Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1553: Pick our hero home

Lion City International Hotel.

Chairman Li Guangya, who attended a full-day meeting outside, was sitting in the study room meticulously handling today's business affairs.

The war has come to an end, the alpha virus has been cracked by a patch of the hippocampus group, and this crisis that has swept the world has finally taken risks at an unexpected speed. No matter how you think about it, this is a happy thing.

But somehow, from the morning, the eyelids of his two eyes always jumped from time to time.

Although Li Guangya is not a superstitious person, there is always an ominous foreboding in his heart that tells him that something bad will happen immediately.

"Is it too tired?"

Taking off the digital flat glasses on the bridge of his nose, Li Guangya reached out and rubbed his eyebrows.

Speaking of which, from January to now, I seem to have never taken a day off.

Although this pace of work is almost normal for a job like the chairman, it is likely that individuals will feel uncomfortable under a high pressure for a long time.

"After returning from Lion City this time, I should take some time to rest for two days."

Thinking of this, he sat at his desk and renewed his spirits.

The mountain of work will not be reduced because of vacations, especially the war has just ended, Guanghan City needs to be rebuilt, and the industry damaged by the bionics ban on the planet is still in ruins. There are still many things that need his decision.

If you want to be busy, then you have to wait until all the things that should be busy are done.

Just when he was in the state, there was a knock at the door.

The pen in his hand stopped, Li Guangya frowned, and stood up from the desk.

Who will be so late?

With this in mind, he stepped forward and opened the door.

Looking at the man who was escorted by two guards to his door, Li Guangya's face showed an unexpected expression.

"Secretary Xu?"

Xu Anguo, the secretary of the office of the President of Pan-Asian Cooperation and concurrently an international relations consultant, is part of Li Guangya's staff team and has been working here for years.

This time he came to the Lion City for a meeting, he followed him. It's just that Li Guangya doesn't quite understand what he wants to do when visiting himself at this point.

"I'm sorry to bother you at this time, but I have something very important to discuss with you. Can I disturb you for 10 minutes?"

Thinking about what important things he had to say to himself, Li Guangya glanced at the guards standing next to him and said.

"Yes, you can ... advanced."

After having the guards close the door, Li Guangya invited him into his room, sat on the sofa in the sitting room, and looked at him and asked.

"What the **** is it, can you tell me now?"

Staring at Li Guangya for a while, just when Li Guangya was looking at a hair in his heart, Secretary Xu suddenly said.

"Do you long for eternal life?"

eternal life?

Li Guangya froze slightly, then frowned slightly.

"... what do you mean."

Looking at the man at the apex of pan-Asian cooperation power, Xu Anguo continued, "I mean, if you can live forever, would you be an eternal being?"

"This is an interesting proposal ... but to be honest, it doesn't appeal to me."


Looking at Xu Anguo with a satisfied face on his face, Li Guangya smiled and said, "Because I don't really care about the length of life, it is enough for me to do a few big things in my lifetime. Of course it is enough. It may also be because I am only in my thirties or forties, it is too early for me. "

The fist placed on his knees slowly squeezed and slowly released, Xu Anguo sighed.

"But it's a shame ..."

Just when Li Guangya wanted to ask what was regretful, he suddenly found a pen facing him.

The silver-white shell exudes a cold light under the light, and the black hole at the top makes it difficult to associate this gadget with the function of writing.

If you didn't guess wrong, this should be a pocket pistol disguised as a pen.

Looking at his pen, Li Guangya calmed himself first, and then asked.

"Did the guard search your body?"

Xu Anguo said with a smile.

"Fortunately, after seeing my identity, they just perfuncated symbolically and did not find the mystery of this pen."

"Really? It seems they should be laid off," Li Guangya leaned back on the sofa, even if he was pointed at the gun, there was no fear on his face. "Say, how much money made you sell your soul, I'm also curious how much my life is worth. "

"Money? Your life? You are wrong, Mr. Chairman," Xu Anguo smiled slightly, and continued, "We just hope you can join us, write your thoughts on the circuit board, and accept eternal life."

Write thoughts on a circuit board?

For a moment, Li Guangya finally reacted to what Secretary Xu meant by eternity.

"Are you a bionic person? No, it's impossible ..." he muttered quietly in his mouth, and at that moment, he suddenly remembered a report from the Security Bureau.

The bionic person may have mastered the brain control chip technology and combined it with the cloning technology to create a bionic person that is almost no different from a normal person and has a flesh and blood.

The reason why Ceres fell is precisely because such beings have penetrated into the army of pan-Asian cooperation.

Thinking of this, Li Guangya finally felt a shudder in her heart.

He knew what the bionic man, disguised as a human, was trying to do to him.

They wanted to imprison him in a cage of the electronic world, change his body to a master, and have the highest power of pan-Asian cooperation in his pocket.

"Farewell, the chairman first--"

The gentleman had not yet spoken out, and the mutation suddenly happened again.

I saw the bionic person sitting in front of himself, as if it was dead, and the whole person was down there.

Seizing this moment of opportunity, Li Guangya quickly rolled over and rolled onto the sofa while pressing the alarm on her body.

The hotel door was knocked open instantly, and two guards charged with live ammunition rushed in, quickly controlled the secretary Xu Anguo, who was sitting on the sofa and packed up the pocket weapon, and pressed him to the ground.

Looking at Xu Anguo under control, Li Guangya climbed up from the back of the sofa and shouted loudly.

"Search him, quickly! See if he has anything like explosives on him!"

"Chairman of the report ... No other weapons were found hidden."

With a terrified expression on his face, the guard swallowed tremblingly.

Obviously, he has realized his mistake in work.

Although his heart was very hot, Li Guangya didn't want to be angry at such a small figure at this moment, but he just waved gently.

"Give him to the security department, and then ... you all go out, don't let people bother me, I want to be alone."

The door of the room was closed again as the two guards left Secretary Xu with a sudden reaction.

Facing the resumption of the quiet room, Li Guangya slowly leaned on the sofa, calming his emotions a bit.

This was probably the first time he was assassinated in his life. Fortunately, the bionic man suddenly crashed or what happened, otherwise today he is probably more fierce.

After all, no one would think that the person who wanted to kill him was actually his loyal staff.

"Is it really destiny? It won't kill me ..."

Li Guangya smiled at himself, and gently tapped his right hand on his left wrist to open the holographic interface.

Without knowing why, he suddenly wanted to look at the calendar and remember the day.

However, at this moment, he felt a slight movement in his heart when he touched the calendar with his eyes, and thought of something for a moment.

After two days ...

Yuheng arrived ...

The pupil shrinks slightly and then enlarges.

There was no time to pause, and he immediately picked up the phone and reached the General Staff.

"Order the First Fleet and immediately stop the attack on Yuheng!"

"Take our hero home!"

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