Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1551: The end of the war

The atmosphere in the flagship bridge of the Pan-Asian First Fleet was dignified.

Yuheng, which should have been on standby on Ceres, is now maintaining a state of radio silence, and is accelerating toward the Earth-Moon system.

After receiving their warning, instead of stopping, the command ship changed orbits and tried to escape from their attack radius.

It was made clear that they had heard their warnings, but had no intention to execute the order, but to implement the epidemic.

His eyebrows stared at the yellow dot on the star chart, and the commander of the First Fleet of Sanya locked his eyebrows tightly, and his brows looked dignified.

"Let the cruiser Qinling prepare for the emp torpedo."

Lost contact with the Ceres base is currently likely to have been unforeseen.

The command ship Yuheng suddenly disengaged from the deployed position, it didn't look like a normal thing.

The solemn look was not just the commander. The military consultants and other high-ranking officers standing around the command table had the same expression on their faces.

This is the first time such a thing has happened since the establishment of the Pan-Asian Fleet.

No one knows what the crew on the Yuheng really wanted to do?

"If they are at the current acceleration, they will reach the Earth-Moon system within 7 hours. Judging from their direction, the target should be Earth."

"The question is what do they want to do? Even as a deserter ..."

"If they want to be a deserter, they will definitely finish Mars instead of throwing themselves into the Earth-Moon system," Yang Wu shook his head, holding his arms and thinking, "Speaking of it, the Yuheng is to support the quantum computer. Array research is being deployed in Ceres' orbit. "

The commander nodded and said.


Yang Wu: "As a hypothesis, in order to prevent research leaks, the signal towers and similar communication channels on Ceres have been closed. Yuheng may be the only starship capable of contacting the ground quantum computer array. "

The commander's brow tightened, and after thinking for a moment, he said.

"Do you mean that Yuheng may carry the research results of Academician Wang Sicheng and their project team?"

Yang Wu nodded and said, "Bacheng is right."

The commander was lost in thought, and the other consultant standing beside him frowned.

"But even so, they should not leave the deployment location without authorization, especially for such a critical matter, shouldn't they ask their superiors first?"

"This involves another hypothesis," Yang Wu said, sighing softly after lowering his arms, "or a rumor that I heard from the Security Bureau."

Commander: "What rumors."

"A special presence was found among the rebels in Guanghan."

Commander: "Special?"

"Well," Yang Wu nodded, and continued. "Different from ordinary bionic soldiers, they have flesh and blood like humans."

"Is there anything weird about this?" With a touch of irony in his voice, a consultant interjected, "Even now, there are voices on the Internet talking about us, saying that our approach to problems is too simple and crude."

"However, they are not human compatriots who sympathize with bionic humans. In subsequent investigations, agents of the Security Agency found that these people have a common feature: an unimplanted implant in their cerebral cortex. Illegal nanochips registered with relevant authorities. "

For almost a moment, the entire bridge was quiet.

Many people have already guessed what he wants to say.

With a difficult voice, the consultant who had spoken earlier could not help asking.

"Do you mean ... they have penetrated us?"


"But ... that's the Army Division, which is full of the elite of the Pan-Asian Army. It's difficult to penetrate into that kind of place ..."

Yang Wu sighed and said: "It can only be said that they are disguised too well, and the social atmosphere in which the prosthesis is implanted now also gives them a wide range of living space. I can't even be sure that the ship under our feet Flagship, will there be their kind in it. "

"Don't talk nonsensely about this unfounded prediction," the commander stopped him, trying to say something.

At this moment, however, a correspondent came in from outside the bridge and watched him salute.

"Report, the cruiser Qinling came the news that the emp torpedo is ready to launch at any time!"

Do you want to fight?

Although the decision had been made, the commander suddenly hesitated at the moment before pressing the button.

After groaning for a while, he said.

"To contact Pan Asia headquarters, I need to ask my superiors first."

Even if the arrow is on the string, you must be extremely careful and careful ...


"Treason? Yuheng?"

Pan-Asian Cooperation Headquarters.

Li Gaoliang, who was walking quickly in the corridor, suddenly received a call from the First Pan-Asian Fleet.

After listening to the whole story, his face was filled with unexpected expressions.

"Separate a destroyer to keep up. The key to the problem is now on Ceres. Regardless of the situation of Yuheng, we must not let the quantum computer array on Ceres fall into the hands of others!"

Then, Li Guangya glanced at the time on the watch and continued.

"In a few more hours, I have a high-level international summit to attend. I may not be able to focus on your side. You can make free judgments based on the situation on the spot."

"If you determine that Yuheng threatens the security of Pan-Asian cooperation and the world, I allow you to destroy it."

The captain standing in the holographic beam nodded and said solemnly.

"I know."

At this moment, Li Guangya suddenly thought of something, so he asked a question smoothly.

"By the way, the Yuheng ship came to the earth?"

Captain: "Yes."

Li Guangya: "How long can they arrive at the current speed?"

Captain: "If it is close to the edge of the Earth-Moon system, it will be about 5-7 hours. Of course, the possibility of them continuing to accelerate is not ruled out, but in that case, they may face the situation of passing the Earth-Moon system."

5 ~ 7 hours?

At that time, you should attend the regional alliance summit in Lion City and discuss with the leaders of other regional alliances about the future of bionics.

"Just do what I said before. At this critical time, it's better not to have extra knots."

The hippocampus group has solved the alpha virus, and according to experts from the Pan-Asian Academy of Sciences, this solution is likely to be safe.

Before long, society will re-accept this special group of bionics, and he will announce this fact to the public at an appropriate time.

No matter from which perspective, this war has come to an end.

Just as Li Guangya was making final preparations for the forthcoming international summit, the people on board the command ship Yuheng finally relieved with relief.

They had left the attack range of the First Pan-Asian Fleet, and the two sides passed by in the infinite deep air, but the other side did not open fire.

"This is unscientific ..." Looking at the fleets on the star chart, the old captain said incredulously, "They actually let us go."

With a relieved expression on his face, Lu Zhou said in a relaxed tone.

"Maybe it's because the command ship is not carrying weapons, or maybe they have their concerns ... Of course, I admit that I have a stake, but obviously we won."

"Not so easy," looking at the twinkling dots on the star chart, the old captain frowned. "They separated a destroyer from the fleet."

"Is it coming towards us?"

Hearing this crisis-free speech, the old captain couldn't help but say something.

"Nonsense, isn't it for us, but can you come for a walk?"

Lu Zhou smiled and said.

"Maybe just come to say hello to us."

The old captain grunted: "I think it's just to save two missiles."

"No matter what purpose they come with, our mission will be completed soon," looking at the Tianzhou Space Station, which is close to the information transmission radius, Lu Zhou looked at Ling who was standing next to him and ordered.

"Unmute the radio, but don't answer anything."

"Keep sailing at your current speed and turn on the signal transmission equipment."

"According to the preset communication frequency band, send the gift we prepared to our friends!"

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