Transport ship.

Looking at Lu Zhou who has been turning that diary, Shi Jin finally couldn't help asking.

"Is there anything wrong with that diary?"

He has also read that diary, which adds up to less than 50,000 words in total. He really can't think of any place worth repeating.

After hearing Shi Jin's inquiry, Lu Zhou replied casually.

"If the question you are referring to is the kind of clue that can improve our current situation, I'm afraid not."

Since returning from Ceres to Guanghan this time is an important matter to deal with, Xingbian cannot go to Ceres with Lu Zhou. However, although he could not walk away for a while and a half, he still dispatched his capable assistant Shi Jin and tried to help him reach a transport ship.

At present, there are no flights to the asteroid belt onboard the Tianzhou. If you want to go past, you can only pass the ships of the Pan-Asian Fleet.

"Then why are you ..."

Lu Zhou: "It's just something I care about."

It may be that the journey to the asteroid belt is really boring, or it may be due to professional habits, Shi Jin subconsciously asked: "Can I know what it is?"

Lu Zhou did not intend to conceal this insignificant question, which satisfied his curiosity.

"About the lower half of the diary."

Hearing this unexpected answer, Shi Jin gave a slight hesitation, and then said in a positive tone.

"I can tell you for sure that this diary may be all. We have searched the space station and found no clues about the owner of this diary."

"That's for sure," Lu Zhou smiled softly, "even if there is such a thing, it's impossible to stay on the space station."

Shi Jin: "That was ..."

Lu Zhouyan said concisely.

"After you get on Ceres, you know."


After a voyage of nearly three and a half days, the military transport ship that Lu Zhou took was finally docked at a temporary military space port running above Ceres.

As the forefront of human civilization, the desolation here reminds us of the moon a hundred years ago.

"You are finally here!"

Seeing Lu Zhou coming out of the shuttle, Academician Wang Sicheng took his students forward with a look of excitement and held Lu Zhou's right hand.

Giving it a firm grip, Lu Zhou jumped over the greeting and asked directly.

"How's the situation here?"

Academician Wang: "Three and a half days ago, with the assistance of the command ship, we helped the quantum computer array complete the calculation program performed on it, and then we got a very strange result."

Standing next to Shi Jin frowned, and asked, "Fantastic results?"

"Yes," Academician Wang Sicheng nodded his head seriously, restraining the excitement in his tone, and continued, "I can't describe the surprise in my heart at this moment ... I believe that after you have seen the calculation results of that computer, it will definitely produce Same thoughts as me! "

"What are you waiting for," Lu Zhou said with a smile, "Hurry us up."

The voice had just fallen, and at this moment, an army soldier walked to the side, watching Lu Zhou, Shi Jin, and Ling descending from the shuttle, and said it routinely.

"Three please follow me. We need to perform a simple security check."

"No need to check, this is Academician Lu, next to his bionic assistant, I can keep it safe," he stepped forward, and Shi Jin took out a card from his body and showed it to the name In front of the soldier, "Here are my credentials."

Staring at the document for a while, after confirming that there were no problems, the soldier continued.

"Bionics are not allowed to set foot on this asteroid according to regulations, but since its sponsor is Academician Lu, we can let it go. But for security reasons, we must install an insurance on it."

Lu Zhou: "What insurance."

Shi Jin: "A thing similar to an explosive collar. If it suddenly goes away, the thing will blow its head out."

Although the core of the bionic person is the memory located in the chest cavity, the brain, which is the center of vision and hearing sensors, is also a very important "organ".

Until the alpha virus has not been resolved, this kind of directional explosive collar is regarded as a kind of insurance that physically eliminates hidden dangers.

After all, for some critical facilities, even considering the risk of alpha virus, using bionics is still more reliable than using human workers.

However, after hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou just smiled and didn't speak.

To be honest, is this really useful for Ling?

Well, if blowing up the skin can bring a little psychological comfort to the people around it, it may be a bit useful.

Without a long delay, after the soldiers waiting for the checkpoint brought Ling an explosive collar, a group of people followed in the footsteps of Academician Wang and came to the inside of the quantum computer array.

Looking around at this fan-shaped giant structure buried underground, like the ancient Roman arena, Lu Zhou's sight fell on the terminal located in the center of the quantum computer array.

Not surprisingly, there should be the key to solving this so-called smart crisis.

Walking to the terminal and standing, Lu Zhou glanced briefly at the lines of code flashing on the screen.

Soon, there was a clear surprise in his eyes.

Capturing the change of expression on Lu Zhou's face keenly, Academician Wang standing beside him smiled and said.

"Is it incredible?"

"It's a bit," Lu Zhou nodded. "Is this ..."

"It seems you found it," the tone that finally calmed down again brought a touch of excitement and excitement, the academician Wang continued quickly, "Yes, this is an ai program that can evolve automatically! Although about this program The code itself is already so complex that we can't parse it, but we can still understand it indirectly through some phenomena ... "

"In just one day, it has learned all the languages ​​on the planet and can use those languages ​​proficiently to communicate with us."

Shi Jin raised his eyebrows: "This doesn't sound like a great feature."

Wang Sicheng: "For translators, this is really nothing great, but after all, it is not a translator. In fact, it can do more than we can imagine."

Lu Zhou: "For example?"

Wang Sicheng: "Emotions!"

The moment he heard the word, Lu Zhou couldn't help holding his breath.

Advanced artificial intelligence!

Although I had a premonition in this regard, I did not expect to be guessed by myself.

It didn't seem to realize the point of the problem, Shi Jin's eyebrows were raised slightly, and he asked with interest.


Wang Sicheng nodded excitedly: "Yes, it's real emotion! It's hard to describe this feeling, but I'm sure it's definitely not a simulation of human behavior designed by machine learning algorithms!"

"Later, we tried to implant it into the memory of a domestic bionic person."

Shi Jin's face changed slightly.

"You did experiments with bionics?"

"Rest assured, everything is within the controllable range," Academician Wang Sicheng laid his hands down and continued indifferently. "Then something more surprising happened, that bionic person actually developed a complete self-awareness!"

"Later, we implanted it into the memory of the alpha virus, the memory of the so-called Awakener. The magic happened, and the virus seemed to disappear ... Anyway, it was like something higher. It covered the same. "

Lu Zhou: "What about the two memories ?!"

"Don't be so excited, I will destroy them after the experiment," Academician Wang Sicheng smiled, and continued to look at the quantum computer array in front of him, with a touch of fascination in his eyes.

"It's different from those bionic people who were made to sweep the floor or produce cans. It's completely different from the self-righteous awakeners. It's a real intelligent life!"

"It's like a newborn baby."

Ignoring the academician Wang, who had been so incoherent, Lu Zhou stared straight at the supercomputing in front of him, lost in thought.

After a long time, he said.

"Can you use the equipment here?"

Academician Wang Sicheng said with a smile: "Of course."

Lu Zhou nodded and walked to the control terminal located in the center of the quantum computer array. After thinking for a moment, he entered a long string of passwords on it.

Almost instantly, the code that filled the screen disappeared, replaced by a simple to even retro interface.

Seeing the change in front of them, everyone's face was surprised by the same expression.

Looking at that weird operation interface, Academician Wang gave a slight stun and said.

"this is……"

"Administrator mode," Lu Zhouyan replied succinctly, "The password is actually hidden in that diary, and I only discovered it later ..."

With that, a look of interest appeared on his face, and he continued.

"There should be something like experiment files or records inside."

such as……

Regarding the alpha virus that swept the city of Guangzhou and the world, as well as the guys who claimed to be the awakenings, where did they come from and what did they do ...

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