Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 910: Witness our common prosperity! (1/4)

[Dear Professor Lu Zhou, I am sorry to bother you in your busy schedule! 】

[I know that when you received this letter, you are definitely ready to reject the wording, even already writing it! But let me ask you earnestly, please don't be so anxious to reject me. 】

[Always, solving the problem of rational allocation of social resources is an eternal proposition of our economics. With the advent of the 21st century, computers and mathematics have opened a new door for our research. What bothers us, however, is that it is often difficult to reconcile other areas with research that is often focused on one subject. For a great scholar like Nash who is willing to put aside stereotypes, it is too little for us! 】

[I have tried to delve into the hard-to-understand numbers, but unfortunately it is my age, and many things are not what I want, what can I do. 】

[I, I can guess that your face must show an impatient expression. It’s really not interesting to listen to a bad old man. But I am still very grateful that you did not throw the letter into the shredder and patiently saw it here. 】

[Two weeks later, an international macroeconomics conference was held in Shanghai. It is in your country. If you are free, you may wish to take a look. 】

[I want to talk to you face to face, but also hope that you can see that your academic achievements are shining on a new stage that you don't know well. 】

[I am looking forward to meeting you! 】

I started to stalk and scream...

This persevering spirit, catch up with the phone to sell insurance.

Sitting in the lounge of the General Assembly Hall, Lu Zhou, who had already put on a suit, was leaning his legs, and he endured the makeup artist to smudge his face and saw the letter last.

"I said... can you hurry?"

For a straight man, it is harder to make him makeup than to kill him.

Not to mention sitting in front of the mirror and letting others play with it for so long.

It seems that I expected what Lu Zhou would say, or maybe I was used to it. The young lady who was responsible for helping him groomed her face with a professional smile and replied softly in a formula.

"Please wait patiently, respected Academician Lu, you will be fine soon."

Rely on, wait?

I heard that I had to wait a while to end, Lu Zhou was not happy.

"I think I am handsome enough, just like this."

This time, I couldn't hold back. The young lady who was making up the makeup suddenly smiled, and the eyebrow pencil in her hand almost didn't paint.

"You, you are really joking... Ah, of course, I mean you are really handsome, just for this formal occasion, proper repair and makeup are the etiquette for the participants."

Although she was not very fond of listening to her first half of the sentence, he still couldn't make a mistake with a little girl, so he just snorted.

“I will never make up when I open the report.”

"But this is not an academic report meeting," the familiar voice came from behind. Lu Zhou looked at the mirror in front of him and dressed in the formal dress of the Bureau of Science and Technology, Li, and smiled and walked in. "The academician of the army represents our country." The image of the academic world can't be done casually."

Looking at the old man who came into the door, Lu Zhou asked.

"You also make up?"

Director Li smiled and said.

"Smear a little."

Lu Zhou frowned and stared for a while.

"I can't see it?"

"It's just a modification of the wrinkles... After all, I am older, and the foundation is definitely incomparable with your young people." Secretary Li cleared his throat and put on a serious expression. He continued, "Ready? For a while, You are the first to speak."

Gently finished the whole tie, Lu Zhou smiled and said.

"I have no problem, I have seen all the big scenes, I have never been to the United Nations."

"Want to go? There is a chance."

"Still forget it... I will just say it."

On the topic discussed by the United Nations, Lu Zhou estimates that he is probably not interested in it.

Moreover, he is not a star, he needs to add so many people to himself.

It doesn't seem necessary to run there to brush your face?

"Well," at this time, the makeup lady stopped the eyebrow pencil in her hand and took a half-step shot. She said with a smile, "A handsome and charming academician Lu was born, I want to help you shoot." Zhang Zhao?"

"No, time seems to be coming soon," raised his hand and looked at the table below. Lu Zhou said casually, "I don't think I feel handsome without makeup."

Miss makeup artist: "..."


In the hall, people are moving.

Scholars from the world of physics, as well as experts in aerospace engineering and high-level officials in various aerospace fields, are sitting here at this moment.

In addition, there are also some follow-up tutors, the young and new academics Xiaomengxin, who was thrown aside by the mentor, and squeezed in the crowd for a long time to find a position to sit down.

From the opening ceremony of the seminar, there are still ten minutes to go, taking advantage of the 10 minutes of the gap, many people are whispering in the whisper.

"You guess who I saw when I came in?"


"Nasa Director Carson!"

"No, even the Secretary of Carson is here?"

"I confirm that I am not mistaken, that is him!"

"...unbelievable, it seems that it is not just the physics community, but the pattern of the global aerospace industry has also changed."

"Are you just getting through the net?"

"...What do you mean?"

"Isn't the pattern of the global aerospace industry changed long ago?"

At this time, the lights on the stage suddenly lit up.

As the light came out, many people did not consciously stop the words and looked at the stage.

The whispering sound gradually subsided.

Under the eyes of a lot of people, the boat in a formal dress went to the stage.

Facing the gaze of the audience, I saw that he had righted up the microphone, cleared the scorpion, and spoke with a steady and clear voice.

"I am very happy to meet you here."

A little bit of the first sentence of not playing the cards, so many eyes watching this, dyed a bit of curiosity.

Without stopping, Lu Zhou slightly increased his volume and continued.

“The ability to see so many friends here means that we have reached consensus on many issues, or at least some consensus, which is quite enjoyable.”

“This is a rare seminar that I am involved in, without any academic language, or academic ideas, and I believe that many scholars sitting here are the same as me.”

"I am extremely confident that the relationship between politics, economy, culture and scientific research is inseparable. And we are here, from different fields, different professions, and different nationalities, for the same purpose."

The voice gradually became high, and looked around in a quiet and silent venue. Lu Zhou gently slowed down the rhythm of the speech, and his speech quickly uttered his next sentence.

“That is to look forward to a farther future and to face the issues that we must face together.”

The time for speaking is almost the same.

The opening speech was left to him only a short two and a half minutes.

Most of the front part is his free play, and the second half is the content of the speech.

Facing a pair of eyes watching his own eyes, Lu Zhou cleared his throat, and for the first time, he read the speech on his hand and said the last two of the opening speech with a steady voice. sentence.

", on behalf of the Chinese academic community, Chinese scholars, and all like-minded people, I would like to express to the world our vision of this century project of the Hadron Hadron Collider."

"I also hope that the bright moon will be able to witness our common prosperity."

The moment when the voice falls.

Thunderous applause sounded in the grand auditorium.

Facing the venue where the applause thundered, Lu Zhou whispered and walked toward the stage.

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