Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 885: Holy land of the aerospace industry

On the third day after the end of New Year's Day, the atmosphere of the festival has already faded from the Jinling Aerospace Industrial Park. The workers returning from the holiday have begun to start work.

The gates of the various factories have been opened. Large, medium and small logistics trucks are passing through the spacious roads in the park. The raw materials of a car input into the park and the parts that are exported from a car are like the blood filled with nutrients. A vibrant heart, pumped into the torso of the Chinese aerospace industry, makes this rising giant stronger.

Located in the core area of ​​the entire industrial park, the Jinling Aerospace Assembly Center with its high walls is surrounded by a spacious factory building.

In the factory building, a metal hull divided into three sections is lying quietly on scaffolding like a skeleton.

It has become a pilgrimage site for the world's aerospace industry, and the hull lying on the side, like the coffin of the saint, attracts the attention of all astronauts around the world.

In particular, Boeing, spae-x, and Airbus, the world-famous aerospace companies that have emerged in their respective fields, have spared no effort to make billions or even billions of orders, and have cooperated with Star Technology to just train engineers. I’m here to take a look.

At this moment, a group of foreign experts are standing next to the hull of the bridge, and whispering in surprise, from time to time pointing at the mechanical cantilever on both sides of the plant.

"God... how are you going to get it into space?"

The Chinese engineer standing next to him did not respond, but stood behind his hands.

Nothing was asked, and the foreign expert apparently would not be willing, so he deliberately used a provocative tone and said with a thorn.

"This kind of cuboid-shaped hull has fatal flaws. You have not considered the situation of being hit by meteorites. There is also the effect of metal cold welding under vacuum and low temperature environment. The increase of thrust will infinitely enlarge the hull decomposition. risk."

Engineers with helmets are still standing next to each other, and the polite smile on their faces is not changed. The complaints from these foreign experts are even more indifferent.

I haven't tested the useful information from the engineers here for a long time, and the faces of foreign experts have shown disappointment.

In particular, the white expert who had previously proposed the cold welding effect, complained with an annoyed face.

"Damn... don't you want to argue?"

This time, the engineer who had been silent and smiling finally spoke up.

"There is nothing to argue about, we speak with strength. Unless you can make an identical one, otherwise I can be fart when you are."


Looking at the group of foreign experts who expressed their dissatisfaction, Li, who was also inspecting the factory, looked at his secretary and asked.

"Who are those people? What are they doing?"

Compared with Director Li, the secretary’s English is still very good, hesitated and explained.

"Those foreign experts... seem to be picking up faults."

“Picking the disease?” Li’s eyebrows picked up, his expression was weird, and he almost didn’t laugh out. “They are also very interested in picking our faults?”

In the past, if someone told him so, he said that he would not believe it. After all, the aerospace industry in China was not strong enough to be proud of it two years ago. The opinions of foreign experts are still open-minded.

But now, as the only country in the world that has mastered the mature and controllable nuclear fusion technology and used controlled nuclear fusion and electric propulsion technology on spacecraft, there are still people who are qualified to run over to teach them how to design a spacecraft?

This is no joke.

"Picking problems is second. They are afraid that the main reason is to explore some of the temperament from us. But their means don't seem to be very clever. It is useless for us."

After walking from the side, Hou Guang, the director of the Institute of Aerospace Research at Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies, explained with a smile and extended his right hand to Director Li. "Welcome Director Li to the Space Assembly Center for guidance, you should tell me in advance. I will be ready to meet in advance."

"What is the guide, what can I guide you outside? I just worried about disturbing your work, but I didn't tell you in advance." Director Li smiled and held his hand, and he still felt a little uneasy. I looked at the foreign experts and said, "Do you know that they are coming to inquire about intelligence and let them come in?"

"This is a request from a partner. The reason is that in order to ensure the safety of the goods, we can't keep them out because of this little thing," Houguang said with a smile, and continued in a relaxed tone. What's more, the technology that can be seen at a glance has no meaning of secrecy. Our real core technology is at the Institute of Advanced Studies. Let's not say that they can't get in, even if they are experimenting in front of them, they may not be able to See what we are doing."

In fact, this is also the most annoying place for competitors.

They spent a lot of money talking about cooperation, sending engineers here to visit in the name of "safety check", but what they saw was a pile of scrap iron with no technical content.

Yes, these things are equally valuable. They also contain a lot of knowledge, but for them it is no different from scrap iron.

After all, they didn't have the preconditions to adopt this “flying brick” design route until they thought about how to miniaturize the controllable nuclear fusion and put it on the spacecraft.

Looking at the expressions of envy and hatred on the faces of foreign engineers, Director Li sighed softly.

"I didn't expect that we also have this day, let others rack their brains to steal our skills."

Hou Guang smiled and said: "Yeah, sometimes I also think, it is like a dream."

Looking at the group of foreign experts who came to the tour group and moved from the scaffolding to the next "attraction", Houguang paused for a moment and continued.

"At present, we are bidding for Nasa's 500-ton monthly transfer orbital transportation mission. If there is no accident, our offer will be 20% cheaper than spae-x. This is the most suitable bidding proposal by our experts. If If the bid is successful, at least $10 billion in excess space capacity can be digested. Just..."

Director Li: "What is it? Anything outside the technology can tell me, I will find a way to help you solve it."

"...No, you misunderstood, but it is not difficult. We are all right now. I just want to say, but unfortunately, now, Academician Lu puts the focus of his work on mathematics." Hou Guang sighed slightly, and some missed it. Said, "To tell the truth, I really miss it, and I feel alongside the academician front on the first line of the scientific front. Many times we exchange some data and exchange ideas, and he can give me a viable soon. Thoughts, and I will demonstrate from a professional perspective, no matter what you do, you will get twice the result with half the effort."

Upon hearing this sentence, Secretary Li sighed and said.

"This kind of thing can't be forced. The academician of the army also has his own things to do. We can't always force him and always contribute his strength to us."

"What you said is that we really can't always rely on him," Hou Guang nodded and renewed his energy. He smiled and said, "It seems that I have to refuel here. Now it's hard to build such a big The advantage of the school can not live up to the hard work of the academician."

Director Li smiled and nodded and said.

"You go to work, I will go to other places for a while. If you meet Professor Lu, remember to ask him to speak for me."

"Well." He waved his hand and waited for the helmet to be buckled on his head and turned back to work.

Looking at Hou Guang, who took the helmet and turned away, looked at the other bridge that was about to be completed, not far away. Looking at this busy factory, Director Li’s face showed a relief. Fascinated.

The aerospace industry in China is moving towards a farther starry sky, and everything is moving in the right direction.

I can see this moment in my lifetime.

I always feel that there is no regret in this life.

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