Among the many technical problems that restrict lithium-sulfur battery technology, the most difficult thing to do is to have a shuttle effect.

The so-called shuttle effect means that during the charge and discharge process, the polysulfide (li2sx) intermediate produced by the positive electrode dissolves into the electrolyte and diffuses through the separator to the negative electrode, eventually contacting the lithium metal of the negative electrode.

In order to preempt the lithium-sulfur battery technology, the company completed the patent layout in front of ExxonMobil. It is the Luzhou who shoulders the future of Huaguo's new energy industry. In this project, Professor Dan Stanley of the lithium battery field started. A match between the air.

At the time, Professor Stanley, with the support of Exxon Mobil, also used an extremely disgraceful means to buy an assistant from the Sarrot Institute under his name and stole him to pay him to Salo. Professor C. went to study the cage carbon molecular model.

But thanks to this oolong.

Professor Stanley not only went further and further on the "wrong" road, but also beaten the ground to complete the system task of "analysing the carbon nanospheres under the modified pdms film" to help him upgrade the material science grade to lv4. Indirectly, he also helped him to impact the research bottleneck of a Bono Award-winning achievement...

Speaking of it, for so many years, Lu Zhou’s thank-you phone was not given to the generous old professor, and he was quite unwilling.

The black powder contained in the test tube that was pinched in his hand at this moment was the caged carbon molecule that Professor Stanley had studied, that is, the carbon nanospheres found on the residue No. 1.

Yang Xu: "This is..."

"A caged carbon molecule used to carry oxygen molecules, although I prefer to call it a carbon nanosphere."

The test tube was handed over to Yang Xu’s hand, Lu Zhou continued. “Don’t forget that in addition to the gas exchange chamber and the outside diaphragm, there is a layer of modified pdms film on our lithium anode material. When the pdms film is formed into a film, when the concentration of oxygen molecules on both sides of the film reaches a certain value, they transport oxygen molecules from one side to the other like a bee."

In short, it is to add two insurances to the oxygen-nitrogen separation system. The first insurance is the selective passage of oxygen molecules through the membrane, that is, the mixture of organic substances listed on the whiteboard, to create a gas exchange chamber. Relatively pure oxygen environment with an oxygen content of up to 98%!

As for the second insurance, it is the modified pdms film on the lithium anode material itself!

Only after the addition of the hollow carbon spheres, the modified pdms film on the surface of the lithium negative electrode transports oxygen molecules from the high-purity oxygen to the surface of the lithium negative electrode material.

"...we can even control the performance of the battery by controlling the rate of the entire lithium oxidation reaction by modifying the number of carbon nanospheres on the pdms film."

Listening to the description of Lu Zhou, Yang Xu’s eyes were filled with a shocking look.

Can this stuff really work?

Although I really want to ask this question, as a researcher, it is a shame to ask such a stupid question when the samples are already in his hands.

Without any hesitation, he took the test tube to the side of a laboratory device.

There is a battery mold there, and a protective gas operation box for assembling and testing the battery.

It is easy to test the theory of Lu Zhou, and even does not need a complete lithium battery model.

He only needs to make a lithium metal sheet covered with modified pdms material mixed with such carbon nanospheres, and then let it be exposed to air and pure oxygen, pure carbon dioxide, pure nitrogen, etc., respectively. It is easy to know if it has the property of permeating oxygen and whether it only allows oxygen to pass through.

After complicated preparations and patient waiting, the results of the experiment finally came out under the expectation of everyone.

In the air environment, the reaction of the sample is not obvious, and there is a very small amount of oxide on the surface, which can be determined to be lithium oxide!

In a series of environments such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, etc., the sample did not react at all!

As for the pure oxygen environment...

As Lu Zhou said, the entire surface of the lithium negative electrode has undergone amazing changes!

Looking at the face, Yang Xu, who has no idea what to do and expression to express his heart, Lu Zhou smiled and said with ease, "If you observe the whole reaction process under microscopic conditions, your expression I will be even more surprised."

Yang Xu swallowed and said hard: "...this experiment...has you finished it a long time ago?"

Lu Zhou: "I said, I did this experiment when I was teaching at Princeton, but I have never published it."

Of course, the current carbon nanosphere is quite different from the original version made by Professor Stanley.

Especially in the details, Lu Zhou has adjusted the position of several large π bonds on the surface by means of computational chemistry, which makes its handling ability more obvious, and the requirement for oxygen purity is slightly reduced.

However, the method of preparing such carbon nanospheres is the same.

“It’s incredible...”

“The nature of this shuttle transporting oxygen molecules in polymer materials is amazing!”

Looking at the astonished Yang Xu, Lu Zhou said with some nostalgia.

"It's amazing. I have been thinking about it until now. The mechanism of this magical handling process has even made two sets of explanations that can be explained, but there is no evidence to prove which one is right."

Yang Xu: "How did you...?"

Upon hearing this question, Lu Zhou’s expression was a little embarrassed, and he said with a smile.

"This is a long story. In short, thanks to the help of an old friend, the most critical problem of the formation of such cage-like carbon molecules has been solved. Then I made a little improvement on the basis of his research. A few big π keys."

Of course, the most crucial thing is the wreckage number one...

If this material is being introduced, I am afraid that light is to find a hollow carbon sphere that can be highly compatible with oxygen molecules. This experiment is enough for him to do.

Yang Xu asked: "Is that patent no problem?"

Lu Zhou immediately replied: "No problem, my old friend was very generous and sold to me at a very cheap price."

This is a long time ago.

Not long after the lithium-sulfur battery came out, the patents in the hands of Exxon Mobil have become waste paper, not to mention the lithium-air battery can not see the shadow, even if Professor Stanley himself does not know that what he researched is used in Lithium-air battery, so Star Technology bought the patent without paying much.

Of course, when I bought it, I didn’t use Star Technology and his name.

Although it doesn't cost much, the operation is still a bit complicated.

Yang Xu, who did not understand the inside story, said with a sigh: "Your old friend is really a good person."

Lu Zhou is also a hearty smile.

"Yeah, I also think that he is a good person."


The technology of selectively permeable oxygen molecules has been overcome. Coupled with the key carbon nanospheres, the entire lithium-air battery technology tree has basically no suspense.

After calling Chen Yushan and handing over the patent layout to her, Mr. Lu left the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies.

Speaking of it, when he came, he was still in the morning, but when he left, he was wearing a star.

It’s better to use a computer to do the simulation, just put the ready-made model on the computer and run it again. It took a lot of time to test the transport of oxygen molecules by carbon nanospheres, especially the lithium metal sheets coated with the modified pdms film, which was tossed for a while.

Sitting in Wang Peng's car, Lu Zhou, who had not been close for more than 30 hours, yawned and was preparing to squat for a while, but at this moment, he suddenly received a call from Director Li.

As soon as the phone was connected, he didn't even have time to say "hit", and the sound of the fire was coming from the opposite side.

"I have read your report! Is it true? Is it true? The carbon base" suddenly realized that it was inconvenient to say on the phone, Director Li immediately stopped his words and bit his teeth and changed his mouth. "You wait, I will come to your house and tell you."

I yawned and didn't understand what he was talking about, and asked in a foggy way.

"Where are you coming to me now?"

"Go to Beijing! Come by plane!"

Lu Zhou: "...?"

Still not responding, the phone hangs up.

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