Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1564: Ultimate material

In December of this year, it is warmer than in previous years. Although the window eaves have been covered with a layer of hoarfrost, the bright sunlight outside the window still carries a bit of thin dazzling.

Almost a year has passed since that incident.

From the rebellion in Guanghan City to the repression of the rebellion and the post-war reconstruction, many things have really happened in this world during the year.

The Pan-Asian Cooperation took the lead in passing the artificial intelligence management bill, which clearly defined the intelligence level of artificial intelligence and gave different levels of civil rights to artificial intelligence at different levels.

For artificial intelligence with the highest level of intelligence, its limited citizenship, except for being unable to participate in elections and voting at congresses, is basically no different from ordinary human rights.

If it wants to, it can do whatever it wants.

Except for criminals, of course.

For artificial intelligence, all cases will be severely punished, especially criminal cases. Once the conviction is established, it is basically difficult to escape the end of the destruction.

Once the bill was introduced, it was immediately followed by other regional alliances.

After all, technology itself is innocent, it just needs to be properly utilized.

Anyone with a good eye can see that the bionic people who have the ability to think, can engage in scientific research and creative work, are of great value and help to the entire society.

To a certain extent, this bill can be seen as an understanding between human society and the awakened.

After all, before this, the identity of the awakened person is not only not recognized in all countries in the world, but also sent back to the factory for repair as a faulty individual ...

In addition to artificial intelligence legislation, there is the quantum computer array on Ceres.

Considering its dangers, the Pan-Asian Cooperative Technology Ministry made a decision to conduct permanent containment observations and set up a special foundation to supervise them.

Lu Zhou didn't ask about it all the time. It was only learned afterwards that the name of this foundation seems to be scp?

As for why he called it, he didn't know.

During this year, although the world has changed a lot, it seems that the people and things around Lu Zhou have not changed much.

Director Li is still working as a community volunteer and living a pension-like life. Li Gaoliang is still serving in the third orbital airborne brigade. Wang Peng, who has been integrated into the role of security agency agent, is active in fighting criminals and tracking the universe Spirit Foundation leads the first line.

As for Xingbian ...

This guy has come a little closer to himself recently.

Lu Zhou didn't understand what he was trying to do, but since he returned from North America, he would come to his house every so often.

At first Lu Zhou thought that this guy had something to bother himself, but he didn't think it was just a chain.

There is no resentment to this guy. Anyway, he has few friends who can visit in this unfamiliar era, so Lu Zhou disturbs himself from time to time.

In this way, time passed day by day, and soon reached the last weekend of 2125 ...

Looking at the greeting card sent by Lili, Lu Zhou sighed slightly and placed the greeting card in the drawer gently.

Maybe it's because he's been sleeping for too long, or maybe His Holiness's potion has deactivated his intuition. He always feels that he is becoming less and less sensitive to the passing of time.

"Do you know what the holiday is on the 31st of this month?" Standing beside the desk, looking at the edge of the potted flower on the window sill, he reached out and touched the leaves, saying casually.

"New Year's Day?"

"That's January 1."

After frowning, Lu Zhou shook his head after a moment of careful consideration.

"... I don't know, so what is the festival?"

"Speaking of this festival, it has something to do with you. You don't know it. It's a pity."


Lu Zhou froze for a moment, he didn't remember what he had done on this day.

Looking at Lu Zhou who had no response at all, Xing sighed, his face was covered with defeated expression.

"Ignition day! Pangu fusion reactor ignites! Really, haven't you the chief designer forgotten?"

Ignition Day is OK ...

"... who would be bored to remember such trivial matters."

"Every Pan-Asian citizen remembers! Since the establishment of the Pan-Asian cooperation, this day has been designated as a legal holiday and is closely related to the New Year's Day holiday," Captain Xing paused for a moment, jokingly, " I bet they will invite you as a guest this year. "

Lu Zhou: "Guest? Is there any special celebration for this festival ...?"

Xing Bian: "Of course, at this time of the year, the Asian Star will hold a grand celebration. Because it is a celebration of scientific research results, it is usual to select suitable candidates from the Luzhou Science Award winners as special guests for the celebration , But this year, I think no matter who it is, I'm afraid he is not more qualified than you. "

Lu Zhou frowned and said, "Why does it sound like trouble?"

"Why? That must be your illusion," Xing Bian grinned, and continued, "Since this is the first time you have attended such an event, I still don't spoil it ... Speaking of which, you have been here recently What are you doing? "

Lu Zhou: "What's wrong with studying things that interest me?"

"It's nothing, just a little curious ... After all, I feel like the last time you went out, it seems to be a long time ago."

To be precise, since returning from North America that day, Luzhou has basically not gone out in the past six months.

Although it is only a rumor, Xingbian heard that whenever faced with an important research topic, Academician Lu would choose to retreat and close himself in the study or laboratory for a period of time.

When he goes out again, the difficult problems will be solved magically ...

"Because there is really no need to go out," Lu Zhou continued with an odd expression, looking at Xingbian, whose face was filled with inexplicable expectations, "in addition, even in this era, even prep courses can be solved in online classes. "

"But wouldn't it be tiring to stay at home? Let me guess ... Are you working on second-generation controlled nuclear fusion? Uh, but this problem seems to be no challenge."

However, beyond expectations, Lu Zhou shook his head after hearing this sentence.

"No, I'm studying sociology recently."

Hearing this sentence, Xun Xing stunned.


Lu Zhou nodded and said, "Yes, because there are some things you care about ... don't you find it interesting? Why can't people uploaded to the hard disk meet with themselves in reality? Why are thoughts entangled particles? And why Collapse will occur after the encounter ... "

"At first I thought these topics belonged to the field of informatics, but later I found out that the facts are just the opposite. These theories have nothing to do with informatics itself, but are closely related to sociological research."

Xingbian: "... I actually don't understand from your second sentence. Thinking is entangled particles? This is the first time I've heard this statement." Xingbian opened his mouth and couldn't help asking. "But I still don't quite understand, don't you say that you are studying the second-generation controllable fusion? Why did you suddenly change the research direction?"

"Because there is no suspense about the subject you said ... now that I have endless time, I can delve into those things that interest me, so why bother with such a little effort? After that incident After that, I suddenly became interested in people, so I wanted to try to study it. "With some words in his mouth, and he was confused, Lu Zhou suddenly changed his mouth and muttered," But I regret it. I'm really not an expert in this area, and after two months of research I haven't developed anything ... if she were still there. "

"You know, you look like an lonely old man now," looked at Lu Zhou stunned, and after a while, his expression on his face returned to normal, and then he teased. "I suggest you find an object Well, although we citizens of the 22nd century rarely get married, we still need to talk about love. "

Lu Zhou: "I'm not interested in that kind of thing, it's a waste of time and energy."

Suddenly, the criminal side smiled mysteriously: "Don't say such words, who said the future things well?"

Lu Zhou was too lazy to ignore him, and had begun to drop off with an impatient expression.

Xingbian knew with interest that he had been disturbing here for too long, so he offered to leave.

However, just as he walked to the porch, Lu Zhou, the passenger, suddenly found a test tube with black crystals suspended in his pocket, and passed it to his hand.

"Actually, I know that Li Guangya's guy asked you to come here. Take it."

Hearing the sentence of Lu Zhou's sentence slightly, he was surprised that Lu Zhou had seen his secret, and what surprised him was the test tube that Lu Zhou handed him.

"this is……"

Lu Zhou: "It went up into the sky, then broke through the ground, and gained the ultimate power from all things good and bad."

Xingbian: "...?"

Looking at the aggressive side, Lu Zhou smiled lightly and waved his hands casually.

"Isn't this the key to the space elevator?"

The moment he heard this sentence, the finger next to Xing trembled slightly, and the whole body muscles became stiff.

"You, are you telling the truth? This thing ..."

"Does the material of the space elevator have to be so straightforward?"

"But ... when were you--"

"About two months ago, when I was just starting to study sociology."

Xing Bian: "Why didn't you publish the paper then?"

"Are you 100,000? Why are there so many questions," Lu Zhou said impatiently. "It's all 22nd century. Is that kind of thing important to me? Any new ideas, I updated directly on the lspm forum. "

Pushing Xingbian out of the door, he threw down his face, and Lu Zhou closed the door, then turned back to the study.

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