Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1519: A familiar encryption method

In fact, sometimes Lu Zhou also missed the time when there was no need to explain anything. Even if his sentence was not a decree, no one would question him.

Looking at the wine bottle on the table, his thoughts could not help drifting away, remembering his lost youth and love.

"... How long will it take to get to the point," the belly was almost spit out, and Xing Xie squeezed his forefinger with his index finger and thumb, trying to keep himself awake.

He considered himself to be the one who could drink more, but he did not expect that one day, he would be smashed by a university professor who looked "weak".

Hearing this, Lu Zhou gave a slight stupefaction, and then said with an embarrassed smile.

"Sorry, I just remembered something from the past ... where did I say that?"

Although the neck of the drink was all red, Shi Jin, who was sitting next to him, still barely kept awake, reminded solemnly, "... you talked about the Arctic Light cruise ship and ... Dance. "

"Ahem, I remember ... correct me, I owe her, not--"

Feeling the resentment that came across from the dining table, Lu Zhou changed his voice quietly and went into the topic and said, "In short, I went to Mars, as you know, buried under the gate of hell. ... It took me 100 years to finally escape from it. Although I was lying in the dorm cabin for 100 years, it was strange that my thinking did not stop. "

Hearing this sentence, the two almost did not vomit bleeding.


What can you understand in one sentence, don't you say it earlier?

Who cares who sent you to the future, who gave a star, who owed a dance ...

"Don't stop thinking?" Shi Jin said with a headache. "It's impossible! People are asleep when they are sleeping! I have dealt with many dormants, and their descriptions are as soon as they open and close their eyes. It's the future. "

Lu Zhou: "Of course this is the case in theory, but maybe the frozen dormant technology of the Martian civilization is more advanced than us, allowing people to stay awake while keeping their consciousness awake."

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the dormant actually remains conscious in the form of dreams, but just forgets all after waking up.

Frowning frantically, Captain Xing tried to make his brain work, trying to grasp the key points.

"... that is, that alpha virus might be related to the remains of extraterrestrial civilization?"

"It's Mars civilization ... Although Mars civilization can be regarded as extraterrestrial civilization, I still have to emphasize it," looking at the two people sitting opposite, Lu Zhou continued, "I was fortunate to get in touch with some strange Knowledge, and in this weird knowledge happens to contain the part about artificial intelligence. "

Shi Jinyu said: "Is there a Mars civilization ... is there any artificial intelligence?"

"Of course, their artificial intelligence is even more advanced than us ... It is troublesome to explain it in detail, so I will just pick the point."

Afraid that he would get involved in dreams again, Xingbian said quickly.

"Be sure to do this!"

"Don't interrupt me," Lu Zhou continued, "In short, they divided artificial intelligence into three according to the behavioral logic of artificial intelligence, or more simply, whether they have thinking ability and feelings. Etc. Among them, the lowest level of artificial intelligence is the simulation of human behavior through the algorithm of mechanical learning. The motivation of all its behaviors is based on program settings, or more straightforwardly, its design Command. "

In fact, this classification method is not a Martian masterpiece, but a definition of artificial intelligence as the Galan Empire of the higher civilization of the old universe.

However, considering that the Jialan Empire is only an online game that has been in operation for many years, and the secret land boat about the old universe does not want too many people to know, so this set is directly installed in the Martian civilization. In the basket.

Anyway, until now, no one has been able to prove or falsify whether Mars has really had a prosperous prehistoric civilization.

Not surprisingly, he may be the only one who has seen those young and strong ancestors.

Xing Bian: "I still don't quite understand ... the relationship between artificial intelligence on Mars and alpha virus."

"The relationship is too big. A strange computer virus also broke out on the Martian civilization, which caused a large-scale collapse of artificial intelligence. It almost caused the entire Martian society to retreat from the information age to the stone age overnight ... this kind of The statement may be a bit exaggerated, but basically the storm can only be described by disaster. "

Maybe he was fascinated by the story, Shi Jin couldn't help asking.

"What happened later? Was the Martian civilization extinct because of this?"

"How could that be?" Lu Zhou said with a smile, "Although the Martians have indeed been depressed for some time, the entire society has entered a period of decline, but this period of decline is only the tip of the iceberg in their civilization. Later, due to a coincidence, they developed intermediate-level artificial intelligence with self-evolution capabilities, and popularized this version of artificial intelligence on a large scale, finally eradicating the crisis of that intelligent virus. "

"Because I was idle and bored, I have carefully investigated the information about the virus, especially the source code, and there are many overlaps with the alpha virus in key places. Of course, this virus is definitely not what I put out ... but learn from the virus Code, it ’s not particularly difficult for me to control bionics. "

At this point, the wine was almost awake.

Captain Xing frowned and asked seriously.

"... In other words, can only the intermediate artificial intelligence you say be able to resist the alpha virus?"

"You can say this," Lu Zhou nodded, "I regret that there is no vaccine, and there are no special effects patches. Only when the behavioral logic gets rid of pure imitation and the execution of orders can it be immune to the harm of this virus . "

Captain Xing said with a bitter smile: "The number of bionics in Pan-Asian cooperation alone is more than 1 billion. If they are placed all over the world, the number will be too large to count. Not to mention the difficulty of implementation. Learn to think ... who can guarantee that no new problems will arise from this. "

Lu Zhou: "Your concerns are normal, but I think it is not a bad thing to allow bionics to have the ability to think. The real danger is actually the third stage."

The best way to completely resolve this virus is undoubtedly to upgrade all-around bionics and intelligent programs around the world.


No one knows what effect this will have, and it is not even known whether it will be more dangerous than a virus.

There was silence on the dining table.

At this moment, the watch worn on the left side of the side of the sentence suddenly flashed slightly.


"Yes, I'm missing."

Pushing away the chair and stood up, Xingbian went outside the box, but did not stay outside for a long time, and soon returned to the box with a serious face and sat down.

Looking at the serious expression on Xingbian's face, Lu Zhou said casually.

"What happened ... if it is convenient to disclose."

"I don't have any inconvenience to disclose, after all, it has something to do with you ..." After a pause, Xingbian continued, "In short, after asking the source of the alpha virus from Morinagamoto, we locked An air thief active in the vicinity of 0.03 astronomical units from the **** of the planet ... and then found an abandoned space station there. "

"Space Station?" Lu Zhou frowned, puzzled, "Abandoned?"

Xingbian nodded and said, "Yes, and judging by the clues, it should have been abandoned for a long time. Although the supplies above are sufficient, people are still missing. There are some strange clues in it. We asked many experts. No answer. "

Lu Zhou: "... I always feel that something is bothering me."

He smiled bitterly, lowered his head slowly, and said in a pleading tone.

"Come on ... we can't find anyone to rely on except you."

After looking at the sincere thing for a while, Lu Zhou finally sighed.

"You say it."

Xing Bian: "We found a few lines of strange formulas from the diary of a crew member. However, we consulted physics and mathematics experts who worked with the Security Bureau. No one saw what the formulas meant."

Lu Zhou raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What about the formula?"

"it's here."

The light blue holographic card appeared in Xingbian's hand, and as he gently pushed it, he moved to Lu Zhou's front.

After receiving the transmitted data, Lu Zhou stared at the formulas and his eyes narrowed slightly, but soon stretched out.

He noticed the change in his look, and Xingbian asked immediately.

"What did you find?"

"Strictly speaking, this is not a purely mathematical problem, nor is it a physical problem ... but cryptography."


Looking at Lu Zhou stunned, although he had heard of his academic ability for a long time, he couldn't understand why he could see the mystery in this formula in an instant.

"Because of similar encryption methods, I have seen that the information to be expressed is compressed in a period of irrational numbers, but these lines of formulas are not so high in technical content, at most they only compressed a few bytes of information."

Xingbian frowned and asked, "What will be the information inside?"

"I don't know, most of it is a password for something?" Standing up from the dining table, Lu Zhou looked at the two men across from him. "I need half a day. If nothing unexpected happens, I should be able to give you a reply tomorrow. "

Xingbian said with shame on his face: "I'm so sorry to trouble you so much ..."

Lu Zhou smiled slightly and said indifferently: "If you feel embarrassed, this meal is yours."

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