Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 875: Lu Xun once said (repair)

Things that bothered the little girl did not happen.

Because on the evening of the same day, she turned over and couldn't sleep, and finally took the initiative to ask her sister on WeChat, and went out to watch the movie together the next night.

As for Lu Zhou, there is no special arrangement on this day. As always, I sat in the office and did what I usually do.

When he was at Princeton, he used to go to the country to live this festival, but since he returned to China, it seems that he has not.

Of course, this may also be because there are no people who can go through this festival together.

After all, most of these "imported" foreign festivals will be labeled as Valentine's Day. For those who don't have objects, it is certainly far from how far away they are from people.

But at this time, a movie ticket was stuffed in front of him.

"Will you go to the movies together?"

After glanced at the movie ticket and looked up at Lu Zhou, he saw his right hand holding his desk and a smiling Luo Shi brother was glaring at him. It seemed to be madly suggesting this.

Seeing this expression, Lu Zhou slightly hesitated.

This seems to be...

Implied that he refused?

In an uncertain tone, he spoke.

"I'm busy?"

" didn't have time, I bought two tickets specially, and I am going to invite you to watch a movie." The action puts the right hand on his head and grabs the hair. Luo Wenxuan's eyes are in the office. I was looking around for the assistant of the hole, and continued in the flamboyant tone. "It’s a headache..."

Lu Zhou: "..."

No, it won't work...

He couldn't help but vomit.

This guy is not a first brother who has never seen the world. How can he come up with such a hard old stalk to come out to watch a movie? Even Lu Zhou, who has never seen the world, is almost cried by this guy's routine.

Crazy hinted for a while, the assistant in the hole sitting next to the window was still indifferent, even did not notice his side, just as Luo Wenxuan was almost desperate, just as Lin Lin came in from outside.

"Midnight field?" Hearing the movement here, Lin Yuxiang, who came over and watched the movie ticket, suddenly looked at Luo Wenxuan suspiciously, and looked at Professor Lu, who was sitting behind the desk, and finally looked at the strange look. Luo Wenxuan continued. "You asked Professor Lu to go to the movies... What do you buy at midnight?"

"The two big men are watching the midnight game together, it is not the premiere..."

Hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou, who was drinking tea, almost didn't have a tea spit out.

Lying in the trough, this guy is a werewolf!

For the first time, I will buy tickets for the midnight field.

Luo Wenxuan, standing next to his desk, was also told by this sentence to Reid, and explained quickly.

"No, this... I think the midnight game is cheaper, I bought it."

However, the explanation is useless.

What's more, this explanation is really too hard.

A professor who returns to the country with a research start-up capital of a hundred thousand will care about the difference of ten or twenty dollars?

Just kidding!

Reminiscent of this guy has nothing to do, always go to Professor Lu’s office to run, do not do anything after coming, the most is to drink a cup of tea.

Is it...

This flustered word was just exported, and Luo Wenxuan immediately regretted it.

However, regretting at this time is obviously too late.

He has noticed that a few people in the office have been somewhat unnatural to seeing their own eyes.

Especially the most painful thing for him was the assistant of the hole. The surprise was accompanied by an unexpected sight. It was just poked at his heart, and he was crying.

If there is interest in this area, but the problem is that I am not the kind of person!

Lin Yuxiang saw the blood in one stroke: "Don't you, you all have money to decorate the office, and have no money to reimburse the invoices of the cinema?"

Luo Wenxuan: "..."

At this moment, he did not want to say a word.

Looking at Professor Luo who was in silence, Lin Yuxiang’s eyes turned and suddenly he grinned.

"If you don't like this, the ticket will be sold to me. I will go to see Professor Lu to see it."

At this moment, I just want to clarify Luo Wenxuan who misunderstood. Naturally, there is no opinion. If I don’t say anything, I will sell my teammates decisively.

"Good! I have no opinion!"

Han Mengqi: "!!!???"

Seeing that the office was in a mess, Lu Zhou coughed heavily.

"You...have not asked my opinion yet."

Yingying’s eyes flashed in anticipation, Lin Yuxiang immediately looked over here, his hands on the chest.


Lu Zhou: "No time, don't go."

Lin Yuxiang: "..."

One did not hold back, Kong Jie, sitting at the window not far away, snorted.

That smile, like the spring breeze, seems to blow away the snow of winter.

Feeling quiet near, Lu Zhou squinted at the desk opposite the Luo Shi brother, looking at the image like a petrochemical surgery, shook his head helplessly.

This guy……

My eyes are growing fast on people...


Movies are impossible to see.

Not to mention the midnight field.

There is nothing beyond mathematics that deserves to be squinted before twelve o'clock. Even if you retreat 10,000 steps and add one, you can only add a physics at most.

I was not disturbed by the episodes caused by the two movie tickets. I was busy at dusk, and the people in the office basically finished. Lu Zhou stretched out and stood at the desk. stand up.

However, it took less than two seconds to stand up, and a WeChat phone hit his mobile phone.

When I touched the phone, I saw that the video request was sent by Xiaoyan, and Lu Zhou then pressed the button that was connected.

As soon as the video was switched on, the familiar face instantly caught his eye.

"Brother! I miss you!"

The crisp sound came from the end of the video, wearing a loose home pajamas, excitedly put in front of the screen of the phone.

I haven't seen it for almost a year.

When I was separated from the last time, the little guy looked at it, except for a little bit thinner, there was no other obvious change.

Looking at the video's sister, Lu Zhou smiled and said.

"I don't think I can look in the mirror. Anyway, the trick is also a mother's birth. Even if it's not a mold, it's almost like a god."

Xiao Yan: "Hey, I want to take advantage of me!"

Looking at the stubborn resistance, Lu Zhou smiled and did not speak.

Although Xiaoyan is not willing to deny it, what is the use of denial? Of course, there is still a lot of money in his own heart about who is who is cheaper.

After all, Lu Xun did not say it before. There is a handsome and charming girl, and the appearance is usually not too disappointing to the audience.

"Let's say, suddenly, I want to call your brother?"

When I heard Lu’s questioning, the little blink of an eye on the opposite side of the video turned and instantly changed into a flattering expression, saying in a spoiled tone.

"Brother, it’s New Year’s Day in a few days~"


"I want a present!"

"No problem," Lu Zhou smiled. "Let's say, what you want, as long as I can afford it."

"Oh, let's say it, then I will send you a list of gifts!"

The voice just fell, and the computer resting on the table rang a bang, then a bunch of bubbles popped up in the lower right corner, and Xiao Ai came out at a reasonable time.

[Master, there is a new mail ~ (??????)??]

Is the appetite so big?

I have to send more emails...

However, there is nothing wrong with Lu Zhou. With his current deposit, let alone buy some expensive bags or clothes, even if you buy a small investment bank to train her hands, there is no problem.

The right hand holding the mouse knocked down the double click, and Lu Zhou opened the mailbox and looked at the title of the email.

However, when he saw the title of the mail and the contents of the attachment, the whole person was slightly stunned.

[Analysis of the impact of welfare policy on macroeconomics based on the Bewley model]

He had heard a little bit about the Bewley model. It seems that at the time he was still in Princeton, a Nobel laureate in economics talked to him about it. It is said to be the most important and cutting-edge of macroeconomics. One of the most difficult topics. The advantage is that it is intuitive in the numerical sense, and the disadvantage is that the solution is cumbersome.

Taking the current mainstream computer as an example, running Krusell & Smith's Bewley model with overall fluctuations in Fortran 90 takes one to two hours. Designing the entire mathematical model may cost a well-known scholar for several years.

Compared to this kind of macroeconomic research, the topics of those mathematical modeling contests are all pediatrics.

However, although I have heard about some things about the Bewley model, I don’t know much about this thing. After all, he and Princeton’s majority of professors who study purely mathematics are not very impressed with money. interest.

At most, just a little interested when spending money...

Suddenly, I realized what I was looking at from the eyes of Xiao Yan’s expectation. Lu Zhou, who took back the sight from the mail, fixed his mind and immediately said nothing.

"Job write it yourself!"


Specially, I am a Fields Prize winner who ran to help the master students to write homework.

"Brother ~!"

Lu Zhou said with a blank expression: "It is useless to spoil, I don't eat this."

Xiaomei said with a bitter face: "But this is too difficult. I am not a math major... Let me do such a difficult task. I really can't help you."

Lu Zhou certainly didn't believe her ghosts and shook her head.

“How difficult is the master's thesis.”

"I don't believe you see the attachment! If you look at it, you know it's hard!"

It was really a hard-boiled hard bubble that couldn’t stand a small sigh. The sighed Lu Zhou looked at the time in the lower right corner of the computer, and finally reluctantly promised to take a look.

But just after he downloaded the attachment, after a glance, there was a strange color in his eyes.

Although he is not very familiar with the part of economic theory, on the mathematical model, the problems presented in this annex are indeed not solved by a master's degree.

Even if he is allowed to do it at He Dawen, the chief disciple of Jinda, it will take a lot of time, and it may not be able to make this model more beautiful.

"Your tutor is a bit interesting. This kind of homework... didn't do a lot of work on the functional analysis. Even if you mastered the principles of mathematical modeling, it would not be easy to get this stuff."

Xiao grinned and said: "I will say, is this something that people do?"

Lu Zhou: "Are you sure this is the task that your tutor has assigned you?"

Xiao Yan slammed his head: "Well! Otherwise? I am crazy to choose a difficult topic for my thesis."

Lu Zhou thought about it and said: "Well, I can't do it for you to write homework. This is your thesis. But there is nothing wrong with the cooperation. You complete the economic theory part, I complete the mathematics principle part."

"Really?! Brother, do you agree?! Great, my graduation thesis is saved! Mua!" Jumped excitedly, holding a small screen of the phone screen and lying back on the sofa. Smiled and said, "Good brother! I love you!"

"Get out of the way, less and my skin, and, I have a request."

Sitting up on the sofa with a pillow, the elated smile said: "Let's talk about it, what do I ask you to promise, do you need me to introduce you to your girlfriend? We are next door, but there are a lot of blondes. A pretty young lady with a big blond chest."

"This is no longer necessary," Lu Zhou coughed softly and continued. "...When this paper is completed, you will submit the manuscript directly. If you do two things, there is a lab signature, but you are the same. my name."

When I heard Lu’s request, Xiao Xiao stunned a little and suddenly frowned.

"But... I am worried that the instructor does not agree. I am going to graduate soon. If he cards my diploma, then I will be miserable."

In the management of the academic world, students are giving white work to the tutor.

The paper is published without the mentor.

It’s a graduation certificate that you don’t want to play.

It is expected that Xiaoyan will say so, but Lu Zhou is not a very concerned expression.

I saw him smile a little and only said one sentence.

"You let him try."

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