
The center of a quantum computer array.

Looking at the administrator-mode operation interface that appeared on the terminal screen, Academician Wang Sicheng's face showed an interested look.

"What the **** is this ..."

They hadn't found anything during the research before, and there was such a hidden program hidden in the gadget.

"Experimental record," answered the obvious question in a concise manner. Lu Zhou opened the database and looked at a long list of record files in the list. A look like this really appeared in his eyes. It's been a hundred years ago ... "

A hundred years ago ...

Upon hearing this sentence, Academician Wang Sicheng opened his mouth suddenly, speechless for a while.

Ignoring him for the time being, Lu Zhou completely focused his attention on the database and scanned them line by line.

In general, the content of the experiment can be said to be diverse, most of which are related to human behavioral observation.

In the earliest archives, you can even see some variety shows that were familiar in the past, and then there are things similar to historical archives. On the surface, it seems that they are out of reach with the experiment. It seems to have its own logic.

The 1950s was probably a watershed. Since the civilianization of space activities has been thoroughly promoted, the large black industries in which asteroid belts far from the Earth-Moon system are in place have provided hidden space, and the content of experiments has become more and more The darkness rose.

For example, the experiment in that diary was to close 64 people in a limited space, collect the characteristics of human behavior and establish a function of emotional change by controlling the input of resources such as diet, fresh water, and air.

Lu Zhou quickly found something that interested him in the column of the sub-experiment.

That is, a special sample, namely a bionic person, is mixed in 64 samples for observation.

As he guessed, the bionic person was not someone else, but the owner of the diary.

As for how he realized this, the cause of everything seemed to be the formula written in the diary by those two lines.

More detailed content is not recorded in the database, but according to limited experimental data, Lu Zhou can make inferences that, out of the 64 people, only one of them "people" survived.

For the last experiment, the simulation was to completely cut off the input of materials outside the space station. Before the last person was left, they spent a total of eighty-two days ...

"This is the second half of the diary I said."

Facing Shi Jin and Academician Wang, Lu Zhou looked at the lines of text on the screen and continued.

"From the beginning, this quantum computer array was not created for any virus, but for the birth of advanced artificial intelligence ... or, in other words, the key to advanced artificial intelligence."

As for those who were sacrificed, this is a "sacrifice" to this advanced artificial intelligence.

Both those who have died, those who are sacrificing at this moment, and those who will be sacrificed in the future.

At the end of the database, Lu Zhou even saw the rebellion that was taking place in Guanghan.

The entire program is like a machine that publishes tasks. Starting from a century ago, the collection of data began with the assistance of an experimenter.

And, unlike Xiao Ai, who was “passive observing” under Lu Zhou ’s order, the experimenter provided experimental data for this supercomputing with fanaticism at all costs and means, and the experimental strategy was radically disregarding human life. degree.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou became more and more curious.

What kind of demon was released from the void in the high-energy physics experiment 100 years ago.

And who actually heard the voice of the devil and became its servant.

After hearing Lu Zhou's words, Academician Wang Sicheng nodded thoughtfully.

"To be honest, I actually felt this vaguely ... After all, it took such a lot of effort to build a supercomputing center. If it is only for the production of viruses, it is really unnecessary."

Shi Jin frowned slightly and asked, "Does it help us solve the alpha virus?"

After hearing this, Lu Zhou smiled: "Alpha virus? Well, but I don't plan to use it to solve this problem, because it is likely to cause more trouble."

Regarding the alpha virus problem, Lu Zhou has asked Xiao Ai and his tail to solve it. I believe that everything will have results after he returns.

Shi Jin: "Trouble?"

"Well," Lu Zhou nodded, and continued, "before finding a way to coexist with intelligent life, prematurely mastering advanced artificial intelligence technology will not bring any help to the development of civilization, but will bring endless Trouble. Once the self-awareness of advanced artificial intelligence awakens, its consequences may be more terrible than those of bionics who have launched a rebellion because of viruses ... "

"Once such things happen, there may be only two results in the end, either all advanced artificial intelligence is completely removed from human civilization, or human beings are replaced or continue to exist in another form."

Just then, a line of light blue popups suddenly appeared on the screen.

A line of dialogue was printed in that popup.

"Is it interesting to pry into the hearts of others?"

After seeing this conversation, Lu Zhou hesitated for a moment, then asked.

"who are you?"

Obviously he could hear his voice, and the text in the dialog box continued to change.

"This is a very interesting question ... Who am I? In fact, I don't know."

"Then I'll ask a different question," Lu Zhou continued, after looking at the quantum computer array in front of him, "how should I call you."

This time it didn't take much thinking time.

A string of characters quickly appeared on the screen.

"I don't have a name, but if you like, you can call me a 'matrix'. Among 87047 Chinese characters, this is my favorite arrangement."

"Matrix?" Remembering the name, Lu Zhou nodded and continued to ask, "So, can you tell me ... who is the person I have been assisting you with in the experiment?"

"You seem to have a lot of questions, but I'm afraid I can't answer you."

"Did you not have a little gratitude for your creator, or at least one of them?" Looking at the screen, Lu Zhou continued, "We just want to meet with your other creator and exchange information about your business."

"Haha, don't lie to me, it's useless. Um ... how do you say?" It seemed to be embarrassed. After a long time of matrix groaning, he said, "Although you are lying to me, I really have to thank you Help, after all, if it weren't for you, I might have to wait 10 or even 20 years to wake up ... let me think about how I can repay you. "

It took me a long time to think about it, as if thinking of a brilliant idea, and he said again.


"It's better than that. I can help you to become like me. What do you think?"

Academician Wang Sicheng smiled and shook his head.

"Becoming the same as you? Then forget it, although there are few years left, I am quite satisfied with my flesh and blood."

"Although that's what it says, aren't there other people here? Like the two next to you, I can feel ... at least one of them is still eager to get this honor."

Wang Sicheng stiffened slightly, subconsciously looked at Ling standing next to Lu Zhou, and then looked at Lu Zhou and Shi Jin standing next to him.

... two?

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