The moment the words fell, Wang Peng and Dong Bin moved at the same time, took out the pistols from their arms, and flew and hid to the side as soon as the gunfire sounded.

The electromagnetically accelerated projectile left a large hole in the bowl on the marble wall and the expensive carpet.

Such a huge amount of kinetic energy, not to mention being hit by the body, even if it is being stung, most of them have to lose half their lives.

Suddenly the old man smiled and didn't do anything to hide, but just raised the crutch slightly and nodded toward Wang Peng hiding behind the bunker.

Almost at the same moment, Wang Peng, who was breathing, suddenly had a sudden chest, his pupils suddenly contracted, and then a little pain appeared between his eyebrows.

"In order to make this duel more fair, I turned off your implant prosthesis ... Although you may not survive without it, it's all a punishment for taking the liberty to disturb a dying old man . "

The crutch in his hand fell, and the old man smiled slightly.


With that said, the old man, walking on the crutches, trembling and striding towards the backyard.

"... Don't want to leave."

Extruding this sentence from between the teeth, only he could hear himself, Wang Peng freed his left arm and pressed his chest.

With a flash of air flowing in that moment, he cleared his mind for a moment.

Although it was just a sloppy salary, the victory and defeat were divided in the shortest time.

"Come out, righteous duel," half of his body has left the bunker, Dong Bin behind the marble sculpture stared at Wang Peng's hiding place and said blankly, "your time is short."

The moment the voice fell, a metal ball suddenly rolled out of the back of the bunker.

Seeing that metal ball, Dong Bin just smiled slightly.

"Em? That thing really works for ordinary bionics, but it's a joke at best for us awakened people."

The effect of electromagnetic pulse weapons on microelectronic devices is very limited. Even if there is no anti-magnetic field device, the chip implanted in his brain will not be affected at all if he is directly exposed to the electromagnetic pulse weapon.

The moment the voice fell, a humming current like a mosquito groan sounded, and several light bulbs in the living room went out instantly.

The light dimmed instantly, Dong Bin's pupils suddenly contracted, and the dark road in his heart was not good.

However, just as he was about to respond, a gunshot had sounded.

Immediately after the torn pain came from his chest, a large amount of kinetic energy lifted him up and slammed him against the wall behind him.


Blood stained the carpet, and Dong Bin tried to block the large bullet hole in the chest with his left hand, but within two seconds, the pupils became dizzy.

Until the end, he still couldn't understand what the significance of evolution is, and why does he exist ...

Coming out of the shadows, Wang Peng did not go to see the corpse on the ground, but forced the feeling of suffocation, chasing Lawrence's footsteps and rushing towards the backyard.

Hurrying across a path, he came to a small wooden house, and banged his shoulder firmly on the locked wooden door.

The sawdust shot around, and the door panel collapsed suddenly.

Wang Peng, who was rushing into the door, raised his gun and looked around. When he saw the old man wearing a nerve access device and sitting on a chair, his pupils contracted instantly, and he quickly walked forward and stuck his index finger there. Old man's neck.

The residual static electricity told him that the old man chose the method to end his life.


The frustration and frustration that had been abandoned in the past swept Wang Peng's whole body. Although death can be regarded as a punishment, it is undoubtedly too light for this guy.

And that Dong Bin ...

The culprit in the massacre.

He could no longer support his body. Wang Peng dropped his pistol and leaned his back against the wall. He pressed his chest firmly with both hands, trying to restore his suffocated consciousness to a touch of sobriety.

Then this awake, he ran to the door smoothly, one turned over the courtyard wall, rolled over and fell in the center of the street.

The street light shone on him. He no longer had the energy to call for help, but fortunately, the movement on the road was still seen by the servants of the big family.

The maid called the police, and soon the police car arrived with the ambulance. After a brief first aid operation, he was taken to a San Francisco hospital.

Through an address book investigation, the San Francisco police contacted Xing Bian, and Xing Bian found Lu Zhou again.

What happened next was that the two people took the air flight to the hospital in San Francisco ...


San Francisco Hospital.

It is not only the criminal side, but also the staff of the embassy that came to the hospital with the landing boat.

The North American Union issued a diplomatic protest over the presence of agents who wanted to cooperate in their missions.

After all, carrying a weapon to trespass to a private house is a serious criminal case. If it doesn't matter, do you still have dignity?

For now, however, it seems that Pan-Asian cooperation has not taken North American alliance protests seriously.

When he first arrived at the hospital, Lu Zhou could clearly see the helplessness and humiliation in the face of the director of the San Francisco Police Department.

"Systemic organ failure, although we replaced him with a new bionic lung ... but in this case, it has basically been saved."

Standing next to the bed, the doctor with the holographic medical record in his hand had no expression on his face.

The past two days, the entire city of San Francisco was like hell. People drove to the hospital, and finally a car was sent out. Conditional families choose to hang in a half breath. Unconditional families are forced to choose euthanasia for families who have become vegetative ...

By now, he was basically numb to the matter of death.

Hearing the doctor's words, the expression on Lu Zhou's face was slightly stagnant, and he said solemnly.

"What about replacing all the failed organs?"

"Does it include the brain?" The doctor glanced at him, looked at him like a fool, and continued, "Maybe the technology of Pan-Asian cooperation will be more advanced, but at least as far as I have heard, this world No hospital in the world can do a head-change operation ... if you really do n’t want your friends, you can just make a bionic person. "

The doctor thinks he is totally reasonable. After all, the crisis of alpha virus seems to have been resolved by the Pan-Asian cooperation?

Looking at the silent Lu Zhou, he said nothing, turned around and left the room with the case, and went to other wards.

Feeling a bit depressed, Xing took a nose and sighed deeply.

"I went out to smoke."

It was his idea to involve Wang Peng in this matter. He felt sorry for the person next to him.

After speaking, he also turned away and gently brought the door.

The ward was quiet.

Looking at his old friend lying on the ventilator, Lu Zhou was silent for a while, and said to himself.

"In the past, I thought the difference was just a blink of an eye, and it will eventually be smoothed out by the long years, but I also found out that during this time, my understanding of emotion is still too simple.

"How to say, it is really painful to watch my friends leave one by one."

"It seems that eternal life is indeed a bottle of poison, maybe I did make the wrong choice ..."

Suddenly, Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head.

"Sorry, something strange was said ... Xiao Ai, could you please help me turn off the monitoring in the ward?"

The monitoring at the corner of the ceiling flashed a red light slightly. Although there was no response, Lu Zhou knew that his Xiao Ai had already done it for him.

After thinking about the way forward for five minutes, Lu Zhou, who had made a decision in her heart, took out a red test tube from her arms.

"... Fortunately, I have a second choice in matters of evolution."

He reached out and took off the ventilator on his face, and Lu Zhou perfused it with the liquid in the test tube.

"Get some sleep."

Standing up from the chair, Lu Zhou brought the ventilator back to him, and then stuffed the empty test tube back into his arms.

Looking at his friend in bed, he smiled and said softly.

"By tomorrow, everything will be fine."

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