Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 937: "Hospitable" Princeton (4/4)

Princeton’s dormitory is downstairs.

A silver-white car appeared at the corner and stopped at the main entrance as the lights flashed.

Reaching out and getting off the car key, sitting in the driving position of Qin Yue, looked aside and said.


Unlocking the seat belt, Xiao Yan was very polite and thanked, "Thank you for picking me up."

Qin Yue smiled and said casually: "You are welcome, do you need me to help you carry your luggage?"

When he was studying at Princeton, he was not taken care of by Lu Zhou. Now it is his turn to repay the mentor's kindness. At least in his opinion, this little thing has nothing to do with it, it is what he should do.

However, there is only a little bit of a nap and her brother is too much like that, that is, they are not willing to use their own things to trouble others. Therefore, after hearing Qin Yue’s proposal to help carry the luggage, Xiao Xiao almost ignored it and euphemistically declined.

"No, I can do this little thing myself."

Did not insist on having to help, Qin Yue nodded: "Oh, then I will not bother to disturb, if there is anything I need to help tell me."

"Okay, then let me go first."

"Slow down."

After talking with the old student of the old brother and Professor Qin, who is now teaching at Princeton, Xiao Xiao first went to the board to collect the keys, then he stepped on the stairs and walked briskly. The suitcase for many things went upstairs.

This student apartment is applied online. The furniture is very complete, basically it can be accommodated with a bag.

After staying in the room, Xiaoyan spent about two hours, simply packed up the room, and then took his own information and went to Nassau Hall, which is not far from here, which is the administrative building of Princeton. Admission procedures.

For Princeton, she is not unfamiliar, or even familiar.

A few years ago, it was probably the summer vacation she had just finished the college entrance examination. She had stayed here for two months and went back to the Jinda side until the end of the summer vacation.

She also vaguely remembered that the old man who was a professor at Princeton had a small assistant who looked very cute and soft, and was probably not much older than her.

Only because the little assistant was too afraid of life, she tried to take the initiative several times and did not establish a profound friendship with her.

"I don't know if she is still there."

After finishing the formalities of returning to the apartment, I leaned back on the soft bed and stretched out.

"If it's still, it would be nice if she could make friends with her... But she said she probably didn't know me? After all, for so many years."

The exhaustion of the road rushed to the brain, and it didn't take long for the room to have a steady breathing sound.

Sitting in the plane for a whole day, and taking the car again, now I can sleep in the bed of the right child.

Thinking about the future campus life, she felt that she slept very well. It was until the next morning at six or seven o'clock that she yawned and climbed out of bed...

Looking at the calendar in the mobile phone that has opened a new page, went to the bathroom to wash the little shackles, opened the computer and sent an email to her future tutor Professor Krugman.

Almost as soon as she had just prepared breakfast for herself, a reply letter flew into her mailbox.

“Is the professor at Princeton so efficient?”

It was a little surprised to open the e-mail. She had already prepared for the report in the mentor for two days. I didn’t expect it to be received in less than an hour.

The content of the email is very short and can be summarized in a few words. Probably, she is welcome to choose Princeton. If she is ready to start her doctoral career, she can come to his office to report.

At the same time, the address of his office is attached to the mail.

Although I also seriously considered whether I should wait for two days to settle down in my own life, but I thought that I had completed the admission registration, it is better to go to see the tutor as soon as possible, and by the way, leave a positive good for the tutor. impression.

So, I remembered the address, and hurriedly finished the breakfast, and simply cleaned up the tableware, and changed the body to clean and clean clothes and went out.

With her own good memory, and did not spend a lot of effort, she quickly found her instructor Krugman's office in the Economics Institute.

And just as she had just pushed the office door open, a warm voice came from behind the door and almost didn't scare her unprepared.

"Welcome to Princeton! Xiao Yan, a student from China, is still used to life here?"

After a half-step jump like a frightened bunny, confirming that this face was consistent with Professor Krugman on the photo, she decided to calm down and coughed.

"...I have lived here for a month, and it is not the first time I have studied abroad. In short, I am quite used to it."

Professor Krugman asked curiously: "I lived for a month? But I remember that you are an undergraduate student at Jinling University, a master's degree at Oxford University... Is it an exchange student?"

"Hey, don't count it... overseas visits?" I didn't expect the tutor to be so clear about my investigation. I didn't know if I should be flattered for a while, or I was surprised.

"Oh," Professor Krugman smiled with a blank expression on his face, and then smiled heartily. "It seems that I don't have to worry about getting lost on campus. Many students who come to this place for the first time will touch. To this confusion, there is no obvious boundary between the town and the school. It is easy to stroll around and actually have gone out of school... Wesley, you are familiar with the work here. I suddenly have a call to pick up, I will hand it over to you first."

"Good professor." A thin-skinned doctoral student with freckles on his face came over and pushed the thick-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose, looking at the slightly sullen little squatting out of the right hand. "Wiesell, I am a doctor, I am very glad to meet you."

"...I am very glad to meet you, Lu Xiaowei."

Politely shook hands, Xiao Yan said cautiously.

"Is Lu Xiaoyu? Come with me."

Wisdom nodded, then took a small donkey and walked to an empty desk in the office by the window. "In the future, this is where you work and study. If there is anything you don't understand, Ask me, or ask Professor Krugman directly... or other people in the office, we will try to help you, but the vast majority of cases still depend on you."

Xiao Yan: "...thank you."

"You really should thank me. I have already got off work yesterday. I was called by a professor to clean up the station and said that there is a new-level report." A glance at the professor who went out from the office to answer the phone, Wisl shrugged. I made a helpless expression. "In general, cleaning up the things that the last master didn't take is a newcomer's job, at least for us...but Professor Krugman seems to value you very much."

I heard that I had inadvertently added such a big trouble to others. Xiao Xiao suddenly said a few embarrassed words: "If there is such a thing in the future, please tell me, I can do it myself."

"It's okay, this little thing has no feet," he waved his hand, and Wiss said casually. "I will introduce you to the rest of the office."


Just as Wisl was about to introduce other people in the office to the new student, the office door was opened again, and Professor Krugman, who had previously called, walked back with a smile.

"The phone is finished! Give it to me here, Wisdom, go ahead and do your own thing."

"Oh...well," some of them are nervous about their bosses today. They are very eager for a new life and Santa Claus, but Wiss did not dare to ask, just nodded. Said to the newcomer, "Then I will deal with the papers first... I will introduce you later."

"Well, trouble."

A little bit eager to point to the brother, Xiao Yan then looked at Professor Krugman with a smile on his face, a look of question marks, a little too clear about the situation.

What is this special welcome ceremony for Princeton?

Why didn’t you listen to my brother completely...

The face with a sly smile came over, Professor Krugman looked at Xiaoyan, and asked the temperature.

"I have read your graduation thesis many times and wrote it very well. Although there is a little bit of paralysis in the theoretical part, it is quite difficult to write such a paper at your age, even in Princeton. Places, such talents are rare."

Clearing the throat, he continued.

"Since you have mastered some of the theoretical knowledge, then I will pay more attention to the cultivation of your other abilities... Speaking, Xiao Yan, what academic conference have you attended before?"

Xiao Yan: "I have been to the mentor... but I have not published an article on it."

Krugman touched his beard and asked: "Is it a top meeting?"

Xiao Yan said with embarrassment: "There is not yet..."

Unfortunately, her former teacher, Professor Foster, is not a particularly well-known big cow in the field of macroeconomics. Most of the opportunities offered to her are not in the academic world, but in the same way as her brothers and sisters. Mainly concentrated in the major investment banks internship.

At that time, Xiaoyan had not made up his mind to develop in the academic world. Therefore, he did not pay special attention to the top-level conferences that were well-known in this profession. He only followed the instructors to several more general meetings.

"Don't you go there? That's just right!"

Didn't mind the experience of Xiaoyan who had not participated in the summit before. Professor Krugman's eyes lit up, as if he thought of a wonderful idea, he seemed to smile and took a shot, and continued: "There will be a side in Shanghai next week." An exchange meeting in the direction of macroeconomics. Participation in the top meeting is an important academic qualification. Even if you don't publish an article above, it will be rewarding for you to listen to it, and there are also some academics for young scholars and phd and masters. Awards, if you have not participated in the top experience before, just go see the world with me."

Almost in this sentence, the moment of export.

Xiao Yan noticed that all the doctoral and master students, including the brother of Weisell in the office, had a clearly envious look in their eyes.

As a Nobel Prize-winning scholar and a macroeconomics big cow who has created an era, Professor Krugman usually attends the conference and rarely takes students together, unless he is a student he particularly values, or this The student just published an article at the meeting.

And this guy...

It’s been less than a day since the report, and even less than an hour from entering the office, it has been treated like this “private level”...

It is so extraordinary that it is enviable!

Being looked at by these sights was uncomfortable, and Xiao Yan was embarrassed to resign.

"But... I am not prepared at all, or you still bring others."

"It doesn't matter! It's just a long experience in the past, you don't have to be prepared," he did not hesitate to interrupt Xiao Xiao, Professor Krugman continued. "One day you have to publish an article at this top conference. Now Familiarize yourself, even if you are only familiar with the process of the next meeting, it will be of great help to your future academic path!"

I heard that the tutor said this, and Xiao Yan couldn’t say the words of resignation.

In fact, there is such an opportunity, of course she is not willing to miss.

The only thing that made her feel a headache was that she had just flown from the plane over Shanghai. If she followed the mentor to open this meeting, it would mean that she would fly back again...

When I think that I have to toss in the sky for more than twenty hours, Xiao Yan is not good for the whole moment...-

(I try to break out to the 20th, and I have been too cruel to qaq for a second beast)

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