Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1579: Less than 3% success rate

In the conference room on the first floor of the Pan-Asian Ministry of Science and Technology, there was a crowd of people at this moment.

The time is getting closer and closer. However, Academician Ge Huaizhi, who is sitting at the top of the conference table, has no intention of announcing the start of the conference. He just switched his eyes between the watch and the door from time to time.

Seeing that it was time to go, the assistant sitting next to him, after all, was still calm, and whispered a reminder.

"Professor Ge ... will begin soon."

"I know," said Impatiently, Academician Ge once again set his eyes on the door, and said casually, "Where is Academician Lu? Is he coming?"

There was a bitter smile on the assistant's face, and he lowered his voice.

"He ... said in his reply to our email that he would consider our invitation, but didn't seem to say explicitly that he would come."

What is this guy doing?

Such an important meeting never came as a general counsel.

Although he knew that his academic status was not enough to criticize the big brother, Ge Huaizhi couldn't help but sighed heavily for his unreliability.

"Think about it? Look at this ... he probably won't come," he glanced at the people in the conference room. After Academician Ge was silent for a moment, he lowered his voice and still did not give up to himself. The assistant said, "You go outside, just in case he can't find the place ... just bring him over."

Hearing this sentence, a bitter smile appeared on the assistant's face, but said nothing, just nodded, and then walked towards the meeting room.

Watching the back of his assistant's departure, the door of the conference room was closed again, and Academician Ge sighed and cast his gaze on the bustling conference room.

He reached out with his knuckles and knocked **** the table. He waited for the conference room to be quiet before he said in a serious tone.

"The outline of the meeting has been sent out, so I'll make a long story short here."

"This meeting is very important. I hope everyone will get up to 120 points."

"Now, the meeting begins."

As we all know, although the name of the space elevator carries the word elevator, it is not the same as the elevator that people often understand. This elevator is not built from the bottom up, but built from the top down.

That is, a region with relatively stable geological activity is selected as an anchorage on the ground, and then a space station is constructed on a synchronous orbit above the anchorage.

Then from this space station, the "ladder" was lowered little by little, and finally landed on the anchorage.

It is for this reason that the space station above the synchronous orbit can be said to be the most important component besides the ladder itself.

Considering the importance of this space, the Space Elevator Project Office will invite the design of this space station to the academia and industry in the region of Pan-Asian cooperation in the form of public bidding.

Considering the investment scale and strategic significance of the project, almost all scientific research units or enterprises engaged in space station design or aerospace engineering research in the Pan-Asian cooperation area have participated in the project bidding.

As for the purpose of this meeting, it is natural to evaluate the design schemes of these research institutions and enterprises, which is the so-called expert evaluation process.

The expert team of the bid evaluation was led by Academician Ge, and almost the core researchers of the entire space elevator project team participated in this review.

The meeting quickly entered the topic.

The first to be displayed was the design proposal of the Institute of Aerospace Science and Technology of Yanjing University.

As a 40-year-old man walked to the center of the circular conference room, he placed a thumb-sized cassette on a projection device located in the center of the conference room.

Soon the blue light beam appeared in the center of the conference room. A circular space station about half a person tall and two steps wide appeared in front of everyone.

Although it is an ordinary face, the aerospace experts sitting here are no strangers to this young and middle-aged professor.

As an expert in the field of aerospace engineering, the professor Zhu Haiqing, who taught at Yanda University, once participated in the design of the Atlantis space station, and is regarded as a small and famous cow in both industry and academia. The distance from the academician's title is only some qualifications and accumulation.

The design scheme launched by the Yantai Space Research Institute was completed by the research team led by Professor Zhu.

"This is the design plan of our Yantai Space Research Institute."

"Referring to the design of the Tianzhou Space Station, we divided the entire space station into three areas: residential, commercial, and industrial, and distributed from inside to outside."

"The weight bar located in the center of the space station is the core of the entire design plan. Considering that as the mass of the space station changes, the center of gravity of the space elevator will float up and down the synchronous orbit. Such a design can ensure that the center of gravity of the space elevator is always in a suitable position.

When talking about this design, the man's face had a confident smile.

Listening to his explanation, whispers were circulating in the conference room.

Looking directly at the holographic blueprint suspended in the beam, Professor Zhang, sitting next to Academician Ge, whispered a question to him.

"What do you think of this plan?"

"It's quite satisfactory," Academician Ge stroked his chin and groaned for a moment, then continued, "If you look at it this way, I don't see any problem."

Professor Zhang said with a smile, "Even your elderly can't see any problems, isn't that stable?"

"Don't say that. No one has ever seen a new gadget like a space elevator. There is no experience in the past. We are all crossing the river by feeling the stones. No one is better than anyone," paused. For a moment, Academician Ge made a mark on the form in his hand, and continued without comment, "Let's look at a few more plans."

Professor Zhang, who is also one of the review committees, nodded and agreed.

"makes sense."

After finishing the final explanation, Professor Zhu Haiqing standing in the middle of the meeting bowed slightly to the members of the review committee who came to the conference room, and then left the review site with his own plan.

Next came to power was Academician Liu Binrui, Institute of Aerospace Science and Technology, Jinling Institute of Advanced Research.

This academician Liu is also an incredible Daniel. Although already 60 years old, he is still active on the front line of aerospace engineering research. And unlike Professor Zhang of Yanda University, he has rich practical experience in the design of large space stations.

His research results are included in the Pan-Asian cooperation Lagrange Point Space Base and the new orbital transit station serving over Tiangong City.

Although the evaluation is on the scheme, not the qualifications of the bidding unit and the academic resume of the person in charge of the project, it has to be acknowledged that the achievements made by the big cows in these industries are compared with those sent by end-of-life research institutions like fun. The design plan over here is really much better.

After seeing the plan proposed by Academician Liu, the expression on Academician Ge's face became more and more tangled.

Not because the plan is bad.

It was because both looked good that he didn't know what to choose for a while.

"Let's go through all the plans first ... wait until the end to make a choice." Make a mark on the form, Academician Ge looked at Professor Zhang next to him and continued to ask, "How is the preparation on the matrix side?" Has the application been completed? "

Professor Zhang nodded.

"The Ministry of Science and Technology has contacted the military through the chairman, and they agreed to use the 'matrix' for twelve hours."

The so-called matrix is ​​an array of quantum computers seized from those awakened.

Although it is not clear where the ‘matrix’ came from and who built it for what purpose, the research of the Pan-Asian Academy of Sciences has finally ruled out most of the dangers.

Considering that this supercomputer has unparalleled strong performance for scientific research, especially in the field of computational simulation, this time Academician Ge purposely used the privilege of the space elevator project team in scientific research priorities and applied to the organization to use this supercomputer for Computational simulation of space elevator design.

"Twelve hours?"

After Academician Ge thought for a moment, he nodded and said to himself.

"It should be enough."


In fact, it took less than twelve hours.

Most of the waiting time is spent on a long communication distance and a relatively narrow communication bandwidth.

For calculations, twelve hours are simply unnecessary for the quantum computer array buried deep under the surface of the asteroid.

Just a few minutes may be enough.

Finally, all the design schemes were passed through. After integrating the opinions of other researchers in the project team, Academician Ge announced the shortlist and expressed thanks to the active participation of those research units that failed to be shortlisted.

The next step is to verify the calculation simulation on supercomputing.

All the data was transmitted to Ceres, hundreds of millions of kilometers away. After being tested by the quantum supercomputing array there, the staff of the Space Elevator Project team received the returned data from the Pan Asian Academy of Sciences.

Looking at the list of items projected on the holographic screen, Professor Zhang cast a look at Academician Ge sitting next to him for inquiry.

"Which one to start with first?"

Academician Ge groaned for a while, and said.

"Let's start with the team's plan."

Regarding Professor Zhu's plan, his first senses are still quite good. I think he should get a good evaluation result.

And if the first news heard is good news, the morale of the entire space elevator project team will undoubtedly be a huge boost.

Both Academician Ge and Professor Zhu Haiqing are full of confidence in the results of the evaluation!

Professor Zhang nodded quickly, and ten fingers tapped quickly on the holographic keyboard. Soon, the simulation results of the design scheme of Yanda's team were presented in the holographic beam.

However, the moment when he saw this result, almost everyone's face showed a surprised expression, and his mood immediately fell to the bottom of the valley.

The original picture of the stable operation of the China Space Elevator did not appear. Instead, it was scattered space junk scattered on the synchronous orbit, and those calculation parameters marked in red.

Especially the most striking number that stung everyone's eyes.

Solution success rate

Only less than 3%!

What the hell? !!

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