Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 851: The power of a letter

After handing over the industrialization work to the school sister, Lu Zhou temporarily put this matter aside and continued to delve into the unfinished Riemann conjecture.

Compared to the amount of money earned, it is still a purely mathematical problem, and the "legend" task card is more interested in his interest.

I have been in the office for the off hours.

After work, sit on the back seat of the boat, and threw the written letter to Wang Peng.

The letter was taken from Lu Zhou’s hand, and Wang Peng flipped it around. The eyebrows picked it and asked.

"this is?"

Lu Zhou: "Old rules, sent to Chang'an Street in Shangjing."

Wang Peng: "Do you need me to go there?"

Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head.

"That's not necessary. Just find someone who can trust you. Just say, if you go, who will drive for me?"

Wang Peng nodded his head and did not ask what was inside the letter. He threw the envelope into the storage box of the co-pilot.

After a while, when Lu Zhou was sent to Zhongshan International, he took the opportunity to go to the office near Guoan, where someone was responsible for the delivery of this important document.

After returning to the villa of Zhongshan International, Lu Zhou went to the bathroom and took a shower. Then, after letting Xiao Ai bring a cup of hot milk, he went upstairs to go to the study.

As for the research on Riemann's conjecture, he has gradually got a clue. What remains to be done is to constantly improve his mathematical tools for studying the quasi-Riemann conjecture, and constantly collect papers that may inspire him.

Open the mathoverflow forum and take a look at it, especially tracking the news released by Professor Tao.

However, Lu Zhou regrets that in recent days, Professor Tao has been like a quit network. Personal development has never been updated, nor has he participated in any discussion of any topic.

Combined with his last comment, I think he is still studying his own paper.

"So difficult to understand?"

"I thought that if it was him, I would finish reading it in one day."

Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head. He held the mouse and clicked on it. He continued to track the topic of Riemann's conjecture for a while.

It wasn't until he turned over a dozen pages that he didn't see any valuable discussions before he yawned and shut down the site.

"Master, your hot milk is soaked~" [?(????????)]

"Thank you."

Holding the hot milk in the palm of his hand warmed up, Lu Zhou took a sip.

After replacing the quantum computer as the host, Xiao Ai’s intelligence did not seem to change much. At least, the taste of this cup of milk is no different from the previous one.

Of course, it may be his eyes, and he still can't see it for the time being.

At this moment, Lu Zhou, staring at the draft paper on the table, suddenly had a whim, and looked back at Xiao Ai, who was flying toward the door, and asked.

"Xiao Ai, if you let you study the Riemann conjecture, how long will it take you?"

Xiao Ai, who just flew to the door, stopped there, like a downtime, stuck in the air for two seconds.

Two seconds later, the speaker hanging under the drone sounded.

"Master, Xiaoai can only tell you that the tens of millions of zeros in the riemannζ function are on the critical line... Can you set a calculated upper bound for this problem?" [(°ー°〃)]

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou’s face finally showed a hint of surprise.

So fast, the last 100 trillion zeros?

It is said that the best result that has been published in the mathematics world is probably that the first ten trillion zeros of the Riemannian function are on the critical line. This achievement was completed by two experts, Gourdon and Demichel, who are proficient in distributed computing and analytical number theory.

As for how long the two experts used, Lu Zhou remembered that he had heard of it before at Princeton, but he did not remember this gossip. The two guys don't seem to write this trivial little thing on the paper. After all, this foolish calculation won't attract much scholar interest.

But one thing is certain, this huge amount of calculation is definitely not affordable for ordinary computers, and even if it is super-calculated, it will definitely take a lot of time and electricity...

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou’s heart finally produced a subtle shock.

Unexpectedly, the computing power beyond the x-1 quantum computer turned out to be terrible. In just two seconds, the best result of the Riemann conjecture "hard solution" was raised by two orders of magnitude... ...

If you take this thing to crack the Alipay password...

No, let alone an Alipay.

I am afraid that as long as it is a password that uses a series of traditional mathematical problems such as "large prime number disassembly" as the encryption principle, in front of this quantum computer, it is as if the leggings are taken off.

Xiao Ai: "Master?" [(°ー°〃)]

When I heard Xiao Ai’s inquiry, Lu Zhou returned to God.

After a moment of silence, he said, "Nothing, I am going to sleep for a while... I will give it to you when I clean up the room."

Xiao Ai: "Well! Packed in Xiao Ai!" [(??????)??]

Looking at the sturdy little Ai, Lu Zhou’s mouth took a smile.

Perhaps his fears are superfluous.

However, this power enough to subvert the order of modern civilization is still less useful...


The night is getting deeper.

Just when Lu Zhou was asleep, the letter of only about two thousand words was sent by a special person from Jinling to Shangjing overnight.

It was almost two hours after the letter was sent. A meeting room in Chang'an Street, a working meeting jointly attended by senior officials from various departments, was convened urgently under the convocation of the elders' home.

The arrangement that was called to participate in the meeting was a senior official of various departments, and many academicians in the field of electronic engineering in Shangjing were also invited.

Many people have come home from work to get out of bed, called by a phone and rushed back.

When more people received the call, the car had stopped at the downstairs and waited to pick up.

This scene seems to be somewhat familiar.

When the controllable fusion project was established in the same year, Chang'an Street in Shangjing was also such a movement, as if stirring the wind and rain of the city overnight.

After all, Lu Zhou underestimated the influence of his letter and underestimated the attention of senior officials.

Of course, not only is Lu Zhou underestimated, but even Professor Chen Yushan, Yang Xu, and even Professor Wu, who led the carbon-based transistor project, did not expect such a huge response.

But when you think about it, it is not surprising.

Once the technology of carbon-based chips breaks through, it will not only affect China, but will have unpredictable effects on the whole world.

The electronics industry in China started late, and in the process of silicon-based chip processing, it can only continue to catch up with the pace of Europe, the United States, Japan and South Korea, and constantly pay for the backward technology.

However, now, carbon-based chips have made major breakthroughs, a more potential and future direction, which will redefine the most fundamental and core technology of the electronics industry.

If China can establish its own advantages in the first step on carbon-based chips...

Then the identity of the chaser and the leader will have to be changed.

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