Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 835: Diplomatic dinner

The dinner continues.

Because the chopsticks have not stopped, the time is almost half of the Luzhou has been full.

Because it was really impossible for the Minister Gruget to keep up with him, and the sight of the Kaufman academician, Lu Zhou insisted for a while, and finally politely said that he needed to go to the bathroom, then Then he got up and slipped out of the banquet hall.

From the moment I stepped out of the banquet hall, the noisy sound suddenly went away.

Lu Zhou slowly swayed to the bathroom, washed his face on the edge of the pool, and then walked to the balcony of the Purple Mountain Hotel.

Speaking of this hotel, he has come a lot of times. Every year, the annual meeting of Star Technology is held here. If you go back to the university, you were invited to come here to attend a celebration party. I am familiar with the terrain here.

The open-air balcony on the fifth floor faces the foothills of the Purple Mountain. If you catch the autumn evening, you can see the most beautiful scenery of Zijin Shandong. Look at the golden color of the mountains and mountains.

However, unfortunately, it is already 8 o'clock in the evening, and it has passed the most beautiful autumn in October. Apart from the cold evening wind, there is nothing left here.

But for Lu Zhou, who just wants to avoid the hot atmosphere in the banquet hall, looking for a place to kill time, it is enough.

I found a seat and sat down everywhere. After the hotel serviceman who stood at the door saw him, he quickly came over with a menu.

"Sir, may I help you?"

"A cup of hot mocha."

"Okay," the waiter nodded and scribbled a note on the menu. However, just as he was about to say the last sentence, "Please wait a moment," a slightly sloppy Chinese from the side. Gone over.

"A cup of Tequila sunrise."

The pale blond hair was scattered on the shoulders of the line, a Russian girl wearing a bohemian dress, naturally sitting across the road, watching the waiter standing next to him, smiling Remind, "Don't forget to add ice."

Although the Jinling in November has not yet entered the winter, the evening wind on the balcony is still mixed with a bit of bitterness. At this time, choosing to drink cold drinks is actually quite unusual.

"Well...", stunned at the blond beauty, the waiter looked at Lu Zhou and saw that Lu Zhou did not seem to oppose it. Then Mumu nodded. "Two people please Wait a moment."

After that, he put away the menu in his hand and turned to walk in the direction of the balcony side of the balcony.

Looking at the strange lady sitting across from herself, Lu Zhou wondered if she should be a member of the Russian delegation. Just when he was just about to ask her for her name, the woman’s mouth curled up with a smile, and he used the Chinese language that was not skilled but the words were clear.

"It seems that it is not just the atmosphere that a person can't stand the banquet."

Lu Zhou: "Are you?"

"Victoria Liya, I visited this beautiful country with my father in the delegation," the blond lady extended her right hand and said with a slight smile, "I am very glad to meet you."

Although I feel that this person is probably knowing how she looks, but out of courtesy, while shaking hands with her, Lu Zhou still said to himself.

"Lu Zhou, Professor of Mathematics."

It seems that it was amused by Lu Zhou’s statement. Victoria’s index finger went around the hair of the horns and asked in a sly tone. “Just a mathematics professor?”

Lu Zhou made a helpless expression: "Of course, I also study physics...and chemistry."

Ms. Victor Liya bent her lips. "You are really humorous. The meaning behind this name is not just as simple as mathematics professors and physical chemistry."

"Yes? Maybe..." Looking at the waiter who came over the tray, Lu Zhou reminded him, "You have arrived at the cocktail."

"Thank you," took the cocktail from the tray of the waiter, and Victoria elegantly lifted the cup and took a sip. He put the glass on the side. "My Chinese is not very good, probably three. I only learned before the month."

Lu Zhou: "It is good to have this level in three months."

For Russians, it is not an easy task to master Chinese grammar. It is not only good to be able to master this level within three months. Even if it is called genius, it is not an exaggeration.

It can be seen that this woman is not a vase, in addition to the beautiful appearance, she also received a good education.

Just as Lu Zhou looked at her, she was also observing Lu Zhou, but she did not express this point particularly clearly. Instead, she was like a familiar old friend, and naturally chatted with him.

"Is this praised by genius?"

"Genius? Me?" Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head. "I am not a genius. I just spent a little more time than others."

There is also a brain domain developed by the system.

However, this is also a transformation of the day after tomorrow, probably not congenital.

Victor Lia licked his lips and said with a smile: "You are too modest, and your achievements have reached a height that many people can't reach for a lifetime. It's not just a little more time than others can achieve."

Lu Zhou: "Maybe, but who is going to say good things in the future?"

Victoria said with a smile: "I have studied economics at Moscow University and have taken some math courses. In the advanced functional analysis course, we often hear our professors praise your math achievements. This is in Russia. Very unusual, we generally seldom praise others in mathematics."

Lu Zhou: "Researched mathematics?"

"I can't talk about research, I just learned one or two... Are you surprised?" The expression on Lu Tao's face was observed, and Victoria said with a curved corner.

Lu Zhou nodded: "It was a little surprised. I didn't expect to meet people with a common language here."

"I am very glad to hear you say this. I am also very curious about the topic you are studying... or in other words, it is curious as to what problem it is that can make you as a genius." Pick up the glass and the boat. The coffee cup gently touched, and Victoria sipped a cocktail with a red lips and looked at him with a sigh of relief. "Maybe we can talk about it in depth."

you sure?

Want to know what I am studying?

Although Lu Zhou has no opinions, there are still two hours away from the end of the banquet, and it is idle at this time.

Looking at the "full of curiosity" eyes, Lu Zhou smiled slightly, and the gentleman said.

"The honour is great."


Of course, Grudev knew that the academician of the army did not want to hear him.

Most scholars have such a personality. They have something to say and nothing to shut up. Especially for theoretical research, although there are some enthusiasts of outdoor sports, most people have the potential of otaku in their bones, and the "superficial person" is not able to talk about it.

As a bureaucrat who once served as a diplomat, Grudev’s ability to observe and observe this is still there. As for why he knows this well, he still tirelessly wants to talk to him.

Is this still asking?

If he doesn't do this, how can he create an opportunity for his cute little daughter, Victor Leah?

He swears that this is definitely not a betrayal of a daughter.

Standing from the perspective of a father, Professor Lu is a foreigner, but he is definitely a qualified husband, at least more qualified than those who are drinking alcohol all day long. It is just that the little daughter he is studying at the university does not have the right target. If he can create opportunities for the two to promote the marriage that witnesses the friendship between the two countries, why is he not happy as a father?


The development of things often does not go as smoothly as planned.

Although he thinks he has calculated to be perfect, he still underestimates someone's incomprehensibility...

After the banquet, Victoria walked into the hotel room with a look of exhaustion.

Looking at her daughter's tired face, Grudev's mouth twitched with some distress, but still couldn't stand the urgency of his heart, and asked what he was most concerned about.

"How? Did you meet Lu Zhou?"

Victoria: "Go to the balcony and have a drink together."

Grudev’s face was happy, and he quickly coughed and continued to ask.

"How is the result?"

"Riemann zeta function..."


What the hell?

Grudev squinted and frowned.


Victoria smiled weakly and said exhaustively: "He told me about the three-hour Riemann zeta function, and finally came to the inspiration, so I threw me away and left... It is commendable that he bought a ticket for me before leaving."

If you haven’t experienced it yourself, you can’t imagine how sensational it feels. Obviously, he is not interested in the topic, but he has to show a eager look, listening to that person in his own world.

Doesn't he know about talking about movies or music?

Although he is quite satisfied with his appearance, but unfortunately the face can not be eaten, and this kind of person will definitely collapse...

Grugev: "..."

Life can't look at the old man in love, Victoria said with a weak voice: "Dad, I am very ugly?"

Grugev opened his mouth and passed it for a while before saying, "No, child, you are as beautiful as your mother... Of course, I mean when she was young."

"This is the first time that I have doubts about my charm."

With a look of doubt in her face, Victoria stared at the ceiling and muttered to herself.

Do not know how to comfort his daughter, Grudev sighed.

"Maybe his vision is too high..."

Although unfortunately not successful, but this is no way.

It may be like the saying of Huaguo.

Two people really have no fate...

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