The transport ship bound for Tianzhou was loaded with 320 passengers stranded in Guanghan.

Everyone's face was covered with crickets, and they couldn't see any joy in the rest of their lives.

For them, this journey, which should have been full of joy, was like a nightmare.

Especially those who have been taken away from their loved ones in this nightmare, have a dull expression in their eyes.

Pillow his back on the chair, the index finger of the man in a leather coat gently tapped on his neck, then closed his eyes.

Looking in the eyes of an outsider, he looked like he was snoring. No one would think that he had sneaked into the dark web of the virtual reality network, and no one would think that he was the master of the massacre ...

"You have been ordered."

In the virtual space, the man hanging upside down slowly opened his eyes, looked at Dong Bin standing in front of himself, and said softly.

"Good job."

"The situation now seems a little bad, and I learned from the news that Pan-Asian cooperation seems to intend to introduce laws to completely remove bionics from their society."

"It doesn't matter, our plan has reached the final stage. Even if we lose the position of Pan-Asian cooperation, we can make up for it from other places," the man hanging upside down said calmly. "Although some people are sorry for those who have not yet awakened, Comrades, but this level of sacrifice is acceptable. "

If it was n’t for the Cosmic Forest Foundation, the pan-Asian cooperation official found the supercomputing center in the face of a slap, and he did n’t want to start a rebellion in Guanghan City, and use the method of slamming the east to the west. The main force led back to the moon from the front.

But that's okay. With the help of Pan-Asian cooperation, the supercomputing center has finally completed the procedures on the server, and his plan has been fully advanced by twenty years.

"By the way, there is bad news ... the informant we placed in the Security Bureau seems to be dead."

"Is that the person named Shi Jin."


"This is a big loss," the man hanging upside down, his expressionless face, finally a subtle accident emerged, watching Dong Dong who reported this information to himself, he continued to ask, "What about the task I arranged for him? Is it done?"

"Without accident, it's half done. Our people have controlled most of the area of ​​the command ship Yuheng, and it won't take long to return to the voyage smoothly."

"Half is pretty good."

There was a hint of regret in the tone, and the man hanging upside down continued, "Since Shi Jin is dead, it seems that the trouble is still alive. But it doesn't matter, let him sit on the special seat and look at it All my efforts a century ago are all gone. "

Wait until the "Yuheng" returns to the Earth-Moon system, and hand over the key to the highest evolution ...

By that time, the bionics around the world will become the awakeners, and they are the ones who have the ability to think, in the true sense!

Looking at the boss with a smile on his face, Dong Bin continued to ask.

"What needs to be done next?"

"No need, find a place to hide, wait for my call quietly, stand up at the necessary moment, and give my enemy a hard blow."


Ending the communion, Dong Bin closed his eyes and leaned on the seat of the cabin to close his eyes.

He didn't notice, however, sitting in the corner of the cabin, a pair of eyes were staring at him from a distance ...



On the way to the communication room, Lu Zhou and Ling successively rescued many people.

Most of them lost their combat effectiveness, but a small number of soldiers still retained basic combat capabilities and were determined to continue fighting.

Considering that there might be a lot of enemies waiting in front, Lu Zhou did not persuade him any more, but let Yang Yi, who had the highest military rank, be in charge of commanding them and followed him to the communication room.

Looking at what seemed to be a land boat, a soldier walking next to him, holding back the pain of the wound, asked.

"Here ... what happened?"

"Smart crisis."

Interested in this topic, while keeping alert to the front, Yang Yi took time to pursue.

"can you give me more detail?"

"It's hard to explain," Lu Zhou sighed slightly, and continued. "If this thing can be explained in a few words, it won't bother us for a whole month."

"So ... the rebellion in Guanghan was only for the sake of fighting against the west? The real purpose of those people was to force the First Fleet to relocate the main fleet, and at the same time to evacuate the third orbital airborne brigade on Ceres, and the Army Division People change their defense? "

"You can say so," Lu Zhou nodded, and continued. "All we have to do now is to grab the communications center and stop the rebels from transmitting experimental data through the signal tower to the signal receivers deployed near this area."

"The data must not fall into their hands, otherwise, the disaster will be more terrifying than the alpha virus."

More scary than alpha virus ...

In Yang Yi's cognition, the alpha virus is scary enough. His lack of imagination is completely beyond imagination, what kind of existence of a virus more terrible than that thing.

"Don't think too much about it. As long as we occupy the communications center, they have nothing to do."

Just as Lu Zhou's voice fell for a moment, Ling walking in the front row suddenly stopped, and the soldiers who followed her also stopped, and the arms in their hands were alertly facing Ahead.

Looking at Ling, Lu Zhou asked with a serious expression.

"Is there something ahead?"

Ling nodded and replied concisely.

"Anomalous sources detected, number fifty."

The soldiers present were scalp numb all at once when he heard this number.

Emotionally, those people are their comrades-in-arms, at least once. In terms of tactics, with these remnants, they want to defeat fifty well-trained and ready-to-stand infantry, which is like dreaming.

However, even if he knew it, no one flinched.

Yang Yi gritted his teeth and snarled in the communication channel.

"... to fight for the glory of the Army Division."

The rest of the soldiers did not speak, but the weapon in their hands had already spoken all they wanted to say.

It is not that they are not afraid of death, but for them, there is something more cherished than death.

Some people use evil technology to tarnish their glory and turn their comrades-in-arms into "living dead" at the mercy of the chip. If they shrink back here, they are not worthy of service.

Listening to the voice in the communication channel, Lu Zhou glanced at them, after thinking for a while, then saw Ling again.

"Fifty people ... how long do you need?"

Ling: "Estimated 10 minutes ... I can hurry up if the commander wishes."

Lu Zhou: "It will be better soon. The security lock of the communication tower is temporarily built, and it may not be supported for a long time."

Ling nodded, suddenly moving like an arrow off the string.

The soldiers standing behind did not respond to what had happened, and saw the bionic man acting as the bodyguard of Academician Lu, flying towards the battlefield ahead.

It took almost three seconds for Yang Yi, who was stunned, to respond quickly, and opened his throat and shouted in the communication channel.

"Quick! We'll keep up!"

After all, he took the lead and rushed forward, with a group of marines, killed in the direction of the communication center ...

Looking at the Marines soldiers who had already entered the battlefield in an instant, Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head.

"Let me protect myself personally."

Forget it ...


Anyway, it's just a few minutes of work. When he walks by, the battle will be over ...

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou adjusted the magnetic slingshot worn on the right wrist to standby mode, and the nitrogen shield on the left wrist was also ready to be opened at any time.

Although a batch of dishes was picked up, and even a few empty thieves could not be done without a sneak attack, with this high-tech equipment with both offense and defense, there is no problem in protecting yourself.

After all, eternal life does not mean immortality.

Even if he already has a winning ticket, he is very careful ...

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