Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 949: Pan-Asian High-tech Innovation and Investment Summit

In fact, Lu Zhou’s fears are completely redundant.

In the big city of Shanghai, and also the core area of ​​the city, it is impossible to get rid of the car.

Looking at the school sister who was depressed because of the road conditions, Lu Zhou’s mouth comforted a few words and there was a chance next time, but his heart was relieved.

However, what surprised him was that Chen Yushan always gave him the impression that the tutor was a good tutor and a clever niece. What she did not expect was that she still had a boyish side that she did not know.

Lu Zhou: "Do you like cars very much?"

For this problem of Lu Zhou, Chen Yushan thought like a serious thought, and then gently licked the bangs in front of the forehead to answer.

"Say not to be sure to be fake, but it is not so fascinating, generally. And for your blessing, the performance of Star Technology is so beautiful, you can earn money with your eyes closed, don't say the wages are bought. The car is enough for my financial freedom to retire early."

In the latter half of the sentence, she said in a joking tone.

Lu Zhou also smiled at her, and said a joke.

"Suddenly, you should not plan to retire?"

“How come?” Hearing this sentence, Chen Yushan smiled and said, “I don’t work entirely to make money. It’s like you, did you study academics for the award? If you win the Nobel Prize, you will stop. Next?"

Lu Zhou: "For me personally, the Nobel Prize is just the beginning, not the end."

Chen Yushan: "After the imcrc is built?"

I always feel that her tone of question is somewhat serious, and perhaps there is some kind of expectation in her heart.

But for the unknown, Lu Zhou can't talk about it.

After thinking for a while, he gave an ambiguous answer.

"...maybe it will be my new starting point, I have a hunch that I will find out, although I don't know what it is, but my academic intuition has always been accurate."

"Yes?" I don't know if I heard the answer I wanted to hear. Chen Yushan looked at the front and bent her lips. "So, the pursuit of people is never ending... We are here."

Along with a turn, a unique and large-scale building quickly caught the eye of the two.

Next to it is the Oriental Pearl Tower, which is across the river from the Bund National Building. It only sees a milky white wall and holds up two huge spheres, one big and one small, which makes it interesting. The assembled glass on the sphere spells out the graphics of the world map, which means that Shanghai will go to the world, and it means that one day, it will gather the eyes of the whole world...

Looking at a luxury car parked at the entrance of the Shanghai International Convention Center, as well as a ceremonial reception standing next to the road, and a balloon floating in the sky not far away, Lu Zhou’s eyebrows could not help picking it, and sincerely felt it. Said one sentence.

"This conference is very stylish."

At least, more than the unveiling ceremony he attended at imcrc.

Chen Yushan: "The style is a must. After all, all the big companies and investment banks from all over the world come to participate. If you have to work with you, you have to show the strength to match it. What's more, this summit has a good reputation. The background of investment banks and the OECD is not bad."

“AIIB and Shanghai Economic Cooperation?”

“Yes, it is said that the high-level plan is to build a new economic corridor along the Southeast Asian cross-regional power grid, and open up a larger market for our country's enterprises.”

"What is the difference with the Silk Road?"

He is not very familiar with political matters and is not interested in him. He has only heard of this word.

"There are differences in details, but there is no essential difference, in order to seek common prosperity, but also to ease the pressure from the outside. The contradiction between the first largest economy and the second largest economy is irreconcilable. Although we have lost the wind in controllable fusion and aerospace projects, we still need to catch up with other fields... I am far away, waiting for me to stop."

Under the guidance of the staff, Chen Yushan successfully stopped the car and stopped at the empty parking space. Finally, she had the chance to show her a hand, and couldn’t help but show off her eyebrows to Lu Zhou, who was sitting next to her.

Seeing her smug look, Lu Zhou did not know what to say.

With such a big vacancy, there are no other cars on either side. I can do it on my own...

However, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Lu Zhou finally chose not to vomit her half-barrel of water swaying skills, and walked behind her in the direction of the conference center...


It is worthy of the summit of the AIIB and Shanghai Economic Cooperation.

Whether it is far-sighted or close-up, this pan-Asian high-tech innovation and investment summit is not unusual.

In front of the main entrance of the main building of the conference center, crowds of people came and went, but when Lu Zhou stepped inside the conference center, it was a feeling of openness.

The huge convention center inquired, and it was easy to accommodate all the participants who were invited to the summit. Objects like art are displayed in the hall, including the small collider model from the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the "Fuxi heap" appearance structure model from the industrial giants like Eastern Power. It is like a miniature version of the World Expo.

What is exchanged here is a big order worth billions. What is discussed here is the issue that really affects the future direction of the world.

In contrast, the macroeconomics forum he had previously participated in, in front of this international summit where influence covers the whole of Asia and radiates to the world, is nothing but a slap in the face.

Just when Lu Zhou and Chen Yushan greeted each other, they planned to walk around with them, go around, and then agree on a place to meet, an old man in a suit and a well-dressed hair with a neat face. Like Mu Chunfeng's smile, he came over to him.

"Are you a Lu academician? Fortunately, I will be lucky."

"It’s a monk..." A little bit too clear about the situation and shook hands with the old man who looked strange. Lu Zhou thought for a moment and didn’t think about where he had seen him, so he was confused. Said: "Excuse me?"

"Asian Investment Bank President Gong Weiqi," smiled and touched the business card in his hand. The old man said with a smile. "This is my business card. Just call me my name or Mr. Gong."

President of the AIIB!

After receiving the business card in his hand, Lu Zhou’s face showed a surprised expression.

One was surprised that he found himself when he first came in. Second, he did not expect to come out to meet his boss who was actually the organizer of the summit.

Set the god, Lu Zhou put the business card away, apologetically looked at the old man said.

"I am sorry that I don't have a business card."

Unconsciously, I laughed and laughed. The old man waved his hand and said, "Nothing. The academician of the army is a scholar. Unlike businessmen like us, we need to use some small cards to let others remember us. You are a business card here. It represents the image of young scientific researchers and even academic circles in our country. I almost forgot to say it. Thank you for taking the time to participate in this summit! It is our negligence to send invitations in advance. I hope you don't take it."

"You are too exaggerated, I just just come around and don't care so much about me."

The enthusiasm of the old man made some embarrassing Lu Zhou, the heart can not help but feel.

It is worthy of being the president of the AIIB.

Although he does not understand the specific charter of this organization, in his impression, most of the people who deal with the bank are more able to speak.

If you let Mr. Gong know what Lu Zhou was thinking about at the moment, I don’t know if he will spit out a blood.

However, Lu Zhou naturally cannot say the thoughts in his heart.

After a few words, President Gong proposed to take him around and visit the entire conference center.

It is precisely that Lu Zhou, who has this plan, sees someone willing to lead the way, and naturally will not refuse.

After a few words of polite resignation, seeing the president of Gong did not seem to have something to be busy, and he was not polite, and accepted his proposal with pleasure.

While walking, Lu Zhou asked some questions about the summit and whether there was anything worth paying attention to at the conference center, and Mr. Gong also answered them one by one.

At this time, walking through a corner of Lu Zhou, I suddenly found a booth in the center of the conference center, there is a tower of the Oriental Pearl Tower.

To be precise, it is a miniature version of the metal model of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.

Standing in front of the booth, the faces of several Europeans were standing next to the metal model, making an incredible exclamation, playing with something like a measuring instrument in the hand, and facing the model. Take a photo.

"That is... the Oriental Pearl TV Tower model?"

Lu Zhou glanced at the sign next to the booth, and glanced at the staff standing next to the model. The expression was a little weird.

Sinking Group?

What is the connection between the sinker and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower?

When I heard Lu Zhou’s words, President Gong guessed what he was thinking, so he smiled and said.

"Yes, but to be precise, this is not a simple Oriental Pearl TV Tower, but it is built according to the ratio of one to one, through the latest high-precision five-axis linkage machine of Shenji Group. It is said that the machining accuracy has reached 0.001um. Although I don't know if it is true, it has reached the top level in the world anyway!"

Lu Zhou: "Who are those people?"

President Gong: "The engineers of Siemens Company, this summit is not just for Asian companies, including European companies, North American companies, and many internationally renowned industry giants have sent representatives."

Lu Zhou: "..."

When I heard it was from Siemens, the expression on his face was embarrassed.

He still remembers that in order to process the mold for the space shuttle, Xiao Ai secretly bought two Siemens machines from Europe and compiled the control program. The names of the two machines were...the latest one. High-precision five-axis linkage machine.

Later, when the machine was in the port of Haizhou, the customs officers were frightened and immediately reported to the superiors. Then they somehow were told by the people on the sinker that they were determined to eat. Chief engineer Yang of the machine tool ran in person and asked for a return from him.

It seems that this machine tool does not suffer.

The Shenji Group probably completely digested the technology of Siemens' high-precision five-axis linkage machine tool, and even moved the finished product to the conference center, which in turn gave Siemens engineers a glimpse of it.

Especially with the tip part of the non-ferrous metal, the surface finish actually reaches the mirror ra 0.001 μm! Even the Mikrroturn series lathe, the top horizontal ultra-precision lathe of the company, is able to reach this level of precision.

When is the high-precision processing technology of the Chinese people so powerful? !

This is too shocking!

Looking at the Siemens engineers' fuss, Lu Zhou's expression could not help but have some subtle flaws, and suddenly felt quite sorry for them.

They probably haven't seen it yet, and the wool is actually on their own.

It is said that the only innovation of the Shenji Group is that it does not use the Siemens system at all. Instead, it uses the machine control system provided by Star Technology to bring the performance of the equipment to the extreme...

Sighing a little, Lu Zhou couldn't bear to take back his sight and said with a feeling.

" is better than blue, blue is good, good things are good."


Anyway, reverse engineering is not what I did. It’s not me who ran over and tried to force it.

The old man of Yang Zhongquan did not feel the embarrassment of this pretend, what kind of strength he had.

Standing next to Gong, he bowed slightly. He didn't understand the inside story. He didn't understand the feelings of Lu Zhou, but he still agreed.

"Yeah, the academician of the land is right, our industry is -"

"Go to the next place and see."

President Gong squatted and nodded.

"Good, good..."


(There was a bit of confusion in the past few days, and the two chapters were issued in advance, feeling that I should make up for it.)

. m.

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