Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 960: The clue on the wreckage number one!

With the hope of the entire lithium battery research team, Lu Zhou returned to the villa of Zhongshan International.

However, just as he was about to start his career, he gradually realized the seriousness of the problem...

This stuff does not seem to be solved so well.

At least, it’s more difficult than he imagined...

Looking at the computer on the desk, staring at the model retrieved from the database, Lu Zhou stared at it for a long time, and the pen that was pinched in the right hand did not move.

After a long time, he suddenly sighed and put the pen in his hand down.

"Gas molecule exchange membrane..."

"This stuff is also a black technology."

Even if you don't need to use it on a lithium-ion battery, the technology used in purifying the gas is quite powerful. At present, similar advanced technology is probably psa technology, but the extraction efficiency and purity are far from this level...

Standing on the arm of the chair, the boat came to the side of the study shelf and gently opened the book in the lower left corner of the second row.

With a whistling sound, the drawer under the bookshelf moved gently. Without stopping, Lu Zhoushen pulled the drawer open and quickly took out a metal round tube with a thumb thickness and a size of about 5 batteries.

To be precise, it is a metal tube that is torn open from an unknown object in the middle.

The middle of it is like being hit by something, tearing a large piece, and even the structure of the battery itself is somewhat bent. The worn surface does not leave any important information except the sign that the poles are barely able to see the positive and negative poles.

The thumb and index finger gently rubbed against the metal surface, and looked at the tiny battery. The face of Lu Zhou showed a thoughtful expression.

"The answer should be on it..."

This is the first wreck he got.

The data that the scanner has scanned from it so far has been moving with the migration of Xiao Ai data, and is now being safely stored in a quantum computer from a future point in time or a higher civilization.

However, even with the help of a scanner, it is quite difficult to completely restore the original appearance of this wreck.

So far, he has only recovered the lithium-ion battery front-end technology to solve the lithium dendrite problem from this battery. As for the lithium-ion battery technology he speculated to exist, it is a bit of a clue. No.

To put it bluntly, even he felt difficult.

He believes that no one in this world should be better than himself.

"If the molecular exchange membrane survives, it will be fine, even if it is only a little bit..." Staring at the broken fracture, Lu Zhou’s face was full of regrets.

Even if a little bit of wreckage survived, his scanner could include this part of the data in the database, not to mention the design of a higher civilization, at least to give his research a reference idea or no problem. .

But now the trouble is...

"and many more……"

At this moment, looking at the battery of this boat, the heart suddenly appeared in the blink of an eye, suddenly thought of something.

He quickly returned to the computer and sat down. He immediately ordered.

"Xiao Ai, help me to retrieve the scan data of the wreckage No. 1 from the database!"

[OK, master! 】

Almost the sound of Lu Zhou has just fallen, and a new three-dimensional image is quickly displayed on the computer screen.

Staring at the scanned image of the wreck on the screen, no matter how many times I saw this picture, Lu Zhou’s heart was unstoppable.

Even with the increase of the engineering level, at this moment, he has further grasped the advanced design of this battery than himself six years ago.

"It's incredible."

Carefully looking at the delicate structure between the gas exchange chamber and the anode material and the diaphragm, Lu Zhou could not help but give a sigh.

The gas exchange chamber is filled with a high concentration of oxygen through a layer of molecular exchange membrane disposed between the gas exchange chamber and the gas inlet, and then a layer of lithium anode is completely wrapped by a certain polymer material, and a special method is adopted. Screen 100% of oxygen molecules from high-purity oxygen and transport them to the negative electrode...

With the current technology of Star Technology, it is possible to restore this part of the design.

Of course, the premise is that he can find a solution to the problem of molecular exchange membranes. Otherwise, these clever designs are surprisingly amazing. The technology tree of lithium-ion batteries is no good.

Xiao Ai: [Master? 0.0]

"Nothing, just a little surprised..."

After fixing the gods, Lu Zhou put his attention back on the key issues and coughed down the order. "Xiao Ai, help me to search the material composition of the negative electrode area and the gas exchange room area!"

Xiao Ai: [Received! Already done! 】

So fast?

Although the data is readily available, it has been completely included in the previous scan gun, but Xiao Ai was able to complete the retrieval of this huge database so quickly, but he was a little surprised.

However, now is not the time to spit this.

Staring at the chart presented in front of it, Lu Zhou constantly sets a new marking area on the three-dimensional image with the mouse, and carefully searches for possible places where the gas exchange membrane may exist.

Sure enough, he found a very suspicious clue.

"There is a problem... there is not even a trace of silicon."

"Excessive traces of carbon residue should belong to carbon nanospheres...etc. Not necessarily!" Reminiscent of the carbon residue inside the Hall propeller of the Remnant No.3, a sudden ecstasy flashed in Lu Zhou’s eyes. ,"……I understand!"

Xiao Ai: [唔? (°ー°〃)

Taking a deep breath, Lu Zhou restrained with excitement and said: "With the stability of silicon material, it is unlikely that when the external metal is intact, there is no trace left. If there is no silicon residue left, there is no residue. ... can only indicate that the molecular exchange membrane used on Residue No. 1 or something similar to extract oxygen from the air is not a silicon-based substance at all!"

"...If you replace the silicon material with carbon, you should be fine!"

At the moment when I figured this out, Lu Zhou’s thoughts suddenly became clear, and I couldn’t wait to take the draft paper from the side and re-spin the ball-point pen in my hand.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw the Riemann zeta function on the draft paper...

Wrinkled, Lu Zhou bit his lower teeth and took a blank piece of paper from the side.

Mmp, no matter what!

Let's take this problem that we can see and solve!

He swears that this is the last topic that he was distracted before he solved the Riemann conjecture and had nothing to do with the Riemann conjecture.

When this topic is over, no matter who comes to him, it is not good to ask him for help!

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