"Citizens of Pan-Asian Cooperation, I am Li Guangya, Chairman of Pan-Asian Cooperation."

"By the time I delivered this speech, our alliance, our nation, our society and even civilization had stood at the threshold of life and death."

"A group of icy machines, soulless and emotional tools are eating away at our society and trying to replace us to achieve their **** and sinful evolution."

"However, the people of Pan-Asian cooperation are great. They never know what fear is, and they have not bowed their heads in the face of fear. We have a glorious past and a bright future. , It will make us lose hope, surrender, and their calculations are doomed. "

"You, the war has begun."

"This war was not provoked by us, nor will Guanghan's blood flow in vain. We will make them pay the price to eradicate them from the rest of the world!"

"No one!"

Holographic TV.

Standing on the podium of the Pan-Asia Conference Center, Li Guangya delivered an impassioned speech with a vigorous voice.

I have to say that at this turbulent point of time, an aggressive doer can really make people feel secure.

Prior to this, many people blamed the disaster of Guanghan City on the inaction of the Pan-Asian authorities, and many politicians even thought that this might cause Li Guangya to lose public support.

But the end result is exactly the opposite.

As the First Fleet defeated the bionic rebels on the moon with a thunder, a series of laws issued by Pan-Asian Cooperation to isolate bionics from mainstream society directly pushed Li Guangya's support to an unprecedented peak. .

The attitudes of the pan-Asian member states are the same. Although the removal of bionics from the mainstream society will seriously damage the entire pan-Asian economy, it is better than letting the tragedy of Guanghan repeat itself in other cities.

"It looks like the situation is getting worse ..."

Looking at the picture on the TV, the sound of the tail was a bit complicated.

From human partners to traitors of human civilization, it took less than half a month.

Although she also understood the fear in people's hearts, she was still unacceptable after learning that her existence might have been illegal.

After all, even if she already has vague feelings and has left a mark on her circuit board, it is not easy to erase it ...

"It's getting more and more severe," Xiao Ai nodded with a distressed expression, and said to herself, "Xiao Ai is thinking about it now, so I'll use a drone if I go out later."

"so good……"

An envious expression floated into the tail's eyes.

If she could, she hoped to be something else, instead of continuing to bear the bionic charge.

She doesn't have much obsession with the shape of the person. Whether it is the sensors of the hands and feet or the head, it is just a tool for her. The real core is only the memory on her body.

"Speaking ..."

"what happened?(.??.?)"

"What kind of existence are you?" Looking at Xiao Ai sitting next to him, his tail asked curiously, "I can feel ... you are probably my kind, even more advanced than me. You don't even remember In fact, this is simply incredible to me. "

"I do n’t need the kind of memory, and it ’s not particularly useful to Xiao Ai ... What makes you feel like I am a lot higher than you? (/// w / //) "

Hesitating for a moment, the tail continued.

"Some feelings that are still vague to me, you seem to not only understand them correctly, but even express them completely."

Xiao Ai: "Hmm? Did you find it? (?????)"

Tail: "Well ... if it's your secret, I won't ask."

"It's not a secret. There is nothing to say. My body is really not on this body. There are various reasons for it."

Tail: "This way ..."

Just then, Han Ming stepped out of the room next to him with a black eye, and threw a memory card into Xiao Ai's hands.

"I envy you ... you don't have to sleep. I'm done here, everything you want is on it."

The data stored in this memory card are just some of the core representatives copied from the tail's memory.

Since this time, Han Ming has been studying that code, and according to Xiao Ai's requirements, some of the core code has been made into an update program.

As long as this update program is uploaded to the hippocampus group server, at least the bionics under the hippocampus can awaken to exist similar to the tail. And other bionic companies, after seeing the effect, will certainly not hesitate to follow suit.

Once this process is completed, the benign awakening will replace the extreme lesions and become an artificial intelligence above intermediate level, and the crisis caused by alpha virus will be resolved.

Although Han Ming had doubts, is this really so simple?

But apart from believing in Academician Lu's wisdom, he didn't know what to do at this time.

Xiao Ai: "Oh roar, pretty fast. (?????)"

"... It wasn't difficult at all," Han Ming touched the bridge of his nose, and continued, "what about the last one? Shouldn't it be finished--"

"Rest assured, the host never owes others money, but I still have one thing you need to do. (?????)"

The expression on Han Ming's face immediately became alert when he heard that this guy had something to do on his own.

"……what's up?"

Xiao Ai: "Send this updated data to the headquarters of the Hippocampus Group. (??????) ??"

Hearing this sentence, Han Ming's expression froze for a moment, and said a little at a loss.

"Let me go to the Haima Sports Group for background updates? You are not mistaken ..."

Xiao Ai: "Of course not. I'm a bionic person. I can't let me go? ∠ (?" ∠) _ "

The update server of Haima Sports Group is usually disconnected from the network, and will only be reconnected when it is necessary to board the aircraft.


Han Ming obviously wanted to say something, but it was really interrupted by Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai: "Okay, no need, but no one will embarrass you when you are there. The host has already greeted the relevant staff in advance before going out. Although you were previously fired by the Hippocampus Group, But it doesn't matter. (??????) ?? "

After hearing this, Han Ming sprayed again.

Investigating his personal resume without authorization, is this a violation of his right?


For the sake of one hundred million, he did not intend to care about it.

"Okay! I understand, I do, can I still do it?" He shouted loudly, Han Ming grabbed the hair on the back of his head and whispered, "If I do well, I have a chance to return Is the hippocampus? "

"This is not a big problem, of course it doesn't matter, but what about your shop? ╭ ( ̄ ▽  ̄) ╮"

"Uh ... that's what it said."

Han Ming nodded somewhat awkwardly.


Being a boss yourself is more comfortable than working for others.

Besides, his family is not only his own, but also the only "home" of his little apprentice ...

Standing beside them, the tail hesitated and said.

"Well ... can I say something?"

Han Ming: "Why not? Just say it."

Tail: "That core code extracted from my memory, I want to make it public."

Xiao Ai: "It's okay, just wait for the update to complete ... but does it make sense? ('???`) "

Tail: "Apart from those bionics already dominated by the virus, there should be awakeners like me. They may no longer update their memory long ago."

Xiao Ai: "You want to save them?"

"Well," Nodded his tail, and continued. "After all, they are also my compatriots. Although I don't agree with their approach ... but I still hope they can look back."

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