Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 883: What kind of experience is there a big brother?

What kind of experience is the big brother in the academic world?

This statement may not be accurate enough. Perhaps it should be replaced by an expression, that is, what kind of experience is there for a brother who has won the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal?

If this problem appears to be compelling, Xiao Xiao feels that he is definitely the one with the most say. ★New ideas Chinese network members hand ★

Suddenly looking at the email from the reviewer in the mailbox, she blinked a little unbelievably.

After confirming that she was not mistaken, she held the email with her mouse and, with incredible excitement, carefully read the reviewer's opinion from the beginning to the end.

Surprise is inevitable.

This is one of the top nine issues of economics, "eonetria"! Horizontal contrast is like the "Mathematics Annual Report" in mathematics, and the "Physical Review (prl)" in physics.

Even if her tutor, Professor Foster, wants to publish an article in this magazine, it is not an easy task. After all, the direction of macroeconomics is not so easy to produce results, and it is really not very competitive in the journal of comprehensive economics.

However, now that she delivered the manuscript on the third day after Christmas, she received a reply from the reviewer just after the New Year holiday, which is absolutely unique in her previous submissions.

For a newcomer, you can't imagine it!

Because the reviewers are usually volunteers, there is no direct benefit to reviewers other than being able to increase academic qualifications.

Especially for some scholars who are already famous, there is no need to accumulate academic capital through reviewing. It is very likely that the papers to be reviewed will be turned over only when they are very free.

Prior to this, Xiao Xiao was even ready to wait until the sixth week, but did not expect to have finished the second week, he received an email reply from the reviewer.

Quickly crossed the pattern of the set of words, Xiao Xiao directly looked at the part of the review comments.

[The mathematical model used in the thesis is very interesting, but there are still some minor problems in the economic theory part...]

[Review comments: Suggested changes! 】

"...the old man is too strong."

I stunned and opened my mouth, and the small sigh was separated for a while before I sighed.

As a small transparency in the economics field, this is probably the most recent paper in her submission, and the reviewer replied to her the fastest one...

In the heart silently thanked the old brother, Xiao Xiao also secretly cheered himself in his heart.

One day, she will also become a scholar who can be independent.

Just like her brother...

I have to say that the power of the example is very strong.

There is a goal of struggle in the heart, and even the time of the holiday can't take a break. According to the reviewer's opinion, the revision of the paper is completed. After keeping the mathematical model and algorithm intact, Xiaoxi will modify it. The manuscript was uploaded again.

"This time is probably no problem?"

With a sigh of relief, Xiao Yan took out the graduation application from the drawer. After hesitating, he made up his mind and got up and went to Professor Foster's office.

Although there is a reliable feeling that a reliable brother can rely on, my brother always does not bother to help her, but she really hopes to do it herself.

Only one thing, she and Lu Zhou are simply carved out of a mold.

That is what you can do on your own, and you will not bother to trouble others.

Of course, if you encounter something you can't solve, the two brothers and sisters will never be polite to others.

At the end of the day, I will return the feelings back.


The door knocked at the door.

Stopped the pen in his hand and looked at the student who walked into the office. Professor Foster, who was in middle age, put on a gentle smile and looked at her with a cheerful look.

"How? Have you considered it?"

It seems that An Shili did not sell her, telling Professor Foster that she had decided to go.

Even if you say it, you can’t talk about selling it...

After all, these are things that have already been decided.

Standing at Professor Forster's desk, Xiao Yan quietly took a deep breath and said calmly and calmly.

“I have completed my graduation thesis and submitted it to “eonetria”.”

It was a little overwhelmed by this sentence, and Professor Foster, who did not expect her to complete her graduation thesis, surprised her glasses.

"Wait... you have already done it? You are sure to follow my requirements,"

Xiao Yan nodded and responded to Professor Foster's strange sight and continued.

“According to your request, I used the bewley model to analyze the impact of welfare policy on the macro economy...although it is an improved model.”

Suddenly watching her students, Professor Foster suddenly felt that she was a bit strange.

When he arranged this task, he clearly made up her preparations that she could not do. Did she not think she had solved it?

In mathematics, perhaps she has sought the help of Lu Zhou...

But in economic theory, the talent she showed was a bit beyond his expectations.

"Is the algorithm compiled? Whether it is "eonetria" or other journals, at least you will be asked to run the model yourself on the computer. You are sure that the data you calculated is..."

“I have already tested it,” interrupted Professor Foster, who was a bit incoherent. Xiao Xiao continued, “The review of the academic editors has passed, and now it’s a peer review...”

What would have been modified was not a big problem.

It can be seen that the reviewer himself is also interested in this research, otherwise he will not reply to her so quickly.

Putting a pen cover in his hand, Foster took a deep breath and calmed down, leaning against the chair and said something distracted.

"Eneterria's review cycle is very long. It takes at least six weeks to get results. Unless there is a big cow's name, you have to queue up for a while. I am not saying that you are contributing to "eonetria". What's wrong with it, but you don't ask me for advice..."

If it is other students, he has already started spraying directly.

But the student, the background is a bit not simple.

Although it doesn't make him afraid of anything, at least it is not worthy of being easily offended...

"You don't have to worry about this..." Xiaoxi hesitated, but felt that even if he didn't say it, it would be something that would be known sooner or later, so he said truthfully, "The author of the communication is Lu Zhou."

The author of the communication is Lu Zhou.

If you hang this name, you may actually get special care, at least the queue is not needed.

However, this position originally belonged to him...

At the moment when this sentence came out, the atmosphere of the office was quiet and terrible.

Professor Foster’s face was a bit stiff, and even the gentleman’s smile was almost unstoppable.

"Sorry... I didn't hear it clearly, what do you mean?"

Xiao Yan: "...the correspondent author is his name. After all, the entire mathematical model and algorithm part is done by him."

Professor Foster took a deep breath and looked at his students, Shen Sheng said.

"I want to hear your explanation, what do you mean by that..."

"Not what I meant," shook his head, and Xiao Xiao tried not to let himself scream, replied in a calm voice, "but his request."

Professor Foster was silent.

His request...

This, he obviously refers to Professor Lu.

"... The thesis has entered the peer review process. In the morning, I received a reply from the reviewer and revised several small questions. If there is no accident, this time the revised draft should be passed," Looking at the expression, Professor Foster, the little girl took a deep breath and continued, "Although I am sorry that the author can't give you, but Professor Lu Zhou's opinion is that there is something like one and two. Decide on your own."

Suddenly, watching the silent Professor Foster, Xiao Yan continued.

“I heard that you are reviewing the research fund of the Royal Academy of Sciences. As long as you sign my graduation application, you can get a copy of “eonetria”... What do you think?”

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