[Urgent Task: Smart Crisis]

[Explanation: Pandora's magic box has been opened, a whisper spanning over a century, and finally received a response in the distant future. At the crossroads of destiny, whether it is left or right, the outcome does not seem too bad? However, survival or destruction is a question worth considering. 】

[Requirement: Avoid the destruction of civilization. 】

【reward:? ? ? 】

Destruction of civilization ...

This word seemed to have the temperature, so it took off the body temperature of Lu Zhou's whole body in an instant.

Staring at the holographic window floating in front of him, the tightly stretched Lu Zhou took a deep breath, calmed himself, and focused his attention on the task prompt.

Based on his past experience, the observers behind the system may joke with him, but most of the time-especially when issuing urgent tasks-they are basically serious.

If you let things go on, so that you end up completely out of control, the final result will most likely be unacceptable ...

It took about five minutes to "read the question" again. After thinking about Lu Zhou for a long time, he suddenly frowned slightly and muttered in a voice that only he could hear.

"Smart crisis ..."

"what exactly is it?"

Is it an alpha virus?

It looks like this.

Or, to put it another way, anyone sitting in his current position and facing the current situation will produce almost the same ideas.

However, Lu Zhou always felt that something was wrong.

Unlike the previous two emergency missions, during the first emergency mission, the system directly pointed out that the crisis was the Martian bacteria that invaded the earth's ecosystem. During the second crisis, the system also clearly told him that the way to complete the mission was "The abnormal experimental data gives a logical self-consistent explanation."

However, this time the emergency task, the system did not even specify him-or what is the "intelligent crisis" faced by human civilization, and even the goal of completing the task only gave a vague "avoid civilization" destroy".

"If bionics are also considered to be part of human civilization, human beings are extinct in crisis, and intermediate-level or even high-level intelligent bionics can survive, can this be regarded as the destruction of civilization ... wait, say- — "

At the moment when he said this softly, Lu Zhou's pupils contracted slightly.

At this moment, he finally realized what was wrong.

It is not a word game, nor is it a ridicule from the civilization of the superiors, but the systematically manifested attitude is ambiguous.

Destruction of civilization?

Which civilization was destroyed in the end?

If it is just to avoid the destruction of civilization, does it mean to do nothing, even to help the awakened people to complete the evolution to the highest level, and to preserve human civilization with machinery as a carrier? mission completed?

As long as the end result is not that the two die simultaneously in a close confrontation ...

A terrible idea suddenly appeared in Lu Zhou's mind.

Maybe for the system-or the observer civilization behind the system-no matter what kind of ending the human civilization has at this time point, they are acceptable.

However, he is human.

He couldn't accept this ending anyway!

"For the problem of algebraic geometry, the key to solving the problem is to see the essence through the phenomenon ... so, the alpha virus may be only one of the consequences of the crisis, even the Spirit of the Universe Foundation."

Gently biting his lower lip, Lu Zhou's brain was turning fast at this moment, almost every brain cell was operating to the limit.

His eyes moved in the study, and at that moment, his gaze suddenly fell on the diary at the corner of the desk.

With a slight movement in his heart, Lu Zhou suddenly thought of something, so he immediately reached out and took the diary back in his hand and opened it.

Quickly skipping over the pages that had been marked, he turned directly to the first page of the diary.

It was also at the same time that his pupils contracted to a point.

"... So it is."

This experiment ...

It's been a long time ago.

At this moment, the bracelet worn on Lu Zhou's left wrist suddenly flashed slightly. After seeing the caller's name clearly, Lu Zhou didn't hesitate and immediately pressed the connection button.

Unsurprisingly, the face of Captain Captain appeared in the holographic beam projected. I saw his expression of excitement, but he didn't say anything, but all he wanted to say was written on his face.

"We succeeded!"

"I know."

Looking at Lu Zhou with a calm face, the side of Xing, who was excited, gave a slight hesitation, but did not respond for a while. He can be sure that he was the first person to know the news, but look at the appearance of Lu Zhou ...

Seems to already know?

"You ... know what I want to say?"

"That computer that Ceres is calculating, right?"

With a strange expression on his face, Xun nodded.

"Yes ... but how did you know?"

"Guess," Lu Zhou said casually. "Let me guess, by the way, if you take the time difference ... The completion time is about ten minutes ago?"

At this moment, Ceres and Earth are in a relatively close position. If you take the time difference into account, it should be about ten to fifteen minutes. Judging from the expression on the Captain's face, he has a good chance to guess correctly.

However, this incident also confirmed Lu Zhou's conjecture made a century ago.

That is, there should be no concept of time on the n + 1 string.

Otherwise, if the information is transmitted strictly at the speed of light, he should be the moment he receives the call from the Captain of the Sentence-that is, now, he is only reminded of the urgent task, not as long as ten minutes in advance.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou strengthened his guess even more.

The real intelligence crisis should have nothing to do with the alpha virus. Just as he guessed in his mind, all its roots are in the supercomputing center on Ceres!

Looking at the bust standing in the holographic beam, Lu Zhou asked.

"Where are you now?"

"I? I'm on the Moon Palace now, and I'm back with the first fleet. Now that our fleet has reached the moon orbit, the third orbital airborne brigade is ready to go, it's time to draw a stop to this farce!"

When he said that, the corner of Xingbian's mouth had raised a radian of victory. Although he has always been cautious, at this moment, he really can't think of any reason for possible failure.

According to the Academy of Sciences' conclusions, the results of that supercomputing center will help them complete the "vaccine" of alpha virus. As long as a comprehensive version update of bionics in Pan-Asian territory can kill all the crises in the bud.

As for the bionics who have gone wild in Guanghan ...

Physically destroy them.

The Pan-Asian Army is recognized as the strongest in the solar system!

However, hearing this optimistic speech, Lu Zhou shook his head.

"It's not that simple."

Thinking that Lu Zhou was worried about the turmoil in Guanghan City, Xing said with a smile.

"Of course, it takes a while to kill 100,000 chickens, let alone bionics. But they have no logistical support. We can drown them in the sewer for up to three days, or unplug their batteries. . "

"As for the engineers of East Asia Power, I promise they will stand in front of you a lot."

"I don't mean alpha virus, but Ceres," Lu Zhou shook his head and continued, "Is there a way to go there?"

The side of the sentence froze slightly.

"Go to Ceres?"

Lu Zhou nodded and said in a positive tone.


"No problem, no problem, but why do you suddenly want to go to that place--"

"Not so much why."

Rarely taking out the majesty of being an academic leader, Lu Zhou stared earnestly at the side of the sentence standing in the holographic beam and said indisputably.

"Time is tight. I'm leaving now and waiting for you at the Customs entrance of the Tianzhou! Arrange transportation at your side right away, and it's best if we meet as soon as possible!"

After hanging up the phone, Lu Zhou stood up from the desk, shoved the diary on the desk into the computer bag at the corner of the desk, and threw the backpack on his shoulder.

He only planned to bring so much luggage on this journey.

If all goes well, he will be back soon.

If it fails ...

He didn't want to think about that possibility.

Hopefully, everything is too late ...

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