Before coming here, in fact, Director Li did not have much hope for the finished products of carbon-based chips in the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies.

After all, the same project, the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is engaged in the research and development of countless companies in the semiconductor industry base in Jiangcheng, but until now it has only seen a little bit of results.

After reading the report that Professor Lu sent to Shanghai, the old academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was only ambiguously saying that the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies may have a breakthrough in integrating carbon-based transistors into integrated circuits. No one expected that they really had such awe.

While they are still wondering how to get the technical gateway to integrate carbon-based transistors into integrated circuits, the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies has not only made finished products, but even diy a scientific calculator with finished products...

If you don't see this thing in front of you, Director Li will not believe it.

But now, there is nothing to doubt.

Maintaining a serious expression on his face, he continued.

"Now the international situation is calm, but in fact, since the completion of our lunar research base, the forces that are unfriendly to us have been constantly moving, and the big movements have not stopped. The true peace has never been seen. You should also know that What happened to the biosphere a attack last year?"

Lu Zhou nodded and said that he understood.

Director Li: "That can only be considered a small trouble."

Lu Zhou: "What big trouble?"

Director Li: "According to reliable sources, the United States is planning to work on our semiconductor industry."

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou slightly stunned and said a little strange expression.

"...there's their controllable fusion substation in California don't want a core?"

If it was a few years ago, put it in the two years before and after he returned to China, it is impossible to say that it is possible. The achievements made by China in the field of information technology are indeed worthy of the United States.

But now it is 2022, the third year of successful fusion ignition, the cross-regional power grid has gone from the southern Xinjiang to the Straits of Malacca...

Even if you want to engage in technical blockade, the conditions are not allowed.

"Controllable fusion is indeed one of our cards, and it is also a very lethal card. If it is not holding this card, it will come long ago."

Unscrew the vacuum flask that was carried around, and after the lid was filled with tea, Director Li took a sip of the moisturizing scorpion and continued, "However, for Americans, in addition to administrative orders, they have many other Alternative options can be used. For example, using market behavior, actively promoting the upstream price increase of the semiconductor industry chain, we increase the pressure on the cost of the downstream of the industrial chain, thus achieving the purpose of weakening us."

"In order to prevent problems before they happen, we must take the initiative!"

"I probably understand what you said," Lu Zhou nodded. "So... what do you mean?"

"This kind of thing should have been handed over to the market to decide, but sometimes we can't completely let you think about it. Often the fighters are losing in waiting," said Li, smiling and serious. To ease, a file was taken from the bag and placed on the table.

"Look at it."

As soon as I heard the word "you", Lu Zhou suddenly had a bad feeling.

This old guy is rarely so polite with him.

Unless there is anything that is very troublesome, ask for him.

Pre-feeling this, looking at the paper on the table, suddenly a headache.

It was clear that he had just made up his mind the day before yesterday. Before Riemann’s conjecture was resolved, it would be difficult for him to ask him to do things. Such a big trouble came to the door.

However, Lu Zhou hesitated for a moment, and finally he sighed and reached for the document and glanced at it.

When he saw the title, his eyebrows were gently lifted.

"Longteng No.1?"

"Yes," Secretary Li nodded. "Please read this document!"

Backing back on the chair, Lu Zhou followed the body of the text and watched it line by line.

Although he rarely touches anything outside of research, most of these contracts are thrown to the school sister to deal with, but the above content is not very complicated to write, even if he can understand.

In short, this is a “tripartite agreement” led by the Science and Technology Bureau and guaranteed by an administrative order.

In this agreement, the three units involved are Warwick, Star Technology and the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the specific projects involved are the latest product development plans of Warwick HiSilicon.

Different from Kirin and other series of chips, Longteng series chips will completely adopt the latest carbon-based semiconductor technology, and the goal is to achieve cornering overtaking in the semiconductor field, and realize a series of links from research and development to design to production. The dependence of international chip giants creates a complete closed ecological chain around carbon-based chips.

The agreement stipulates the respective research and development obligations undertaken by the agreement. After the completion of the project, the ownership and use rights of each part of the patents, as well as the funds they bear, and so on.

The image point is that Star Sky Technology and the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have two top semiconductor research institutions in China. They will upgrade with Warwick and make a long-term series of chips based on carbon-based semiconductor technology. number 1.

For Warwick, you can get help from two top research institutions, and the benefits don’t have to be said. As for the Chinese Academy of Sciences, because it is a state institution, there is no need to mention more about the benefits.

For Star Technology, the benefits are clearly listed in the agreement. Including the product profit share of the Dragon chip series, as well as one-time payment of research funding and so on.

"Very interesting proposal," put the agreement on the table, Lu Zhou did not immediately give a reply, but said after thinking for a while, "I will give this agreement to my ceo to study, a How will I give you a reply within the week?"

"No problem! Even if it is a little longer, there is no problem. If you are not satisfied with the place in the agreement, please be sure to tell me directly, we will make adjustments after the meeting here. Or else, I will start." Let's find a chance to sit down and have a meal and talk about cooperation."

"There is nothing to talk about. Actually, I am just a scholar. It is more suitable for me than the wine table or the laboratory." Lu Zhou smiled and continued. "But since it involves business cooperation, I still have to respect. My ceo's opinion, after all, I don't understand something. It's not good to get rid of blistering."

After all, this involves not only one or two million inputs, but hundreds of millions of dollars in capital, and it is related to the future of a whole set of industrial chains.

It is not good for anyone to make a decision.

"Then you will study slowly," he took a big/leg. Li, with the scientific calculator, smiled and stood up. "The agreement is here, I will not bother here."

"Where are you going back?" Li, who looked at the accident and stood up to go, originally thought that he had to take a lunch for Lu Zhou and couldn't help but ask, "Go back to Beijing now?" ”

"That won't. Before I go back to Beijing, I have to go to E-Country," Secretary Li shook his head and said with a smile. "The surprise you brought to us this time is too big. Now it is not just our bureau. The various departments involved in the industrialization of carbon-based semiconductors are all too busy. There is still a lot of work to be prepared, and I have no time to delay here."

Lu Zhou nodded.

"That's slow, I won't send you out."

"Don't be so polite, I will leave soon." I was about to go to the entrance. Director Li suddenly noticed the stack of papers thrown on the coffee table. I couldn't help but ask the sentence. "I have been very curious about it. What have you been studying recently?"

"Oh, you said that," looked at Li’s line of sight and saw the stack of papers that he had thrown on the coffee table. Lu Zhou smiled and replied, "just about the lithium battery. The design is just that, you don't have to worry about it."

"Oh, lithium battery, you are busy..."

Turned out and walked out of the two steps, just arrived at the porch next to Li, suddenly suddenly stuck there.

The next second, he jerked back.

"Hey? What do you say?"

The action that the old man suddenly turned back was shocked, and Lu Zhou squatted.

"...Lithium battery, is there any problem?"

……What's the problem?

Director Li: "???"-

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