In the morning, a bright silver flight landed at Jinling Airport.

He led Ling out of the terminal, and Lu Zhou presented Ling's ID to the security personnel who checked at the exit, and then passed it with him.

Although the crisis of the alpha virus has been lifted, the investigation of the awakening has not been relaxed. Before the specific legal documents were promulgated, the flesh and blood body dominated by the chip and the unregistered AI individuals who awakened human emotions remained in pan-Asian cooperation. Is illegal existence.

After all, the impression of Guanghan's rebellion in people's minds is too deep.

This scar caused by war cannot be easily wiped out without going through the baptism of time.

However, for the future, Lu Zhou's heart is still hopeful.

In a recent meeting, the Pan-Asian Cooperation Congress has discussed amendments to the artificial intelligence bill, how to define intelligent standards for artificial intelligence, and grant different levels of social status and rights to artificial intelligence with different intelligent standards.

The development of artificial intelligence is the same as the continuous progress of this society. If it is not a major change, this positively related trend is almost irreversible.

Even if it is not today, someday in the future, as long as humans still rely on intelligent programs, then the awakened intelligence will definitely appear.

However, Lu Zhou did not consider this a bad thing.

As long as the emotions injected into the awakening process are love and peace, not hatred and killing, then the future of humans and ai must be harmonious and beautiful.

From the tail, he had seen hope.

The seeds are germinating ...

When leaving the terminal, Lu Zhou suddenly received a call from Captain Xing, and found his car in the parking lot according to his telephone prompt.

"I didn't expect you to meet me at the airport."

Sitting in the back row of the driver's seat, Lu Zhou greeted Captain Xing casually, and nodded and smiled at the new driver.

He remembered that the last time the criminal was driving, the detective driving was named Shi Jin.

No one expected that the faithful historian Shi was actually an undercover man lurking in the Security Bureau.

Xingbian: "Because I owe you a thank you ... and sorry."

"It's unnecessary to apologize," Lu Zhou said casually, looking at the street scene passing by the window. "This is something that no one can predict, including me."

Xingbian: "Speaking, what are you doing in North America these days?"

Lu Zhou said with a light smile and said, "Go back and look at my former home, go and sweep the grave for my mentor, and flip through the previous notes ... and then there is no more, you guys? Seeing you so busy, Has the task force been dissolved? "

"Dissolution? Leisure? I hope," Xingbian said with a smirk, and laughed. "Although the behind-the-scenes of Guanghan City has been identified, after investigation of David Lawrence, we found that he and the spirit of the universe The foundation has nothing to do. "

The competition between the Security Service and the Foundation has just begun, and it is too early for them to say easy words.

"is it."

Taking a look at Lu Zhou, Xingbian said something unexpectedly.

"You don't seem surprised?"

Lu Zhou: "It's no surprise, because the concepts between the two are originally different, and I'm surprised if they are a group."

According to Morinaga's confession, the foundation's idea was to spread the faith of the spirit of the universe by creating chaos and establish a unified, modern theocratic regime covering the entire solar system.

The awakenings, and the pioneers who dominated the awakening, had the idea of ​​replacing human beings as the masters of this solar system.

In this sense, foundations are also being used in this smart crisis.

They did not realize that the source of the alpha virus they had obtained from the asteroid bands was actually sold to them by David Lawrence. When the amount of infection reached an order of magnitude, these viruses were no longer affected. They dominate.

This is also the case. When they worked hard to spread the alpha virus on the black market like hard-working bees, those awakeners had unknowingly sapped their fruits of victory.

If it wasn't for Morinaga's Fufa and military operations on Ceres that disrupted the arrangements of the two parties, this intelligent crisis would probably take another 20 years to erupt.

But by then, I'm afraid everything is too late ...

Lu Zhou: "That is to say, your task force will continue to exist?"

"That's right, but we have been upgraded from the task force to the" Cosmic Spirit Foundation's Countermeasure Section. "

The head of the task force was promoted to the head of the countermeasures section. Although Lu Zhou did not understand the organizational structure of the security department in the 22nd century, the level of the section chief should be higher than the level of the team leader?

"Congratulations on your promotion."

"If you can't be promoted, I feel more and more trouble," said Xingbian, sighing softly. "If this land can always be peaceful, I hope to be a cadre all my life and sit Eat in position and die. "

But this is obviously impossible.

Pan-Asian cooperation is the most powerful regional alliance in the world. Under this almost infinite glory, it is bound to be undercurrent.

Their future work can only get more and more busy, there will never be a free day.

Lu Zhou ridiculed and said, "Even the strong winds and waves like the Bionic Rebellion have gone through. Do you worry about this little trouble?"

Captain Xing froze slightly, then said with a hearty smile.

"makes sense."


Flying all the way along the maglev road, the car quickly drove to the door of the villa in the suburb.

Euphemistically rejected Lu Zhou's invitation to stay for dinner, and Xingbian, who had things to do, did not stop here. After saying goodbye to Lu Zhou, he ordered his driver to drive away.

Just before coming to the access control system, the fence door at the entrance of the courtyard immediately opened.

Like a gust of wind, a petite figure flew into his arms.

"Master! Qaq"

Xiao Ai, who caught Fei's flutter, felt as if she was petting her pet, and Lu Zhou rubbed the fake fur on her head petulantly.

"I'm back, keeping you waiting."

Xiao Ai: "Xiao Ai is really really worried. The owner has disappeared for another century so long. Can you promise Xiao Ai? Can you not go out so far? Qaq"

After Lu Zhou thought for a moment, he answered with a smile.

"Do not go far ... I'm afraid it's a bit difficult, after all, I have decided where I want to go. But next time, if I plan to go to a place that is far away, I promise to take you.

"We won't be separated for that long."

Xiao Ai: "Really ?! That's allowed! (?????)"

Looking at Xiao Ai with a happy face, Lu Zhou couldn't help but vomit in his heart.

This guy……

Is there any misunderstanding of the definition of the word master?

Or in the end who is the owner?

Looking at the same exiting door to greet his tail, Lu Zhou said after thinking for a while.

"What about you? What are you going to do?"

"I ... I haven't really thought about it yet," I heard Lu Zhou's sudden words, his tail could not help but slightly hesitated, hesitated, "I want to raise Lili to grow up, but ... I am a Bionic, when she realizes how her parents died, I'm afraid-- "

Lu Zhou: "You treat her as a family."

The tail froze slightly, then nodded slightly.


"Then please remember this relationship and never forget it."

Staring at the bionic person in front of him seriously, Lu Zhou said this sentence in a serious tone.

Looking at the tail that gradually became solemn, he suddenly smiled, put on a soft tone, and continued to say.

"Actually before that, I was going to hand over Lili to my juniors to raise them, but during this time I thought about it again, and finally changed my mind. Although my junior is indeed a gentle child, But this kind of thing is really best left to you to do. "

The expression on the tail's face was a little embarrassed, hesitantly, "Am I? But ... if she is with you, she will have a brighter future."

"Have you been able to think about this kind of real problem? It's really eye-catching."

Lu Zhou smiled, and continued.

"But you may have misunderstood what kind of future can be considered bright and beautiful, and it must be determined by her. I think she is more willing to deal with you than an outsider like me-she is here The only family in the world is together. "

"As for the things in life, don't worry, I will give you a settlement fee as a reward for saving the world. Take this money and start a new life in a place where no one knows you. I believe you will be able to Do it. "

The tail shook his head slightly and said.

"My concern is not money ... but my current identity is illegal."

"Do you mean identity? Do n’t worry about identity. Pan-Asian cooperation will soon give you ... and all those who have good intentions awakened a legal identity."

"It's too difficult ..." His face was full of shame, and his tail slowly lowered his head. "After all, my compatriots did those things in Guanghan."

"It's not difficult. It's our fine tradition to accept everything, as long as you can prove your benefit to this society ... I believe it will not be difficult for you."

Having said that, Lu Zhou gave her a confident smile and continued.

"Not to mention, here I am."

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