Just when Lu Zhou and his little apprentice happily dine together, the two did not know that there was chaos in the big auditorium next door.

I saw scholars who were usually very gentle and graceful. It was like a shark smelling a scent, almost madly rushing to the front of the auditorium.

Even if these people account for only one-half of all participants, it is quite a huge number.

After discovering that the situation is gradually getting out of control, in order to avoid the stampede incident, Qin Dean had to turn to those responsible for the safety work on the spot.

These people are not the employees of the school. It is said to be sent from which security department.

With the appearance of these people, the situation on the scene was quickly controlled.

Immediately afterwards, the dean of Qin took a group of staff wearing security uniforms into the crowd and “taken away” the whiteboard filled with calculations from the hands of scholars.

Looking at the whiteboard, it was finally saved without any loss, and Qin’s dean was relieved.

He did not worry about who the mathematicians who had finished the game had trampled on him. Anyway, apart from several big cattle in the domestic academic circles, he was not very familiar with other people.

It’s this whiteboard, but it’s a cultural relic level. If it’s broken, or if the words above are spent, the loss of the Golden House will be great...


Just less than ten minutes after the end of the report.

The discussion on this report meeting in the mathoverflow forum has already reached the sky.

And pushing the heat of the topic to a new height is a dynamic update of tarry·tao.

[This is the most wonderful report I have heard in three years... The last time I was at the International Congress of Mathematicians. I am honored to witness the proof of the Quasi-Riemann conjecture. We are one step closer to this crown:)

I remember the last time Professor Tao updated his own development, or when the paper just came out two weeks ago.

At that time, he said that he had doubts about some of the steps in the paper and needed some time to think, but there was no following. This also made those who waited for Professor Tao’s opinion on Professor Lu’s proof to wait for a long time.

Now this dynamic suddenly appears in people's sights, and immediately triggered a surprising amount of topics on mathoverflow.

[Professor Tao means... Professor Lu’s proof is correct? 】

[Wait, Professor Tao should now be at the Jinling University's report meeting. So what do you say... Did Professor Fartings admit it? 】

【This is impossible! Anyone who has dealt with the old Germanic man knows how arrogant and stubborn he is. 】

[Not necessarily impossible, his arrogance and stubbornness are derived from his academic achievements and serious responsibility for academic issues. Do you think that your academic attainments can match him and put him down? 】

[Can Professor Lu be able? You also saw that paper, it is obviously controversial! 】

[Someone at the scene? The people at the scene snorted! I just want to know how the result is going on? 】

This sentence tells the voice of many people at this moment.

For those who don't expect to challenge the Riemann conjecture, they are not concerned with the academic details like the Bible, but the question of the Quasi-Riemann conjecture has been solved? Who is the "top match" between Professor Fartings and Professor Lu, who is at the top of the mathematics pyramid? Who wins?

Fortunately, they have not waited for a long time.

Almost in the fifth minute after Tao Zexuan's update, many scholars who left the conference site sent photos taken on the spot to their blogs, Facebook, and forums.

In the 30th minute of the end of the report, someone uploaded the recorded video to YouTube and shared the connection to the mathoverflow forum of the per capita mathematician.

And almost at the moment of video uploading, the hot topic of quasi-Riemann conjecture in the entire forum was once again pushed to a new peak!

Especially for the last sentence of Professor Faltins, "You are right," many people who were shocked almost blinded.

[Professor Faltins, is this... confessed? 】

[What is confession? The academic debate is not a tug-of-war competition... but it is really incredible, even if Professor Lu’s arguments make him unable to pick up any problems, and he is not invulnerable enough to let Professor Faltins on the spot admit that he is right. ? 】

[It makes sense, unless there is a possibility... the mathematical tool that Professor Lu led at the end is perfect enough to make him unable to make negative judgments. The direction of my research is not algebraic geometry. It is understood that people in this area can talk about it. What is the hyperelliptic curve analysis method? 】

[In any case, an era is over, and a new era begins. 】

[Lu Shen Niu! 】

As the heat of related topics continued to rise, a big cow who was engaged in the study of algebraic geometry suddenly made a post.

[I don't know if you noticed it. The math tool called "Super Elliptic Curve Analysis" that Professor Lu created when he proved the Quasi-Riemann conjecture seems to be a bit interesting. Proving the existence of e is not its ultimate conclusion, this infinitesimal value can be further amplified! 】

Surprisingly, when this post came out, it should have brought the heat of discussion to a higher level, but it made the topic hot on the mathoverflow, but it cooled down a lot.

However, if you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to understand why it is like this.

As clearer videos continue to be released, the core of the great mathematical tool of hyperelliptic curve analysis is revealed a little bit, and scholars who are concerned about it finally begin to understand why Professor Faltins is so easy to persuade. At the same time, I finally found out that a huge Jinshan is in front of all of them.

The value of e can be further enlarged!

The proof of the critical zone has room for further exploration!

Hyperelliptic curve analysis is like a miner's mine.

At this moment, Professor Lu not only made the mines sharp enough for them, but sent them to all of them.

If you can't grasp the chances of being sent to your eyes, then as a scholar, it is too much to fail.


【Congratulations! The report will be very successful~]

Sitting in the lounge drinking tea, looking at the text message sent by the school sister, Lu Zhou smiled, his thumb poked the screen back.

【Thank you. 】

He noticed the smile on the side of Lu Zhou, and Han Mengqi asked curiously.

"Who are you chatting with?"

Lu Zhou replied casually.

"Your sister."

"Oh," the long sound echoed. Han Mengqi stuffed his packing box into a plastic bag and collected the one of Lu Zhou. "I threw it for you."

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou did not quit, and decisively handed over the plastic bag.

"sorry to bother you!"

Back to the landing boat spit out the tongue, Han Mengqi did not know why a little depressed and squatting in a plastic bag.

Coincidentally, when she opened the door, Qin Dean was coming in from the outside.

Seeing the dean, Han Mengqi greeted him politely and gave up the position of the door.

"The dean is good!"

"Hello, hello," Qin said, looking at her with a smile and nodding her head. Then she looked over the student and looked at Lu Zhou, who was sitting at the long table and looking forward to him.

A face that finally found his face, he asked as he walked up and smiled.

"How are you here? I have been looking for you for a long time."

Lu Zhou: "It was raining outside, I was eating here...Is there anything for me?"

Qin Dean: "The school committee has booked a noon group buffet at the five-star hotel outside the school. As a result, there was some accident in the organization work. It was only noticed now. Our secretary just called me to inform me that I am non-stop. I have come over, but whoever thinks that you are moving so fast, has already finished eating."

Lu Zhou smiled and said.

"Isn't this just right? Just that I will have no interest in the party, you will forget it for me."

"I know you will say this," Qin said. He sighed. "But at the evening party, let's go. After all, at least half of these scholars are coming to you, we still have to do the landlord's friendship. ""

Lu Zhou: "Go, I will go at night... Yes, what about the whiteboard?"

"I have helped you with it, what? You want to take it home?"

Seeing the look of Qin’s dean, Lu Zhou squinted a little and looked at him strangely.

"It’s not a good thing to bring it back... but I use it a bit. The above formulas are all from my temporary board and have not been sorted out. I’m going to sort out the above and write a separate paper and hang it. The annual mathematics magazine."

"If you don't bring it back," he heard aloud, and the courtmaster sighed with relief. Haha said with a smile, "I will let the whiteboard drag you over."

After he said that he hurriedly turned away from the lounge, afraid of delaying a second.

Looking at the back of Qin’s dean, Lu Zhou’s unclearness slammed his head and whispered to himself.

"...has such a mysterious secret, what is the idea?"

Shaking his head, Lu Zhou put this thing aside, took the laptop out of the backpack thrown at the table and placed it on the table.

The quasi-Riemann conjecture has come to an end.

The mathematical tool of the hyperelliptic geometry analysis has also been finalized more than 30 minutes ago.

There are only three things he has to do now.

The first thing is to complete the paper describing the theoretical tool "Super Elliptic Geometry".

The second thing is to tell him the good news of this paper's collaborators—that is, his student Vera.

As for the third thing...

That is naturally what he has been doing that day.

Push the value of e to the end of 1/2, for the ultimate proposition that spans a century and a half, draw a final full stop...

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