Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 915: Vulnerabilities (2/4)

It is very tiring to participate in this international event.

Except for the harmony of the atmosphere on the first day, the next day began to be endless.

The funding is nothing wrong. Before the meeting, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already talked with the countries. The Chinese side has invested 10 billion U.S. dollars, the U.S. has invested 5 billion, the EU has invested 3 billion, and the Japanese has invested 800 million. ...a total of two billion dollars.

The only difference is in the budget committee.

I don’t know if I’ve got any medicine that I shouldn’t have. The delegation on the other side of the United States in the next day’s meeting is like the face in the Sichuan Opera. Yesterday, I also had a graceful and prosperous look. Today, I will Changed the normal situation to come up with an aggressive situation.

In particular, Director Carson, on the topic of setting up the budget committee, and the old man who smiled yesterday was just two people, and he did not take off his shoes and knocked on the table.

However, there is nothing wrong with such a thing.

After all, the budget committee is related to the issue of the financial power of the entire international lunar plane collider collaborating organization. In theory, where is the expenditure of each fund, which company's goods are used for project bidding, and the modified design plan can be launched... Everything that matters to the flow of funds requires the signature of the budget committee to pass.

It is unrealistic to need to compete for control over the entire project. The United States can only retreat to seek financial power.

In order to balance the voice of the Chinese nation in the entire project, even Russia, which is temporarily on the same line as China, is more inclined to support the US demands.

Of course, these things don't require a boat to go to a headache, and naturally someone will have a headache for him.

For example, Director Li of the Science and Technology Bureau, the foreign ministry official responsible for the consultation, and the elder who served as the chairman of the lunar orbit construction committee...

The problem that really caused Lu Zhou’s headache was from the peers in the academic world.

Although as early as last year, his Luo brothers represented the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies, and the large-scale research institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Cern, which brought together topological institutions in theoretical physics, engineering physics, materials science, and aerospace engineering. The brain completed the design of the entire lunar plane hadron collider, but now the size of the "partner" has expanded, and physicists and engineers in the aerospace engineering field have participated in it. Some people will inevitably I want to stand up and pick up the problem.

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After all, for many people, this is a great opportunity to emerge on the international stage.

And some aerospace companies like spae-x and Boeing will also tend to support some academics to push the design changes and make the final design drawings or a part of the design drawings become their own. The company looks good. They even spend money and ask some people in academia to find out...

Shangjing National Hotel.

There are a group of experts in the field of physics and aerospace engineering sitting in the conference room.

An old man in a plaid shirt with thick-rimmed glasses stood in front of the curtain and spoke in excitement with his age.

"... According to these reasons, many parts of the original design are unreasonable in design and need further improvement."

“If I use this improvement plan, I can not only reduce the budget of the entire project by at least 13%, but also control the construction risk within a small interval.”

"You, imagine, what is the 13% of 20 billion? What an amazing number! If you can save this expensive expense, you can use it for those who need it..."

I didn’t understand what he was doing at the ghost.

Looking at the man on the stage, Lu Zhou endured for a long time, but in the end he still couldn't resist yawning, and turned over his head and sat next to him, the director of Cern, Mrs. Claymel.

"Can we drive him down and change one?"

The crow's feet in the corner of the eye opened a few arcs, and Mrs. Claymel smiled very gracefully. "I'm afraid I can't, and I can ensure that Professor Dras can finish 60 minutes, but from the ESA requirements."

Lu Zhou couldn't help but whispered: " can someone ask such a stupid request."

Mrs. Clemel smiled and smiled and replied: "Before he returned to the University of Brussels to teach, he worked in ESA for a while and served as an academic advisor, and he has achieved many people. Trust. Before getting the ppt and the report here, he was smart enough to send his thoughts to ESA."

Lu Zhou snorted with his nose: "Do you have a human dog?"

"People's dog?" Mrs. Clemel squinted a little, and then smiled kindly, "It's a very interesting name... maybe it."

Obviously, the professor of Dallas on the stage skillfully used the network he had accumulated during his work in ESA, so that his report received the attention of ESA.

As he mentioned in the meeting, 13% of 20 billion is not a small number. If there is a chance to save the money, even if the opportunity is not so big, ESA will give him a chance to try it here. test.

Anyway, what is added is the workload of Lu Zhou.

Finally, I looked at the ppt of the bells, and Lu Zhou then turned over the report on the table, which is said to be accompanied by an improvement plan.

Judging from the engineering level of his lv6, although this report is not full of loopholes, the pictures and related parameters drawn above do not look like they are reliable.

Of course, this is just an intuition.

I really want him to pick out where the problem is, even Lu Zhou has to spend a lot of time. After all, things in the engineering field are quite different from mathematics. Many things are not so intuitive...

However, although through the "general approach", it is really difficult to pick out the problems in this report in a short time.

But for Lu Zhou, there are many "uncommon" methods to choose from.

You forced me...

Sighing, Lu Zhou, who didn't want to waste time, took out his mobile phone, flipped a report and recorded a small video, and then attached a video message to Xiao Ai.

[I have a report here, but it's written too badly. I need you to help me organize it into a three-dimensional composition, and mark the key data... in a way that I can understand. 】

Although Lu Zhou felt that his description seemed to be a bit abstract, Xiao Ai seemed to be able to understand it unexpectedly, and he quickly returned a message.

[Good host ~ (??????)??]

After seeing this news, Lu Zhou put the phone on his lap and began to quietly count the seconds in his heart.

Just when he counted to ten, a file transfer request of about 2g in size was sent to his mobile phone.

Lu Zhou opened his eyes and a three-dimensional engineering drawing drawn by simple dots and lines was quickly displayed on the screen.

I saw all the complicated parameters, all of which were perfectly integrated into the drawings, even which structure of the material and the amount of the structure, the physical parameters in the vacuum low temperature environment, even using the quantum computer to the entire model Theoretical simulations of the lunar environment can be done.

Zooming on this drawing, Lu Zhou’s face showed a look of surprise.

It is worthy of Xiao Ai.

Even if he planned to do anything, he guessed it.

The man on the stage continued to talk incessantly. Lu Zhou took a pen from the bag and took it in his hand for two laps. Then he calculated it on the draft paper.

Just about five minutes later, when the Dallas professor with thick-rimmed glasses on the stage was talking about the high hao part, Lu Zhou threw the pen in his hand on the table and clicked on the screen of the mobile phone. Two times, then raised his right hand.

When his right hand was lifted, the eyes of the entire conference room were concentrated, and almost no one stopped at Professor Dras.

The eyes were slightly stunned. After seeing the identity of the "spoiler", Dras, who was still somewhat dissatisfied in his heart, instinctively stunned.

Intuition tells him that the professor Lu may marry him, and he is still dying of death...

However, he still carries a glimpse of "this guy can't verify his report in such a short period of time", "at least a few reports will be studied", "I have the opportunity to modify it", and scalp Asked.

"Is there any question? Dear Professor Lu."

Without being polite with him, Lu Zhou said straightforwardly: "I will just say it, the things on the ppt are not mentioned for the time being, and your report is full of problems."

"Sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean," Professor Draeus frowned. "You said that there is a problem with my report? Can I ask where the problem is?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou was happy.

With a radical improvement plan that has never been perfected, you have no fate in your heart?

"Turn on Bluetooth for multimedia devices."

Professor Delas stunned, but still did it.

Just as Lu Zhou’s mobile phone was connected to Bluetooth data, the projector’s light flashed slightly, and a three-dimensional composition was projected on the screen in an instant.


The turmoil sounded instantly from the front row to the back of the stair meeting room, and many people were surprised by this three-dimensional composition that did not appear in the report.

Seeing the three-dimensional composition, Professor Dras first glimpsed, then the whole face was green.

The face that made his face green was not because Lu Zhou helped him to superimpose the various drawings in the order of the layers, but the position marked with red marks on the three-dimensional composition.

All of these red areas are where the entire design is problematic.

Although this design is "not perfect", he is clear, but he did not expect that the problem will be so much...

And this guy...

How did it happen in such a short time? !

Not only did Professor Dras realize this, but all the scholars who had come back from the surprises all turned their incredulous eyes on the Lu Zhou sitting there.

This guy……

It’s a monster...

Sitting next to Lu Zhou, Mrs. Clemel looked at him with amazement. He couldn’t think of how he spent a short minute or two, and he picked out the question in Professor Dr.’s report. And put all the problems on a 3D engineering concept map...

However, Lu Zhou obviously did not intend to explain with them.

Because there is no need to explain anything at all.

All the mistakes are clear at a glance.

In the face of such intuitive evidence, even a physicist who knows only a little about engineering can clearly see that Professor Dr. Dras is simply not working.

"This is impossible, there must be something wrong, how do you do it?"

"As shown in the picture, there are many loopholes."

Interrupted the dying struggle of Professor Dras, Lu Zhou knocked on the table with a pen cover and said mercilessly.


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