Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 807: Lunar engineering

On the moon's orbit hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

Not far from the Moon Palace Space Station, a six-sided prismatic silver-white device was dropped from the belly cargo hold of the bridge and fell toward the moon's surface.

As early as a few months ago, the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies has established a project for the research and development of lunar surface automated mining equipment.

Today, the project has made some progress. And this 300 million rmb device called "blazer" is one of the research results of this project, mainly responsible for the initial mining of moonstone rich in titanium ore.

If the device is deployed successfully and can work successfully. Next, the Lunar Track Construction Committee will consider continuing to deploy an automated vacuum consumable arc melting device on the lunar surface to process the mined titanium ore into titanium ingots or even titanium alloys to fill part of the second phase of the Moon Palace project and the lunar surface study. Structural material requirements for the facility.

Under the traction of the lunar gravity and the inertia, the silver-white prismatic device slowly approached the lunar surface.

And as it became closer to the moon, the two staff members stationed in the Moon Palace and the pilots on the bridge, the look on their faces tightened in unison.

"The impact countdown...5, 4, 3, 2, 1... landing success!"

"Expand the fixed bracket!"

At the moment when the silver-white ribs touched the moon's surface, the gray moon dust rose into the sky under the impact of mining equipment.

The fixed stand on the side of the device opens quickly and, like the four hooks, is nailed into the moonstone under the foot.

The two-month staff who did not dare to stare at the screen at the previous moment, at this moment, finally relieved, and after each other, they simply returned to the mission.

“Here is the Moon Palace, and the experimental model of the monthly automated mining equipment has landed successfully, requesting the next step.”

“Here is the ground command center. Congratulations on completing the mission. Please check the deployment of the automated mining equipment on the lunar surface. If there is no abnormality, please start the next test after ten minutes.”

"Roger that."

All the inspection items were skillfully completed, and after the device was successfully deployed, the staff on the Moon Palace immediately pressed the button of the starter device.

At almost the same time that the button was pressed, the signal light on the top of the automatic mining device flickered slightly, as if it was in response to the summons of the Moon Palace, like a behemoth on the moon.

The alloy plate at the bottom slowly opened, and then the huge drill bit protruded from it, and the dead ground was nailed into the moon.

As the drill begins to spin and pushes down, the titanium-bearing moonstone that blocks the front is quickly split into countless pieces. After passing through a spiral crushing pipe, it emerges from the discharge port on the side of the unit.

After the deployment of the matching smelting device, the discharge port of the entire automated mining device will be connected to the smelting device through a special pipe and sent to the smelting furnace under the handling of the crawler to achieve complete automated production.

But now, the titanium-bearing moonstone that has been mined can only be piled up here, so after confirming that the device can run successfully, there is no need to keep it open.

“The device started successfully and is in good operating condition.”

"Let it stop."

"Roger that."

As the drill bit slowly stops and is harvested into the belly of the mining unit, the broken ore does not rush out of the discharge port.

However, due to the low gravity environment on the moon, the flying moon dust that has been flying around has not been settled.

Standing beside the porthole of the Moon Palace, looking far into the dusty moon, Johnson opened his mouth and his face was full of shock.

"God... What are the Chinese people doing on the moon?"

No one answered him.

Because Jones stood next to him, the expression on his face was no more calm than he was.

She only saw what the Chinese people threw from the spacecraft, and then the rolling moon dust covered the sky, as if it had been hit by a missile.

"They... are they testing weapons on the moon?"

Silence for a while, until the space station slowly moved, the "worksite" covered by the moon dust disappeared into his vision, he said like a self-talking voice.

"...I hope it is not."

In theory, it is impossible. The peaceful development and utilization of outer space resources is a consensus reached by all countries. Experts from all over the world are on this space station, and there are countless astronomical observatories on the earth pointing the lens to this side.

If the Chinese people plan to test weapons on the moon, they must be crazy.

Johnson is more willing to believe that they are planning to build something on the surface of the moon, just like the planting unit they deployed some time ago.

Looking at the captain next to him, Jones asked with some worried voice: "Speak up... When can we go home?"

Johnson shook his head: "I don't know."

"What about Taiwei? How can I not see others recently?"

Johnson was silent for a while, and continued to speak.

"There may be some situation on his side."

"I heard...he seems to be infected with the terrible Martian virus. Do we also..." Jones thought of something terrible, and Jones's face was pale.

Looking at his teammates, although he was upset, Johnson still comforted himself.

“Reliably, here is the world's top biologists, whether it is Tavi or us, it will be safe in the end.”

Although the words are like this, but his heart is not at all.

He had a brief exchange with Nasa when he reported to the North American people through the communication device of the Moon Palace.

Fortunately, the Chinese did not prevent him from knowing the truth of the matter. In his communication with the director of NASA, he basically understood the beginning and the end of the matter.

Simply put, they live on a very viable Martian bacterium that can have an unpredictable impact on the Earth's ecosystem. So they were temporarily isolated on the space station and after a while they were transferred to the research facility on the surface of the moon for placement.

As for what their final outcome will be, and if the bacteria prove to be invincible, even the world's top biologists can't do anything, and how will they be disposed of? Johnson didn't even dare to think deeper.

Perhaps it is the best solution for the three of them to give their lives. Even he can feel vaguely, and Director Carson has hinted at himself when he is talking to him.

However, life is only one thing for anyone. No matter what kind of glory is behind it, how easy is it to give up?

At this time, the cabin door of the living room suddenly opened.

The Chinese researcher who had previously inspected them, accompanied by two astronauts, drifted into the living quarter and stood in front of the two.

Johnson was subconsciously nervous, but quickly relaxed and asked.

"What? Is the research progressing?"

When asked this sentence, Johnson did not report any hope. After all, it took only a few days for the international experts to arrive at the Moon Palace. It was possible to find a solution to the problem in such a short time. It is too difficult.

However, Zhao Shuxuan’s words are beyond his expectations.

"Slightly a little."

Looking at the face filled with astonished Johnson, Zhao Shuxuan paused for a moment and continued in a serious tone. "In order to verify our guess, I need you to cooperate with us for some experiments."

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