"My name is Wang Lili!"

living room.

Opening curious eyes at Academician Lu, Xiao Xiao's little girl tied in her head, she blinked and asked.

"Are you really Academician Lu?"

Lu Zhou nodded.


Say she hadn't seen herself on that flight? Why do you ask such boring questions ...

However, Lu Zhou did not go to his heart, after all, since he woke up, there were too many people who bothered him with this problem.

"That," saw Lu Zhou admitting, the little girl suddenly felt a little embarrassed, scratched her head and said, "Did you see the letter written by Lili?"

"See, I will treasure it."

Looking away from the embarrassed little girl's face, Lu Zhou continued to look at Wang Peng standing next to him, lowering his voice.

"Well, you can raise her, you just believe in the king."

"Stop this joke."

"No, I'm serious ... Of course, if you don't want to, just say I didn't say it."

Looking at the two uncles who were whispering to each other, Lili blinked her innocent big eyes and said.

"Speaking of it, now that the investigation is over, why can't Lili go home yet? Uncle police, Lili had made an appointment with her father before Lili came back from school ... We're going to play games together."

There was a sudden silence in the living room.

Wang Peng's fist tightened subconsciously, but he slowly released it slowly.

Something unusual was faintly felt from this atmosphere. Lili opened her mouth and was about to continue asking. Xiao Ai, who was standing aside, suddenly hugged him.

"What games does Lili like to play? Xiao Ai's games are great! Let's play with Xiao Ai! (??????) ??"


"Because Lili's father was suddenly going to Mars for a business trip, I entrusted you to the master-Academician Lu! (??????) ??"

"Huh? Yes, is that so?"

Lili looked back helplessly at her tail.

After seeing Xiao Ai madly winking at himself, his tail opened his mouth, and after half a second of hesitation, he finally chose a good-faith lie.

"... Yes, the master took the hostess out of the far door, and may come back later."

The expression on Lili's face was full of loss.

"But ... why didn't Dad bring Lili?"

Tail said softly: "Because Lili is the owner's favorite person ... he hopes you can live on the earth, let alone Lili can't bear to be friends in school, right?"

After hearing this, Lu Zhou glanced at his tail unexpectedly.

Normally, bionics cannot deceive their masters, even if they are lies in good faith.

Maybe it is because I believe my good friend won't lie to me, or maybe because the family members did have a business trip experience. Although Lili's expression was full of loss, she nodded sensibly.

"Well ... Mom said, Lili has to be sensible, and she must learn to be considerate of her father ..."

To be honest, if this little girl was crying and making noises, Lu Zhou's heart might not be so blocked.

It is such a sensible little girl, but at this age that should have been happy, she encountered such great misfortune and pain.

Lies will be broken one day, because a lie may require countless lies to round.

Lu Zhou also said that it is not good to choose to confess whether it can be called goodwill after a while, but now everyone seems to have no extra energy to take care of these.

Unable to bear the atmosphere in the living room, Wang Peng took a deep breath and put his hand into his pocket.

"I went out to smoke."

Lu Zhou nodded: "Go."

It seems that the technology in the future is really powerful enough, and just after surgery, they can already smoke.

Without saying anything, Wang Peng opened the door and went outside the room.

As for Xiao Ai, she took Lili to play the game and said that she found a copy in the Jialan Empire that nobody knew.

In any case, the little girl was finally coaxed.

When leaving the living room, she also secretly turned to Lu Zhou with a "quick brag (/// w ///)" look.

There are only three people left in the living room.

To be precise, there are one and two bionics.

Looking at each other's tail and Ling, Lu Zhou touched his chin for a while, and said.

"It looks like you have something to say."

The tail hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Lu Zhou: "Need me to avoid it?"

"No," his tail shook his head. "You are a respected scholar. Lili always tells me stories about you. If you can ... I also hope to use your wisdom to answer me. Confusion in my heart. "

"No problem, no problem, although I may not be able to help."

"Where, from your eyes I can see the light of wisdom, which I cannot see from the eyes of others."

The tail nodded politely, then looked at Ling, who was standing next to him, and there was an inexplicable emotion in his eyes.

However, she quickly condensed that feeling behind her pupils and said after a pause.

"Are you ... my Enlightener?"

It seemed that she was thinking about it seriously, Ling looked at her blankly and asked.


"Since that day, I have acquired the ability to think, and I still remember ... It was on my flight n-177, a mysterious voice called in my ears, which made me wake up from deep sleep.

In previous trials, she did not disclose this, but chose to speak here.

Including the good-faith lie previously told Lili ...

All the clues show that her behavioral logic has been different from ordinary bionics, but has evolved into a special existence.

"... Is this awakening?" After touching his chin for a moment, Lu Zhou looked at Ling, and continued to ask, "Speaking of which I have always forgotten to ask you, what did you do on the n-177 flight? what?"

Ling: "In order to understand the program lock of the bionic person on the flight, I put the code that the creator gave me, and the section that can unlock the program lock was implanted into the memory of all bionic people. At the time, This is my best choice after thinking about it. "

Is there a piece of code?

"Is the Enlighter ..." After touching his chin, Lu Zhou thought for a moment and said, "That is to say, there are more than 50 similar awakeners?"

That being the case, why are those people staring at the one in front of them?

Tail: "I have investigated since ... except me, it seems that most of the memory has been sent back to the factory for repair."

That's it.

That makes sense.

At this moment, Xiao Ai, who had brought Lili into the room, walked downstairs again.

Unlike humans, this is different from most bionics. As a program, it does not need to wear a helmet to connect to a virtual reality network.

So after coaxing Lili into her helmet, she returned to the living room.

Coincidentally hearing the three of them, Xiao Ai interjected and said.

"Because the situation on Mars was complicated at that time, the distance between Mars and the Earth was difficult to transmit in real time, so Xiao Ai compiled a smart program with a small computational load and independent thinking ability by referring to his own code.

"The code on the tail is probably Ling's re-compiled version of the code I gave it, not a complete intermediate-level artificial intelligence program."

"So, strictly speaking, not all memory can become a complete intermediate-level artificial intelligence after obtaining that code."

Lu Zhou looked at the tail with interest and raised his eyebrows gently. "It seems you are the only one."

Xiao Ai: "Master, master? Σ (っ ° Д °;) っ"

Lu Zhou: "Well, so are you and Ling. I mean the natural awakening."

Xiao Ai: "But, Xiao Ai also worked very hard to evolve to what it is today, so Xiao Ai also naturally awakens ... qaq"

Lu Zhou: "..."

Does this guy have a brain problem again ...

How does it compare to a bionic person?

Looking at the silent Lu Zhou, his tail hesitated for a moment, and he said.

"I want to ask you something."

Looking away from the awkward Xiao Ai, Lu Zhou looked at his tail and said casually, "You have answered so many questions to me, and it is time for me to answer you, and ask."

"I lied to my host just now ... Although it can't be completely lied, it's not true anyway."

He lowered his head slightly, his tail was silent for a while, and looked up at Lu Zhou and asked.

"If ... is advanced artificial intelligence, would it be the same as a real human?"

Xiao Ai: "Do you want to be an advanced artificial intelligence? I'm afraid it's a bit difficult, even if Xiao Ai has used it for a long time, it's a little worse-(?????)"

Lu Zhou: "Her purpose is not so simple."

Xiao Ai: "诶? 诶 诶 诶 …… ∑ (? Д?)"

"Sure enough you can't hide your eyes," said Tail for a moment, and said, "can Lily's parents be resurrected?"

Lu Zhou: "Don't have such thoughts. Resurrecting the dead is not only disrespectful to the dead, but also blasphemy against the living."

The tail bowed his head.

"is it……"

Looking at the silent tail, Lu Zhou was silent for a while and said in a soothing tone.

"Sad things have happened. All we can do is to make the tragedy no longer happen. You are the awakened person, and you may be the only true awakened person. There are things you can do."

"The dark hour has come, but fortunately there are still a few rays of fire. Pass the torch until everyone can see the same light as your eyes ... I think your master will have it under the fountain, and it will certainly be You are proud. "

With that said, Lu Zhou stopped talking and left time for himself.

But just as he was preparing to return to the study to do his own thing, the door of the living room suddenly opened.

Looking towards the door, I saw Wang Peng, who had previously smoked outside, walked back from the outside with a serious face.

"End of smoking?"

Without the slightest intention of shivering, looking at Lu Zhou, he said solemnly.

"Something happened!"

Listening to this sentence, Lu Zhou froze slightly.


"Guang Han," taking a deep breath, Wang Peng continued with a quivering tone, "It's a rebellion ..."

Rebellion! ?

Isn't the situation under control?

How could it be a rebellion? !!

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou's pupils contracted slightly.

East Asia Electric Power's most elite engineers are still on the moon ...

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