Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1576: Too appetizing for me

Lu Zhou originally had a hint of luck in his heart. That was the trouble faced by the space elevator project. It was really like what Chairman Li Guangya said, it was just that everything was difficult at the beginning.

It turned out that the reality was that one trouble was just the beginning of another.

Now the problem of location selection is solved, and then it returns to the design of the space elevator. Even now it is not only the design of the space elevator. Even the Penglai City project has been included in the space elevator project team.

Although I understand Li Guangya's intention to decentralize his hands and feet, so much work is on himself, and Lu Zhou, the general consultant of the entire project, felt a lot of pressure.

After leaving the institute, Li Guangya, who was sitting in the car, looked like he was suddenly carrying a little bit of gaze out of the car window.

Inadvertently noticed this, Wu Shuhua asked casually.

"I thought you would be happy."

"Happy? Of course I'm very happy," Li Guangya looked back at her from the window, and gave her a strange look. "Why do you ask?"

Wu Shuhua shrugged her shoulders gently and said in a casual tone.

"I don't know. It may be that your expression makes the air heavy."

"Heavy? That's not enough, just a little ... emotion."


"Yes," Li Guangya sighed. "It would be better if it was a century earlier."

"... sorry, I don't quite understand what you're talking about."

Li Guangya shook her head with a smile and said, "I mean, if I could be born a century earlier, I would be born in that magnificent age."

It is worthy of being from that era.

Especially the last proposal, was it too special to appetite him?

Wu Shuhua: "...?"


In recent days, a message has suddenly spread on the Internet that Pan-Asian cooperation intends to build a city on the high seas as an anchor for space elevators.

Once the news spread, it immediately caused a lot of controversy on the Internet.

Some people say that they are doing a good job, and some people shake their heads and sigh, saying that it is harmful to the international image of pan-Asian cooperation.

However, the news is untested after all, and the press spokesman also said he was unaware of the inquiries at the regular press conference, and reiterated that the Pacific is the common property of all mankind.

Although there is some confusion about why the official press spokesman for Pan-Asian cooperation has repeatedly emphasized this point, seeing his resolute position, the senior leaders of the major regional alliances are still slightly relieved.

Jinling University, a cafe in the experimental building of the Mathematics Institute, several mathematics professors are sitting here, talking about gossip inside and outside the school while drinking coffee.

Talking about this topic, naturally ran to Academician Lu of the school.

"Speaking of which you heard, Academician Lu seems to have graduated from the foundation course."

"I heard that, I have heard about it already," said a professor with a smile. "I feel funny when it comes to this. To whom is it not good to go to the preparatory course, and to Academician Lu, isn't it superfluous?"

"You ca n’t say that. Although his academic achievements and talents are obvious to all, now he is a century apart from the past and many things are different. He is willing to take the initiative to understand the rules of this era. What do you think? It's all a good thing. "

"I don't deny it," maybe the thought came to him, and the professor said with emotion, "but I didn't expect it to happen a century later. When he wakes up, he can still teach our students mathematics as before, Even publishing papers in cutting-edge research fields ... It feels like we haven't made any progress in the past 100 years. "

"Science is a gradual process. It takes time to accumulate from quantitative change to qualitative change. You don't need to be arrogant," another professor said with a sigh. "But what you said is true. The deeper I research, the more I feel, Regardless of whether it is mathematics or physics, we may have reached the boundary. If we want to make a breakthrough again, I really can't do it until we have stepped out of the solar system and gained a new understanding of the universe. "

"You're too pessimistic," looked at him in surprise, and the professor sitting opposite took a sip of coffee and continued. "I didn't feel the boundary you said, and there was so much to study Not very enumerated ... such as the recent second-generation controllable fusion, isn't it an epoch-making breakthrough? "

That professor asked in return: "After all, there are a few people who can surpass their own era. Without Academician Lu, can we still make a breakthrough?"

Several people drinking coffee fell silent.

Although this kind of thing does not offend them to worry, this sentence seems to be asking for ideas.

A mathematics professor who was slightly blessed and had not spoken gently pushed down his glasses and said with an emotional voice.

"Our Academician Lu is really terrific ... when he woke up, he did something big and did a second-generation controllable fusion, and immediately launched the space elevator program to build a 500-km vertical orbit. .If someone told me this, I'm afraid he thought he was talking. "

"What do you think? After all, a man who stood at the pinnacle of human mind a century ago."

"It's just a pity ... he's not thinking about mathematics anymore."

Having said that, the professors sighed again, sighing for the choice of this century-old genius.

Sitting at a coffee table not far away, Professor Sun Jingwen put down the coffee cup in his hand and looked at Academician Qin Chuan, the dean of the Academy of Science, who was sitting opposite him, and asked casually.

"Did Academician Lu say when will he return to school to teach?"

Giving a strange look to his apprentice, Qin Chuan replied.

"I didn't mention ... what happened?"

"It's nothing, it's just some academic problem. I want to ask him for advice, but I can't find a chance," with a hesitation on his face, after a moment of silence, Sun Jingwen said, "You say ... Will you return to study math? "

"I'm afraid he only knew about this problem," Dean Qin smiled, and looked at the students who went back to the dormitory in twos and threes outside the window, and said in a relaxed tone. "I was actually very attached to this matter before, I have been trying to persuade him to return to the courts, and take advantage of the good years to solve some global problems. But after contacting him for a while, I probably understood his thoughts a bit. "

"what idea……"

"Remember those problems that he picked out in your class on the zero point distribution of the Dirichlet l function of your blackboard?"

If ordinary people are so short-handed, most of them will show embarrassed expressions on their faces, or even feel complacent. However, Professor Sun Jingwen just got lost in thought and nodded after a long time.

"... I seem to understand."

There was a hint of approval in his eyes, and he looked at his Dean Qin and sighed softly.

"A long time ago, I saw a memoir written by Professor Perelman, and I remember it very well. He wrote it in his memoir."

"... That's when we just entered the tortuous and abstract maze of Hodge's conjecture. My collaborators, Professor Chen and Professor Ji, were in a dilemma of understanding abstract things. And Poincaré's conjecture The difference is that its requirements for abstract geometry exceed our imagination, so that I am in pain and cannot extricate myself. I tried to ask him for help, but instead of answering my question directly, he gave me a meaningful look. "

"Maybe it was just an illusion. At that time I vaguely felt that he might already know the answer, just to leave this treasure to those who have not yet set foot in the same field as him. I made up my mind until he passed After returning from Mars, be sure to ask the answer to this proposition from him. It wasn't until the bad news was uploaded from Mars that I stopped asking him for help ... "

Repeating the original text of the autobiography, Qin Chuan looked at his student who was in deep thought and said with a slight smile.

"He looks forward to the advancement of the subject of mathematics more than anyone, but what he expects may be a little bit further than we expect."

"A person's greatness cannot make the whole discipline flourish unless he is willing to share his greatness with others. I think this may be that he did not directly solve the generalized Riemann conjecture, but chose to add Pointing reason. "

At this moment, Sun Jingwen's expressionless face finally showed a touch of movement.

"Do you mean ... General Riemann's conjecture, has he solved it?"

Dean Qin said with a smile.

"Bacheng is right."

"But ... when? Is it frozen for 100 years? Impossible ... it is unconscious when frozen."

"When it is resolved, it doesn't really matter anymore," said Dean Qin, looking at his students, earnestly. "The point is, he wants to see that we can solve it."

Light pen

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