Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 829: Tasks that can be completed by hanging up

After being beaten by the school sister, when Lu Zhou finished lunch, the time for lunch break was almost over.

Accompanied by Lu Zhou, he walked back to the experimental building downstairs. After repeated trips, he must not forget the matter of the Russian delegation. Chen Yushan waved his hand and bid farewell to him, then turned and walked away.

Back in the office, Lu Zhou packed up the lesson plan that was taken out yesterday, and found Zhao’s assistant to confirm the afternoon schedule, and then yawned to go to the academy.

There is a number of lectures this afternoon, which is a professional elective and has the credits.

Originally, these courses were brought together by his doctoral student He Changwen, but seeing that this semester has passed more than half of the semester, Lu Zhou wondered how he had to show his face, so he went to see it himself.

I don't know if it is his illusion. I always feel that the students sitting in the classroom stare at his face for more time than staring at the blackboard...

After aware of this, Lu Zhou could not help but feel a little frustrated.

I didn't expect to give undergraduate classes for a long time, and my level of lectures actually regressed to the extent that I needed to rely on my face to eat.

Recalling that when I was teaching at Princeton University, other children's shoes were sitting on the small bench and sitting on the corridor, and Lu Zhou was also embarrassed.

It seems that there will be more time to find some opportunities in the future, and I will go to class in person...

It didn't take long for the four sides of the blackboard to be full, and the outside of the classroom also sounded the ringing of the intermission.

Lu Zhou closed the books on his hands, and the students who looked at the eyes of the audience were not ready to make a summary of the content they had said before. They saw a line of pale blue windows and they came up with him. In the field of sight.

The quest task is completed:

4 Alchemist: Produces 100 tons (100/100) of titanium alloy.

Already done?

So fast?

Lu Zhou’s heart flashed a bit of surprise, but his face did not show up.

Clearing the scorpion, he smashed the teaching plan in his hand at the desk, and looked around at the students in the classroom and said.

"This class will be here, everyone will rest for five minutes and continue for a while."

After that, Lu Zhou left the classroom, turned and walked into the toilet next to the classroom. After looking for a single room, he silently read the system and entered a pure white system space.

Stepping quickly to the side of the holographic panel, as his index finger swiped across the screen, the task panel quickly surfaced in front of him.

The second phase of "Land and Moon Control" - "Moon Moon"

Branch line:

1 person is full: the monthly active population exceeds 100 within 24 hours.

2 Future Sparks: Large Hadron Collider on the Moon.

3 Digging the ground three feet: collecting 50 tons of rare earth from the moon soil.

4 Alchemist: Produce 100 tons of titanium alloy. (completed)

5 Looking back at the parent star: Establish a semi-permanent earth weather station on the lunar orbit.

6 Look into the distance: build a large space telescope on the back of the moon to make more detailed observations of the planets in the solar system and the extraterrestrial stars.

Looking at the "completed suffix", Lu Zhou couldn't help but feel a bit of emotion.

When the whole project was approved, he moved the pen and sat on the earth for a few months, and the task was completed.

This is simply easier than hanging up.

The only fly in the ointment is that before the completion of the second-phase mainline mission, the reward for the regional mission is temporarily unavailable.

I don't know what benefits this quest can bring to him...

"...Is there still five branches left?"

Looking at the remaining tasks on the task list, Lu Zhou touched his chin.

The first one is very well solved. It is good to organize a hundred people with a tour or other means. It may not be easy to put it last year, but now that the bridge number is completed, it is not too easy to solve this task. If you can't say it, you can make a profit.

There is also a third branch line that can excavate titanium ore from the lunar surface, so that it can dig rare earth mines. As for the smelting of rare earths, it may be a little troublesome, but the task only requires collection, and there is no requirement for smelting. It should be profitable to ship back to the earth.

As for the other tasks, it can only be said that it is a success.

It is not realistic to complete all the spurs. It can be completed more than half, and it is no longer a loss for him.

After withdrawing from the system space, Lu Zhou was preparing to stand up from the toilet and heard the sound of the faucet flushing outside.

Originally, he didn't care. He planned to go out directly, but he just heard that the two students outside had said their names, so they sat back again and cocked their ears and curiously listened.

As a professor, he is still very curious about the students' evaluation of themselves.

"Do you understand the class of Lu Shen?"

"Half and a half, what about you?"

The boy with glasses sighed and said, "One third, hey, I want to understand, but the strength is not allowed."

The man who washed his hand next to the station smashed his hand: "Maybe this is a big cow."

Glasses man: "Maybe! But when I think of Lushen, this big cow is a single dog, my heart is instantly balanced, at least I have a girlfriend."

"Haha, do you know that people are single dogs, maybe people are just low-key?"

The man in glasses waved his hand and looked at the expression "What do you know?"

"Get it, is it single? I can see it at a glance."

At this time, a voice with a little familiarity and a little smile, suddenly floated from behind like a ghost.

"Yes? Then you teach me to see you."

The two people standing next to the washbasin brushed back and looked back. As soon as they saw the Lu Zhou standing at the door of the single room, the face suddenly seemed to have seen the ghost.

"The trough, Lu Shen!"

"Professor Lu?!"

Lu Zhou smiled and didn't talk, so he looked at them.

"Teach, professor...we just..." was stared at the hair by Professor Lu, who smiled and smiled. The student wearing glasses scratched his head and was so anxious that he scratched his head. Suddenly, he was in a hurry and said, "We just praised you." Handsome!"

Lu Zhou: "..."


When I am deaf?

Also, does this need to be praised?

I didn't want to waste time with both of them. Lu Zhou said with a slap in the face: "Hurry and go back to class."


The two students stood up straight and ran away without a trace.

Looking at the direction of the toilet door, Lu Zhou took a while and sighed in a sigh.

Hey, I didn’t realize it before. Now he found that when the professor’s feeling is really special.


Say, did you make a bad example? What strange misunderstandings have these undergraduates made to the mathematician profession?

Speaking of it, his age is indeed not small, at least not a teenager.

Going home for the New Year this year, I am afraid that the old lady should be anxious for his lifelong events.

"...Forget it, wait a couple of years and consider this question again."

Shaking his head, Lu Zhou put this problem aside for the time being.

He is not entirely avoiding this problem.

It’s just that he hasn’t thought about how to set up a family and keep the family.

The research has taken up most of his time, he has no energy to play the role of a boyfriend, let alone father.

Turned back to the classroom, Lu Zhou opened the teaching plan on the table and turned to the last page.

"Turn your textbook to page 47."

In the classroom, the sound of flipping the book was heard. Just reading the contents of page 47 was the face of many students, and they all showed a surprised expression.

"...The first half of the class is about the foundation of number theory. In the second half of the class, I will tell you something interesting, and it is also the subject I am studying."

He said, he turned to face the blackboard, picked up the chalk from under the blackboard, and wrote four words on it.

[Riemann conjecture]

At the moment when these four words were written, there was a lot of turmoil in the classroom.

Lu Zhou patted the blackboard, indicating that the students turned their attention to this side and said with a clear voice.

"I am talking very fast."

"You listen carefully."

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