.

"It's weird," he nodded, a solemn expression appeared in the commander's eyes, and said to himself, "We have dispatched such a large fleet, and they can't react at all. Even the radar is bad If it falls, it will not be completely unaware by visual observation. "

"Will they just go out hunting?"

"Not quite like it, intuitively telling me, the things hidden inside are probably not easy."

After saying this, the commander pondered for a while and ordered.

"Ready to send ground troops."

"No matter what's inside, just go in and see."

Marine adviser: "Do you want to launch subsonic missiles?"

"No, there are no weapons observed on the surface of the space station, and the armed forces in it should not be strong. This operation is different from the past. We need several captives." Looking at the holographic image on the command table, the commander fixed his mind and used Seriously, "The third orbital airborne brigade is ready! Send three commando teams and prepare to storm!"

At the moment the order was issued, six shuttle-like landing crafts launched from the aircraft carrier, setting up a formation of two parallel triangles one after the other, following a straight trajectory towards the space station.

Although it is a storm, it does not mean to fill the flesh and blood.

The first three landing crafts hit the space station's shell first, and with a burst of sparks splattering, a gushing metal jet poured into the space station, venting a round of suppression fire to the internal facilities and personnel.

Dozens of pneumatic drones were released from the three landing crafts, and penetrated into the interior along the gap in the outer layer of the space station, quickly occupying the favorable terrain in the space station, and feeding back the battlefield situation to the three landing crafts behind Ai battlefield analysis system on commando and air carrier.

This was followed by another round of steel collision.

The last three landing craft hit the space station directly from three different angles, just like three nails. With the door blasting open, three groups of commandos broke into the space station from three directions, and launched an offensive towards the space station in cooperation with the drone released earlier.


Something unexpected happened.

Facing the empty space station, the squad leader with a rifle pierced into the core area of ​​the space station looked around alertly, and finally lowered the muzzle in his hand, complaining with annoyance.

"What the **** is the command ..."

The control room is quiet, except for the current sound of the chassis, no extra noise can be heard. Judging from the ventilation system at work, the space station should have been inhabited, and from the balance of living materials reserves, those people should still live here for a long time.

However, don't say what an empty thief is.

Even a living person can't see here ...

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