Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 956: One hand raised more than a billion?

The inauguration ceremony of imcrc was attended. After several meetings, the work of each department was arranged. Luo Wenxuan was forced to stay in Shanghai, and he was given a number of meetings per month. After the document's kpi assessment indicator, the imcrc side of the matter for the Lu Zhou is temporarily come to an end.

As for the Pan-Asian High-Tech Innovation and Investment Summit...

Originally, he just went shopping. He did not intend to join in the meeting to express his opinions. The financing project on the charging side will be taken over by Star Technology, and he has self-knowledge about his business talent. Lu Zhou is also too lazy to show the operation. Directly thrown to the school sister to worry.

The fifth day of coming to Shanghai.

It was also the first Monday in March. Lu Zhou, who had retired from the hotel, walked down the stairs outside the lobby with his computer bag.

The other baggage Wang Peng had already put him in the car beforehand, and the car also drove to the door of the hotel.

Just as he pulled the door and got ready to get on the bus, the phone in his pocket rang.

"Slightly wait for me."

Wang Peng made a gesture, threw the computer bag into the boat in the car, took the phone and went to the side, pressed the button that was connected, and soon the voice of the school sister came from the phone.

"I see your circle of friends, are you planning to return to Jinling?"

There was a bit of an accident in the voice, and it seemed that I didn’t expect it to be so fast.

"Well, I am already in the car, and the train is two hours later."

"Is time so fast?" The voice on the other end of the phone was a bit depressed. "I also said that you are always boring in your own home. I will take this opportunity to take you around in Shanghai."

Lu Zhou: "There is nothing to go around. I think the big cities seem to be the same. And I can't always spend it on the Shanghai side. There are still a lot of things to do after going back."

Although the most important thing about imcrc has been solved, his scientific research tasks are quite a lot.

In particular, the study of Riemann's conjecture is now in March, and there is only five months left before the full-time calculation of the International Congress of Mathematicians in St. Petersburg in early August.

So far, although he has been able to see the dawn of victory, he never sees how far the finish line is.

This situation is quite unusual. If it was before, when a thought was passed by him, basically the latter results could be made.

If there are no other accidents, and there is no need for him to deal with things personally at Jinling, he intends to retreat for a long time.

And that is the type of the month.

"Where is there!" When the attitude of Lu Zhou was so negative, Chen Yushan suddenly retorted. "Is there a Disney in Jinling? No! Is there a pavilion at the Expo? No! There are also different places on the Bund." ""


Hearing the word, Lu Zhou was sweating.

"Disney... That's where kids will go."

The phone was silent for a while.

About ten seconds, there was a long sigh.

"Hey, learn from the younger brother, you are still the same."

Hearing this long-lost name, Lu Zhou did not respond for a while.

"...what is the old look."

"You can buy two tickets even if you watch a movie together!"

I sneaked down such a sentence, and the phone seemed to be a "slightly" long-sounding voice, and then the call was hung up in a bunch of busy voices.

Lu Zhou: "..."

Am I saying something wrong?

But listening to that tone is not like being angry...

Shaking his head, Lu Zhou stuffed his phone back into his pocket and returned to the car.

Forget it, no matter what.


On the way back from Luzhou to Jinling, the entire financial circle in Shanghai was surging.

First, there was a gossip message. At the Pan-Asian High-Tech Innovation and Investment Summit's high-tech entrepreneurial project roadshow, Lu Shishi thrown 10 million, and a startup company with wireless charging piles as a selling point.

Then there will be news to continue to release, which venture capital company, which is the cowboy of the company, attended the road show, and greeted the price of the bullish.

The news was released when it was released. If the previous news is still the ingredients of Shantou, after all, Star Technology has not been listed. Even if you want to go to the soup, there is no chance, but the news behind it is like The lid of the earthen jar with the chicken stew was opened and the fragrance was released.

Although Star Technology is not listed, many of the venture capital companies present are listed.

Backed by the patent giant of Starry Sky Technology, this kind of charging pile enterprise destined to become an industry unicorn, may only finance one round? May not be listed?


Such a high-quality project is also a high-tech project supported by the state. As long as the shareholders of this company have the idea of ​​going public, the CSRC is afraid to have to find opportunities for him to arrange!

The only difference is whether it is in a stock or on the Nasdaq!

Just when people were talking about it, Zhujiang Industry, the head office of Zhujiang Venture Capital, suddenly published an announcement through the CSRC, responding to outside rumors, stating that its subsidiary Zhujiang Venture Capital did not intend to enter the charging pile industry. There is absolutely no financing project involved in 哔哔 charging, and there is no insider trading cloud...

This announcement of no silver three hundred and two here came out, which immediately attracted the attention of countless investors.

No one noticed the company, but as the announcement came out, the situation instantly became different.

If you really don't have this, what is the announcement?

What's more, everyone rumors and rumors, didn't bring you...


There are ghosts in my heart!

At 9:30 in the morning, the stock market just opened, and the stock price of Zhujiang Industrial was immediately convulsed with a brief convulsion, and it rose directly on the daily limit with the crazy influx of the main funds.

Seeing this scene, the investors who stared at the front of the plate finally recovered, and exclaimed "Maya! Be played!" and then bought it decisively.

Not only Zhujiang Industry, the stocks of a number of venture capital companies, as long as it is suspected that executives went to the road show of the project, all are all red.

In addition to these venture capital companies, there are still many people who have dug up the Zhongshan New Materials held by Star Technology, and it seems that more than a year ago, they began to lay out the battery production in the downstream industry chain!

It turns out that human beings are such a kind of creatures that love brains.

Regardless of whether there is solid evidence, "a big chess" has been supplemented by countless investors, and Zhongshan Xincai's stock is also followed by a straight line.

Liu Wanshan, who was awakened, didn’t figure out what was going on. Inexplicably, he found that his assets had increased by one or two hundred million. He was so shocked that he called around and asked, but he couldn’t ask any name. I can't think of all this because of Lu Zhou.

The carnival of this capital lasted for a week, and it gradually returned to calm as the founders made a lot of money.

Afterwards, some people joked that Professor Lu raised his hand and raised a market value of more than one billion in a stock.

Although this is not the merit of Lu Zhou himself, there are still a lot of hot pushers behind him, but he also left him in the financial world, leaving a myth that he is not very clear...

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