Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 847: Xiao Ai upgrade!


Floating around the Luzhou, the drone controlled by Xiao Ai swayed up and down, and turned around.

Lu Zhou speculated that this strange posture is probably a unique way of artificially mentally retarded, but it is a bit hard and difficult to understand.

Looking at Xiao Ai, who was screaming beside him, Lu Zhou coughed softly and said.

"Don't make trouble, let me first study how this stuff is used."

This stuff is not a toy for children, but the world has only one commercial quantum computer that can be used in the industrial field. It is not the kind of laboratory that just surpassed the early stage. Classical computer test article.

If this is broken, let alone he can't afford this loss, and human civilization can't afford it!

Xiao Ai: [Yes, but the master... I am afraid that you have broken it! Qaq

"How can it be!"

This sentence just said, Lu Zhou suddenly realized that the broken system did not give himself a booklet with instructions for use, so after a few seconds, he cried and asked, " will use this Something?"

Xiao Ai: [No! But let me go in, I will definitely! 0v0]

Xiao Ai: [And, you can also save the steps to install the system! 0v0]

So arrogant?

Seeing Xiao Ai's self-confidence, Lu Zhou seriously thought about it for a while and finally made a decision.

"Then please, please."

Informatics is not his strength.

Although the level of informatics has been improved, the subject level is not equal to the knowledge reserve. It only determines the speed of acceptance of knowledge in the field and a very abstract analytical ability. If you don't spend a lot of time studying, his current programming skills are actually There is no difference in the level of undergraduate time.

There are no problems writing small programs, but they are like the frontiers of quantum computers...

I don’t want to work hard, I’m afraid that it’s hard to even touch the door.

Xiao Ai: [Give it to me! 】

Almost as soon as the text flashed across the screen, the vga logistics car and the mechanical arm on the wall moved.

First, the chassis was moved from the central open space of the laboratory to the edge of the wall, and then the mechanical arm connected to the wall was up and down. After identifying the various power cables and power conversion interfaces of the chassis, they were quickly received in the correct position.

Lu Zhou, who was watching the operation, was shocked and scared, and he was afraid that this guy would play his "new computer".

Fortunately, what he worried about did not happen.

For his new home, Xiao Ai is obviously more cautious than him. After installing the chassis, he even vacated the "hands" and used the tools to create a radiator with a water-cooled air-cooling system. Rack, then carefully put the chassis up.

Xiao Ai: [Master, master, installed finish! The moment to witness the miracle is coming~φ(≧≦*)

Lu Zhou: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up."

The lights on the chassis flashed and the connected screen quickly illuminates.

However, the screen is lit, but it is black and there is no movement.

Staring at the dark screen, if it wasn't for the text box cursor that jumped in the upper left corner, Lu Zhou even thought that this thing was a crash.

Continue to silence for a while, Lu Zhou looked to the drone floating next to him.

"...Is this finished?"

Xiao Ai: [Hmm? Have you got it already? 0v0]

Lu Zhou: " desktop?"

Xiao Ai: [But this is the command line operating system... Of course, if the owner needs it, I can also design a graphics operating system for the host... and so on, Xiao Ai suddenly feels that a flood of power is rushing. Exit (°△°)_]

The text flashing on the screen was suddenly interrupted. Lu Zhou gave a slight sigh, and then quickly asked.

"……what happened to you?"

"Little Ai!"

At the moment when the voice fell, the chassis of the quantum computer suddenly gave off a blue light.

Looking at the astonishing picture of this scene, Lu Zhou’s eyes could not help but grow up, but he soon discovered that the light was not from a quantum computer, but from the illusion in his sight...

Or, the system.

Less than half a second, a translucent dialog popped up from his view.

[Congratulations on the host, "Artificial Intelligence" branch technology upgrade. 】

[current level: lv3]

"Artificial Intelligence" branch technology!

It has been upgraded here!

Lu Zhou’s heart was excited.

The last upgrade seems to be when he just returned from Princeton. Although he later moved to Xiao Ai once, it didn't seem to meet the upgrade conditions.

However, lv3 actually wants a quantum computer to upgrade!

This upgrade condition is too harsh, right?

Extending the index finger on the translucent dialog box, the dialog box was quickly expanded, and the requirements for the promotion of lv4 were listed.

[Upgrade conditions: Collect enough data from human social behavior. 】

The upgrade condition of lv4 does not seem to continue to improve the computing power, which also makes Lu Zhou really relieved.

This is already a quantum computer sent by higher civilizations. If he is allowed to move his new home to Xiao Ai, even if he really brings out quantum computer technology, I am afraid that it is impossible to find a "bigger house" in the short term.

However, this "collecting enough data from the social behavior of human beings" is too abstract.

Is it enough to register a few social accounts to watch the sand sculpture group members squirting and then hang up and wait for a quiet reading?

Looking at the empty progress bar, Lu Zhou could not help but fall into meditation.

At this time, Xiao Ai, who had been quiet for a long time, finally reacted. The drone that was parked in midair swayed and flew to the front of Lu Zhou.

Xiao Ai: [Master, I am fine. 】

Stretched his hand and made a slight stroke in the air, and scattered the translucent dialog box. Lu Zhou looked at Xiao Ai, who was "shameful" and asked.

"...What does it feel like after the upgrade? Is there any change?"

Xiao Ai: [I feel that I am smart! 】

Lu Zhou: "..."

I don't know if it is his illusion.

He always feels...

Is it a bit of a loss to bring such a good thing to upgrade this guy?


Because of the inability to disassemble, Lu Zhou’s enthusiasm for this “beyond” x-1 quantum computer was suddenly reduced by half. After throwing it to Xiao Ai to go to the drum, he left the lab and took the elevator directly to the top floor. director's office.

Sitting at the desk, thinking about coming, I just dealt with the backlog of documents, so Lu Zhou pulled out the materials submitted by the various research institutions under this month from the file cabinet.

Just as he had just prepared a local one, the door knocked at the door of the office.

Closing the documents in his hand, Lu Zhou temporarily dropped it on the corner of the table.

"come in."

With an expression on his face, Yang Xu, the director of the Institute of Computational Materials, opened the door and walked in.

Seeing the excited Yang Xu, Lu Zhou gave a slight sigh, and then asked with a smile.

"What good news is exciting for you?"

"That is of course the good news of Tianda!" He walked to the desk of Lu Zhou. Yang Xu laughed and smiled and placed his report on the desk of Lu Zhou. "Remember Did we set up a carbon-based chip project two years ago?"

Lu Zhou’s heart moved slightly and immediately sat up from the office chair.

"Is there a result?"

"It’s just that there is a result..." Looking at Lu Zhou, Yang Xu took a deep breath and said with excitement, "We have already made it out!"

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