Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 867: Professor Faltins's notes

Three years to solve the Riemann conjecture...

This sentence is really familiar.

For those who have praised Haikou, Fartings can at least remember no more than ten names.

Even this made him remember the old man who had died sometime.

The name of the old man is Wei, the one who made the famous Weiyi conjecture.

It is said that when he was young, he had promoted the "zero distribution of the ζ function of the algebraic curve on the finite field" and proposed the Weiyi conjecture, and optimistically believed that this might be true. Riemann’s conjecture offers ideas that can be borrowed.

He has even planned it. If he proves Riemann's conjecture, he will deliberately postpone his paper to the outside world in 1959...that is, the day when Riemann's conjecture was put forward.

However, his optimistic attitude has ceased to exist in his later years.

It was not until the 1970s that the Wei conjecture was proved by Professor Delini, and the verification of Riemann's conjecture was still in the foreseeable future.

Faltins clearly remembered that before the old man went to his death, he was obsessed with chanting, hoping to see the solution of Riemann's conjecture in his lifetime, although this is unlikely...

The three days passed quickly.

This academic conference has also come to an end, and scholars from all over the world have begun to embark on the return journey.

Later in the day, Professor Faltins did not bother to take him to the top of the mountain. He had been on the campus of Jinling University for the past two days.

According to the post in the school forum, the old professor seems to have gone to the library and went to the Drum Tower. It seems that he still went to the new campus to listen to a math class... although he probably can’t understand Chinese, he can only Judging what the lecturer said by the contents of the blackboard book on the blackboard.

On the day when I finally left, Lu Zhou asked Wang Peng to get a big car and sent Professor Faltins and several old friends from the mathematics industry to the airport.

Originally these people should have his mentor De Ligne, but unfortunately Professor Delini has already embarked on the return journey after the end of the report. When Lu Zhou called him, he had already prepared lessons at the Princeton University office...

With a few people completed the check-in, Lu Zhou is also the best of the landlord.

Before boarding the plane, Faltins handed a handwritten note to his hand and then left the suitcase with nothing to say.

"Hey, let me see, what is written on it?"

Looking at Professor Fartings's back to the back, Professor Tao Zhexuan immediately looked at Lu Zhou and excitedly reached for the note.

Lu Zhou did not stop him, so he let him take the notes.

Standing next to Molina seems to want to see, but does not want to be so explicit in front of her "competitors", so I have to look at it and look embarrassed to say, from time to time The note in the hands of Professor Tao was sneaked into the eyes.

I noticed her little movements, Lu Zhou said with a smile.

"It's okay, just look at it, anyway... it's not a secret. If it can inspire your research, I believe Professor Faltins will be happy."

Seeing his own thoughts were seen through, Molina had a red face and took a deep breath to calm down, bowed and bowed.

"Thank you."

After all, she also followed in the past.

Knowing that her reading speed could not keep up with Professor Tao's page turning speed, she took the phone out of the bag and took a photo of the contents of the note.

Lu Zhou did not stop her, went to the vending machine next to it, bought three cans of coffee and walked back. After giving each of them a can, they sat in the chair next to them and waited quietly.

After about five or six minutes, when he slowly sipped the coffee in half, Professor Tao Zexuan finally closed the notebook in his hand and returned it to Lu Zhou with excitement.

"The things written above are very interesting! Many of them are probably some of the thoughts of Professor Fartings about Riemann's conjecture, or possible research ideas, some of which have been verified. As for the other part, it is probably not enough to study. I recommend that you take a serious look, he should be able to inspire your research."

Lu Zhou nodded and smiled softly.

"Of course I will do this."

"So, it’s time to say goodbye," pulled the lever of the suitcase. Professor Tao glanced at the time on the watch, then smiled and looked at Lu Zhou. "My flight is about to begin security check, hopefully next year." I can see you at the mathematicians conference in St. Petersburg, I am looking forward to your 60-minute report."

Lu Zhou: "If I can get ready."

Laughing and making a goodbye gesture, Tao Zhexuan took the suitcase and turned and walked away.

"Haha, I believe you can!"

The sound gradually faded away and eventually annihilated in the waiting room where people came and went.

Staring at Lu Zhou for a while, Molina put the phone with the good notes back into the bag, a little nervous.

"Thank you... although you helped me, I don't want to be merciless."

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou could not help but laugh: "Please be sure to do this. For me, whoever solves this problem is the same."

Just kidding, if you rely on this note, you can prove the Riemann conjecture. Why did Professor Fartings who wrote this note not prove it?

Lu Zhou does not think that relying on this thing, Miss Molina can solve the Riemann conjecture.

There is a spark of thought between the stone and the stone, but it is only the egg flower that can be rubbed between the stone and the egg. Professor Faltins handed this note to himself, presumably hoping that he could get some inspiration from the "dead roads" he had studied and eventually proved to be unworkable, even if he took a little detour, he could There are benefits.

These things that are not available in the journal's value are only likely to work in the hands of a few people.

Obviously, Miss Molina Abel does not meet the "minority" feature.

Although her paper on the other ideas of the critical line theorem left a big impression on him, the results were far from breakthrough research.

Otherwise, she will not choose the "Cycle Chronicle" submission, and the "Mathematics Yearbook", one of the four top publications, is her better choice.

Looking at Molina's face full of anticipation, it seems that she is not a mobile phone but a treasure in her bag. I can't wait to fly back to Princeton now, and put the photos I took on paper, and I thought about it. For a moment, I said openly.

"Give you a suggestion."

Molina looked at Lu Zhou nervously.

"What advice?"

Looking at her nervous expression, Lu Zhou smiled and said: "Don't expect too much from the things on the note. You didn't read Professor Tao just flipped it over. Even if you didn't remember the notes, you gave it back. me?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Molina squinted a little and frowned.

"What do you mean... the things on this note are not as important as it seems?"

I don't understand why she thought so, Lu Zhou looked at her strangely.

"No, Professor Faltins's research is of course important, and this is beyond doubt. But I mean... this thing can only be made to work if it is in the hands of those who can use it."

Molina: "..."


I am so angry, I want to beat people!

She swears that if it is not for the **** lady style, she will definitely give this guy a kick!

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