Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 954: This guy is very bad!

It’s not that this guy’s speech is missing in the first second, and the speed of the dog’s face in the next second.


Is it like I am missing the 10 million people?

"Da, think about it, consider it. We have a relationship with Zhujiang Ventures and Shanghai Electric Power Company. We don't lose money when we join the company! We can find ways to get the public charging pile site procurement indicators. Make a fortune together!"

Certainly to this sentence, Lu Zhou could not help but smile.

What happened to the relationship between Shanghai Power?

I am still a shareholder of East Asia Power. When the business of the Pangudu project team was split, I was proud of it. Am I proud?

"To brother."

"Hey!" The man's face was full of a flattering smile.

Lu Zhou sighed and said: "The gentleman is not good at people. Since he is so optimistic about this project to his brother, I will give you all the opportunities for this."

Upon hearing this sentence, the partner of the surname suddenly stunned, and his expression narrowed back stiffly, and did not dare to mention the investment, and quickly said with a smile.

"Sorry, sorry! It’s too much for me, or you vote, I will wait for the next round..."

Ten million all to give him?

Just kidding, there is no 10 million that Lu Zhou voted. This project is a piece of waste paper.

Don't say it is to vote for him, that is, give him white, he doesn't want to...

Seeing the impatient expression on Lu Zhou’s face, he was really scared.

The big guys in the front row are rushing to get hot. If he is annoyed by his words, Lu Zhou turns and does not throw away people. He has to find someone to play this project. He can’t be yelled at by those people. They shredded with murderous eyes.

But looking at the opportunity to make a fortune in front of you, a little soup can not drink, to Hong Chuan's heart is like an ant crawling itchy.

However, at this time, he suddenly thought of something, so he took out his mobile phone and edited a text message and sent it to his investment assistant.

[Note that the charging pile listed companies registered in Shanghai, as well as Zhongshan New Materials that have business cooperation with Star Technology...]

[How much can I buy? 】


Faced with the olive branch thrown by dozens of venture capital firms, and all kinds of temptations that can turn people away, Li Tinghui hesitated for a while, and finally chose Lu Zhou.

To be honest, Lu Zhou promised the least of his things, even with only one sentence "10 million I voted." But what he knows very well is that no one venture capital company expressed optimism about his company before the Lu Academician held the card, or even a little interest.

Even without his own thinking, these big men here have already "informed" him with action and should accept the olive branch who was thrown.

Courtesy and euphemistically declined the financing requests from other venture capital companies. Under the witness of the on-site staff, Li Tinghui and Lu Zhou signed a letter of intent for cooperation without a deposit, which was settled.

As for the equity ratio, Lu Zhou said that there will be someone behind the Star Technology and he will talk to him.

Although this kind of non-guaranteed letter of intent does not have mandatory legal effect, Li Tinghui has no doubt that Lu Zhou will hang himself.

After all, a well-known academician of the family, he is just a little-known little person, not to mention the reasons for not harming himself, even if it is really pitted, there is also a bragging capital.

I have cooperated with Professor Lu in power engineering... although I did not talk about it in the end.

This sentence is said to be more than the thing that his mentor hangs on his mouth every day for a few years. It sounds like there are more cards.

Lu Zhou, who had finished the intent to bookmark, thought about the road show and saw it enough. He took a look at the watch and saw that it would take another ten minutes to get to the meeting with the school sister who had previously met, so he walked from the conference room. Come out.

Looking at the chasing out of the conference room, followed by his own Li Tinghui, Lu Zhou suddenly remembered one thing, said with a smile.

"A thief ventures to open the conditions for you is also good, they help you to arrange a round from the a round to the Nasdaq ring, why don't you choose a raccoon?"

Hearing this sentence, Li Tinghui couldn't help but smile, and immediately straightened his waist and said.

"Because you are the idol of our young scholars, I have read your master's story after listening to your story! It is my pleasure to be able to work with you. As for money, it is secondary!"

Lu Zhou: "..."

I believe you a ghost!

I didn’t recognize me at a glance, would you like to say that it’s my little brother?

I didn't want to talk about him. Lu Zhou paused for a few seconds and thought for a while, slowly said.

"For the angel round of financing, let me do this. I ask you to take advantage of the shares in your hands. No matter what price other companies open, you should not let go, especially a man named Musk may find you."

"Of course, I am not letting you give me a wage earner. If you need it when you have a round, it doesn't matter if you want to realize a certain share. It is also ok to introduce some quality partners, but only for domestic companies. Especially The man named Musk, if you want to buy it, you can go to the circulation and become a shareholder after the listing."

Although Lu Zhou himself has no interest in listing money, the main business concentrated in the patent of Star Technology has not listed the need to expand the scale of operations, but for those companies that are controlled by Star Technology, there is still a listing demand.

Therefore, although it has not been listed for the purpose, if this charging pile business has the opportunity to go public, Lu Zhou will not stop it. It is also beneficial to add several partners to the charging pile business. Just be wary of foreign capital coming in and messing up.

Hearing the shackles of Lu Zhou, Li Tinghui and the chicken glutinous rice nodded, and immediately patted the chest to ensure: "You are relieved! Until the listing, even if others open the price, I will never Reduce the share of a sub-share! Accept at most, be diluted at the time of financing!"

Lu Zhou nodded.

"This looks at yourself."

The topic of the company's equity arrangement came to an end. Li Tinghui, who was walking next to Lu Zhou, repeatedly chewed the previous words of the big man, and suddenly realized a strange place at this moment, and could not help but be curious.

"That, Academician Lu, why are you so attached to... Musk?"

Too lazy to explain this question in detail, Lu Zhou replied in a concise manner.

"Because this guy is very bad."

Li Tinghui: "...?"

Li Tinghui, who had no control over his face, and Lu Zhou, who continued to walk, suddenly remembered one thing, so he asked casually.

"Right, what is your company name?"

Hearing this sentence, Li Tinghui, who has not recovered from the previous squad, almost did not have a blood spurt out.

Ten million have voted, even his company name does not know...

Of course, he did not dare to vomit, and smiled and said.

"...Hey charging, just pick it up when you charge."

"BB charging?" Lu Zhou wrinkled his eyebrows. After meditation for a while, he made a hard time and bowed his head. "Well, although it is a little bit worse, it is not ugly."

Li Tinghui: "It's okay, this is a small thing. The company name is not a product name. If you think this idea is not good, we can change it when we get there."

"No need to use, the name is actually OK," Lu Zhou waved his hand. "I still forget it, I will not show it. I will continue to use your name."

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