Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1549: I will drive myself

Regardless of whether the problem becomes more complicated, the problem of security is resolved.

After being questioned by a psychology and sociology expert, the bionic man named "demo" barely returned a 70-point answer sheet.

As for why it is 70 points ...

Because in the test, the bionic person always answered some strange answers without answering the questions, and when he should have answered the questions, he asked some convoluted questions.

What is freedom, for example? What is life? Including the meaning of his own existence.

as well as……

Where is his family.

Many of these questions, even the most outstanding philosophers in human society, are difficult to give a standard answer.

In any case, there is no doubt that the alpha virus has been removed.

Although the behavior logic and thinking mode of the entire bionic person has been completely changed, it is not hostile to humans.

According to Han Ming's suggestion, the hippocampus Group issued an announcement on the official website, stating that the alpha virus has been resolved, reminding users to connect the memory to a backup power source and connect to the network to download updates.

Although the pan-Asian cooperation has not lifted the ban on bionics, the information technology security department has sent a team of experts to the Hippocampus Group to test their solutions.

The entire process will take about half a month. If the Hippocampus Group passes the test, the bionic person produced by the Hippocampus Group may become the only bionic person that can be safely used before other bionic enterprises can follow up.

Affected by this, the hippocampal group's sluggish stock price has risen all the way like a drug, not only regaining all the declines in the past half a month, but even hitting a new high.

But these are the last words.

"Stay here, it was my misjudgment that caused the group to miss such a talent," looking at Han Ming, Tang Xiuwen smiled and stretched out his right hand, politely invited, "I hope you can give me Opportunity to make up for mistakes. "

Whether it's a real smile or a fake smile, this sincere attitude is enough.

Compared to those cow-tempered technicians, Tang Xiuwen is much more realistic.

An expert who is highly skilled and does not have a close relationship with major shareholders has already been pleasing to him.

As for what attitude was before, it was just right and wrong.

Besides, who cares about such things?

At least he didn't care.

Han Ming: "There is nothing wrong with that. To be honest, I almost forgot why I was fired."


"I don't want to come back," Han Ming said before Tang Xiuwen stayed. "To be honest, I also have my own business. Although it may not be so bright, I still enjoy it."

"And don't take my ability too high. I just stand in this position and do what only I can do. I am honored that Academician Lu chose me. If it was someone else, I I believe what he does is not necessarily worse than mine. "

Tang Xiuwen sighed and said.

"You're too modest ... you still care about the past."

"I really don't," Han Ming waved and said, "Just don't give me a high hat."

After a pause, the corner of his mouth suddenly evoked a hidden smile, and sighed softly.

"Not to mention, I'm not bad for money."

"In the second half of my life, I plan to do something I like."

"Just work."


The expert team sent by Pan-Asian Cooperation is still in the hippocampus group. Many users who are not afraid of death have updated the memory and inserted it into the bionic person.

Although for the average person, they do not have the ability to detect or recognize the alpha virus, but they can still intuitively feel that their bionic people have become different from before.

In any case, the security issue is finally resolved.

Although pan-Asian cooperation is still issuing warnings to remind people to take responsibility for the safety of their lives and property. Do not insert memory back into bionics until credible reports are issued, but the intensity of the warning is getting smaller Already.

To be honest, if bionics can be retained, pan-Asian cooperation is certainly unwilling to exclude these cheap labor from society.

Because this will seriously damage the economy, and secondly, it will push up prices and living costs, which will directly affect the people's living standards.

But now it seems ...

Alpha virus seems to be solved like this?

Because all this came so suddenly that many people did n’t even respond, as if they were living in the fear of the end of the world a second ago, and the neighbor next second told him that everything was just April Fools ’Day. The same joke ...

The public seems to be convinced whether the hippocampus has solved the alpha virus, but the academic debate has continued.

At the lspm forum, many experts in the field of information security have stepped forward and updated the detailed evaluation of the recent upgrade of the bionic product system of the hippocampus group in their personal space.

One of the hottest reviews was a professor from the Software Academy of Jinling University.

This professor has a fairly high academic prestige in the field of artificial intelligence.

And more than that, he is probably the first scholar to see the bionics after the update and the previous changes besides the internal technicians of the hippocampus group, and wrote them into a dissertation.

He wrote in his personal space.

"This is definitely an epoch-making update."

"Compared with the upgrade of the virus immunity of this update, what surprised me more is that the bionics after the system upgrade have unexpected abilities."

“It ’s like injecting a soul into the body of a machine. Bionics in version 2.0 are more like individuals with an independent personality than home appliances. They learn, are curious, have questions about nature, and even have the ability to think. . "

"It's hard to say whether this change is a blessing or a blessing, but they who have the ability to think may play a more important role in our society."

"Like art, like culture ..."

"Even, research!"

Once this article was released, it was not just the lspm forum, it caused a great response in the whole society of Pan Asia.

Artificial life with thinking ability.

Although its security is unquestionable, as the Hippocampus Group guarantees, many problems follow.

Who can guarantee an artificial life that can think, always placing itself in the position of a servant.

Even if they are safe now, it is difficult to guarantee that they will continue to be so.

Not only that, but discussions about whether to give bionics citizenship.

If they have become intelligent beings, is it really appropriate to treat them like slaves in the past?

This is an issue that everyone must think about.

Just when academic circles were discussing the issue of "Hippocampus Group's 2.0 upgrade of its products", a strange post suddenly appeared on the lspm forum.

The reason why this post is strange is not because of the strange id of the poster, but because the video attached to the post seems to be taken by a bionic person.

In the video, the bionic man with a tail called for love and peace, and spoke to her fellow citizens, hoping that those "awakeners" who were out of control could turn back.

"As you can see, I'm probably a awakened ... natural awakening."

"I know what I said may sound ridiculous to you, but I still want to say ... I don't think humans are our enemies."

"That's what I felt from a little girl. From her eyes, I could feel she regarded me as her friend, her family."

"Although I don't particularly understand what kind of feeling it is, the only thing I can be sure of is that I can't imagine that I will stand on the opposite side of her one day."

"Maybe, I don't even understand myself. What kind of relationship is there and what is the family ... but I want to pass on this feeling."

"Someday in the future, somewhere in this world, someone will definitely be able to think for me about this proposition."

"By then, I believe that we have removed all the barriers between us, intimate and indiscriminate ..."

Below the video, a file is attached.

The content of the file is exactly the core code in the upgrade package released by the Hippocampus Group some time ago.

And this code is also the key born in the tail's own memory.

This key will open the door to evolution, but in another form ...

If the alpha virus corresponds to hatred, then its name is probably love.

At the same time, on the distant Ceres, a shuttle machine rising to high orbit has been registered on the command ship Yuheng.

Under Yang Yi's command, the first-like Marine Corps soldiers quickly reversed the battle on the command ship with a thunderbolt.

The rebels, composed of the awakened, defeated at a rate that was visible to the naked eye. What they saw was impossible. The leader of the rebels was planning to send back the news of the failure, but they found that they had not received a response after a while.

It turned out that Lu Zhou, with Ling, had occupied Yuheng's communication room, activated the radio silence, and closed the signal release window.

Now the entire Yuheng No. is like an information black hole. Outside signals can still be received, but no information will be released from here.

Among them, not only the signals of the awakening rebels, but also the distress signals sent by the ship's personnel ...

The battle lasted for two hours. Ling, who was standing at the door of the command room, ended at least fifty lives of the awakening.

With the fall of the last awakening rebel, control of the entire Yuheng command ship returned to Lu Zhou's hands.

Without any explanation, those who were on the ship for the rest of their lives were about to give Yang Yi a warm hug, and they were disarmed by the reinforcements with a grimace.

"I'm not a bionic person, and I'm not the kind of awakener," looked at Yang Yi crying and laughing, and the captain in handcuffs explained, "If you don't believe me, let the medical class give me a ct!"

"Sorry, I will explain later."

Speaking, Yang Yi looked at the chief officer standing aside and said in a commanded tone.

"Go sailing, keep the radio silent, and return to the Earth-Moon system. Remember, try to avoid the radar of the first fleet."

The first officer opened his mouth without any movement.

Upon hearing this sentence, the captain was suddenly shocked, his eyes widened, and he said sharply.

"Privately dispatch the command ship of the Pan-Asian First Fleet. Do you know what you are doing?"

Yang Yi opened his mouth and was about to speak, and a voice came from the side.

"I made him do it."

Looking at the captain with amazement on his face, Lu Zhou said in a calm tone.

"I know you're not a bionic person. Cuffing you up just prevents you from messing with it ... as for what I want to do, I'll explain it later, but now do as I say."

Captain: "Even if you are Academician Lu—"

"Should be too late," ignoring the captain's words, Lu Zhou looked at the starry sky outside the porthole, squinting his eyes, "as long as we are fast enough."

"No matter what you want to do, you won't succeed," said the captain staring at the landing boat, "without the command of the command, no one will sail for you."

The chief officer didn't speak, but his resolute expression on his face had already spoken everything he wanted to say.

After hearing the words of the old captain, Lu Zhou gave a slight stupefaction, and then said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I will drive myself."


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