Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 929: If it is not a ghost, it is the devil (4/4)

Southern California prison.

Under the urging of two early warnings, Minette was rudely brought to the meeting room.

As the thick iron gate closed, the entire narrow room suddenly calmed down.

Mindful and somewhat puffy eyes, Minette, whose hands were shackled, barely lifted the spirit and looked at the man sitting opposite him.

It was a man in his forties, dressed in an ironed suit, played very neatly, with a watch like a noble one, like a successful person. However, the weather-beaten face made him look like a person who often sits in the office and is pampered.

What was faintly guessed, Minette opened his mouth and smiled.

"I guess you are not my lawyer."

"The lawyer can't save you, but we can," the man in the suit smiled slightly, and the gully on his face stood up like a blade. Then he reached out to the old man's right hand and said in a gentlemanly voice. "Introducing yourself, than Delmanson, your future boss."

As if he had heard a funny joke, Mittel was put on the table with his hands on his hands and giggled. 【.】

Until he laughed enough, he straightened up and looked at Manson, who was sitting across from him, snoring and taunting.

"You are looking for the wrong person. Although I am willing to do anything for the United States, this does not mean that I am willing to be a White House dog."

"We are not the White House, we are ia."

Close to Minette's face, Mansen, who was originally smiling, suddenly smiled and stared at him with a viper looking at the prey. Until his eyes showed a fearful look, he gently retreated a few inches and sat. Going back to the seat, said with a relaxed tone, "Although the court has not pronounced your crimes, but based on the evidence we have gathered from your home, I promise that you will bring the best lawyers in Los Angeles, we It also allows you to stay here until the middle of the next century."

Having said that, Manson paused and his face showed a devil-like smile.

"And Mr. Minette, you are usually the kind of person who often stays at home and doesn't go out."

The face was tense and stretched. When I heard this unclear question, Mittel frowned. "...What do you mean?"

“It’s not very interesting,” Manson said with a smile. “I just want to tell you that a little white face like you will be very popular here.”

At this moment, Mittel’s face has finally changed completely.

A drop of cold sweat gradually slipped from his forehead.

As if he was very satisfied with the expression on his face, he stared at Manson for a while, and smiled slightly.

"Before you go to court, you have enough time to consider my proposal... Of course, if you want to experience a few months of life in prison and then repent, I am not sure if I need you at that time."

The throat was moving up and down, and Minette struggled for a while, and finally his shoulders were loose and he said.

"What do you want me to do..."

Manson smiled and said: "I'm still missing an expert in information technology, so I am now officially inviting you, as long as you join us, you can serve a sentence at our designated location, without the need for real criminals. Stay together. And if you can make a meritorious deed, you can also properly reduce the sentence, and you can release it after five or six years."

This time, Mittel was silent for a long time.

Manson glanced at the watch and pressed the timing button.

He only intends to give him ten minutes. If he still doesn't nod after ten minutes, then probably he will not nod.

Fortunately, he did not use up the ten minutes.

Just waiting for three minutes, Minette sitting opposite him spoke.

"I accept your proposal..."

"Good, then we are a set of people on board now."

Although there were some accidents, he nodded so fast, but Manson was not surprised at the fact that the prisoner would choose to compromise.

Smiling and leaning against the chair, the ia official continued to say, "Although I can't unlock the handcuffs now, I can guarantee that you will be transferred to another place within three days."

In the tone of Mitel, with a few taboos, she suddenly nervously asked: "Where are you going to take me?"

"It’s too early to say this, you will know when you get there," said his hands on his knees. Manson slightly lowered his body and stared at him with a bit of oppression. He continued, "Now, I You need to ask you something, you must answer me truthfully, which is related to whether our previous agreement worked."

"You ask," he has completely abandoned the resistance. Mittel’s expression on his face has changed little. "But just in case, let me remind you first, even if I am a boss of a predatory eagle, I don't know. The identity of other members in reality."

Manson smiled and shook his head and said, "You mean your 'children'? You don't have to worry about it, within half an hour after you are arrested, your friends are basically arrested... let I think about who the id was caught... the hunter, the lone wolf, and a child... but that was captured by the Chinese."

"There are still some people at large, but it is only a matter of time to catch them. After all, they have mastered their true identity. Even if we let them go, the Chinese people will never let them go. Really, or you. Advise them to surrender themselves, at least we can catch it better."

Has been……


Hearing the ids that Manson reported, Mitel’s face gradually paled, and the front of the forehead oozes the sweat of the beans, which is full of incredible fear.

This is impossible!

He originally thought that even if he was caught, others could at least escape the hunt.

However, the official of this ia now tells him that his accomplices have basically been caught within half an hour of his arrest.

This means that when Dr. Z was fighting with him, he not only seized control of his computer and server, but even vacated a hand and rubbed other members of the predatory eagle on the ground. It is.

This guy……

Still human?

Staring at Mittel's constantly expanding and shrinking pupils, Manson felt something was wrong, but continued to ask, "Now, I want you to tell me what you have encountered."

Like a nightmare, Minette, listening to the handcuffs, muttered to himself.


"Ghost?" For this unexpected answer, Manson frowned and said with dissatisfaction, "I advise you to answer it seriously."

"Not a ghost, that is the devil! Devil! Or something like that..."

I don’t know when it’s full of bloodshot eyes. Mittel used his handcuffed hands and hugged his head, as if he was crazy. “This is not what humans can do, absolutely impossible!”

Manson said seriously: "Calm, make it clear, we suspect that the person who played against you is a master of the cyber warfare forces in the eastern war zone of China. Now we have locked in three possible identities. I need you to help us lock in. ”

Suddenly a smirk sounded.

Mittel shook his head and looked at Mansen, who had a few mistakes in his expression. He said, "Those people? I admit that they are very powerful, but they are not so powerful. You know, Mr. ia, Even a strong hacker has physical limits, unless you can use the idea to knock code, if that's the case, I have nothing to say, but as long as it is not ... there is no chance to even fight back."

Manson frowned and asked: "What do you mean, you... when you face the attack of that person, there is no room for a handful?"

If this is the case, they will have to reassess the strength of the Chinese cyber warfare force.

At the same time, this is the message he least wants to hear...

"Yes," Mittel raised her head and looked at Manson with bloodshot eyes. "There is no chance to fight back. Even when I play against me, he can use some characters while typing. Weird character expressions humiliate me... I know my thoughts may be absurd, but I suspect that the guy is not a human at all!"

"I am sorry that I am an atheist," shrugged his shoulders. After Manson was silent for a while, he continued to ask: "Then continue the question, what id he uses to communicate with you."

"Don't you read the news? Mr. Manson."

As if he had heard something funny, Mitel’s mouth made a dry laugh, like taunting the person sitting opposite, as if taunting himself.

"His name is Dr. Z, go find him!"

"If there is someone in the world who can find him..."

(The fourth day of the 4th challenge, it seems to be the last day of the 5.15 activity, the liver hurts qaq)

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