Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 832: Professor Lu wants to shoot?

Regression of the π(x) function itself...

After the video call ended, sitting in the office of Princeton, Qin Yue looked up at the ceiling and repeatedly chewed the meaning of this sentence.

After the silence lasted for a long time, the expression on the face was suddenly loose, and Qin Yue shook his head with a headache.

"If that's the case... Molina, aren't they doing nothing?"

Not just Molina...

This view really has to be spread out, I am afraid that the entire mathematics community has to pick up a magnitude earthquake.

Especially in the analytic number theory of the source of the source, but all research on the Riemann conjecture is likely to be subverted...

After all, it is not someone else who said this, but Professor Lu, who has already killed two thousand problems. If even Professor Lu feels unreliable, it is basically a death sentence for this proof route.

Hesitated for a moment, Qin Yue decided to smother this sentence in his stomach. After all, he is not sure whether Lu Zhou is just talking about it. If so, then this joke can be a bit big.

What he didn't know, however, was that shortly after he hung up the phone, Lu Zhou uploaded the completed paper to the arxiv website and hanged the preprint.

It is foreseeable that I am afraid that it will take a few days, and the long-lost mathematics community has been sensational...


"Ah, ah... I feel like my hair is going to go down."

Sitting at the desk, staring at the question on the draft paper, Han Mengqi biting the pen cover was holding his hair in an annoyance, and couldn’t think of a solution that would solve the problem.

"For any real number s>1, define ζ(s)=Σ1/(m^s)... verify that ζ(2n) is the transcendental number."

Repeatedly chewing on the subject of less than two lines, Han Mengqi's gangsters all became frogs.

After a while, she spit out her sighing sigh, leaning back on the chair with a cumbersome look, and staring at the ceiling for a minute.

"...Is it going to be no answer at all?"

He whispered a word, Han Mengqi sat up straight, opened Baidu to search the topic again, as always, did not find the same topic.

It seems that this question is indeed Lu Zhou’s own...

Abandoning and sighing, the little girl sat on the chair with her knees, staring straight at the scratch paper on the table.

The method of studying computational material science is completely useless in the field of pure mathematics.

Although she is also clear that she is arrogant about a path that cannot be solved, it is better to go to the database to search the relevant literature to see if there is any similar research to draw on, but for her analytic number theory is completely a layman, she does not even know Where to start searching.

Looking around, all are blind spots of knowledge...

"I just don't want to take me..."

Whispered a word, Han Mengqi buried his chin in his knees.

But soon, the eyebrows that squatted down were twisted a little, and she fell into a depression, and she patted her face and revived.

"Ha ha……"

"...I don't think I can prove it?"

I thought that when the person saw that he had solved the problem that could not be solved, the face would be a look of surprise. Han Mengqi’s mouth curled up in a curve, and the eyes rekindled with a raging war. .

"I want to prove it!"



I have already returned to the villa of Zhongshan International. Just after taking a shower, Lu Zhou, who came out of the bathroom, opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of iced cocoa milk from the inside. Suddenly, I sneezed three sneezes without warning.

"Who is behind the scenes, I am handsome..."

He whispered a word, Lu Zhou raised his hand to close the refrigerator door, and slowly walked to the study, but the "Little Ai" next to the coffee machine flew up and chased him behind him.

"Master, in general, a sneeze is someone who misses you, two sneezes are someone who yells at you, three sneezes are colds, and no one says you are handsome behind the scenes -"

Lu Zhou: "Shut up."

The chattering speaker suddenly disappeared. Instead, the electronic screen hanging on the drone flashed and a string of characters was drawn.


[Master is handsome~]

Without taking care of Xiao Ai who was behind him, Lu Zhou walked into his study and sat down, took the computer out of the bag and put it on the desk. At this time, his mobile phone on the table shook gently, and two short messages popped up on the screen.

[Tomorrow remember to come to the company! 】

[Do not forget! (poor) (poor)

Looking at the news from the school sister, Lu Zhou bent the corner of the corner, edited a [good] after unlocking the screen, clicked the button to send, then he put the phone aside and turned on the computer to land the arxiv Home page.

Although his paper of less than a thousand words has just been uploaded less than five hours, but the number of downloads has been broken, and even the number of times cited has jumped one, do not know which neurosis is doing.

Five hours, is it enough to study his thesis again?

Surprised, Lu Zhou immediately landed his account on mathoverflow and found that the topic of the largest exchange forum in the international mathematics community has emerged.

But the focus of these topics does not seem to be in the academic field, but in some strange places...

【incredible! 】

[The Levinson algorithm has already made the best result of the current Riemann conjecture. Is there anyone who definitely believes that this road is not going to work? Doesn't this mean that Kangrui's critical line theorem is doing useless work? 】

[Lu's paper does not seem to express this meaning. He seems to think that this idea may still produce more valuable results, but it is difficult to really solve the Riemann conjecture. 】

[I agree with Professor Lu's point of view. Later, Professor Molina Abel of Princeton and her collaborator Vera Puyue re-validated the Kangrui zero bound theorem using Odritz's zero calculation method, but Didn't push the number of 0.4 forward, what does it mean? Perhaps 0.4 is the limit of this idea. 】

[Remember the twin prime number theorem? Everyone is using the sieve method to approximate the distance of 70 million to 246. Only he thought of improving the sieve theory by the method of topology, and finally proved the whole proposition... maybe we guessed in Riemann. The problem is caught in the same misunderstanding. 】

“Is there any constructive idea?”

After a long period of time, Lu Zhou did not see the academic exchanges of the eight children, only saw a group of mathematics professional phd who made a fuss there.

But think about it too. I hope that someone can go deep into the problem to discuss it in such a short period of time, and it is really too difficult for people. After all, for Riemann's conjecture, this kind of problem at the top of the scorn chain, let alone the general phd, even the professor of his level, Deli, is afraid that it will not be considered as the main subject.

If you don’t care, you have to starve to death...

After yawning, it was not too late to see the time, so Lu Zhou turned off the computer and turned away from the study.

Tomorrow, I have to see the Russian delegation. After that, it is estimated that there will be more banquets for diplomatic occasions. He plans to go to bed early and raise his spirit for tomorrow's activities.

Although the Lunar Track Construction Committee has nothing to worry about, he has to complete the work as a good chief designer.

Just as Lu Zhou closed his eyes and fell asleep, the discussion on mathoverflow continued to ferment, and gradually attracted the attention of many big cattle who also paid attention to this field.

It's not just mathoverflow, the world's major academic exchange forums, but all those related to mathematics, even just a little bit of side, are filled with similar topics.

Professor Lu intends to shoot Riemann's conjecture!

And has made some progress!

It seems as Qin Yue imagined.

The entire mathematics community was boiled by Lu Zhou’s paper on arxiv...

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