Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 967: Write and write casually

The next big game...

Can't you say something?

The sky outside the window is not too early.

Sitting in front of the desk in the study room, a little headache facing a blank computer, Lu Zhou stared at the flashing cursor and looked at the half, suddenly shook his head and shook.

In the absence of disclosure of "trade secrets", or even preferably without any specific academic details, publish an academic paper that can release the "Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies has made a major breakthrough in lithium-ion batteries!" ......

The most important thing is that the larger the impact of the submitted journals, the better...

How do you write "just"? ? ?

After being mixed in the academic world for so many years, Lu Zhou was the first time to be so embarrassed by such a strange request.

Any thought freely diverged, just as he grabbed his hair and almost gave up, the corner of his eye suddenly fell on the test tube he placed on the corner of the table.

For a moment, the inspiration is like a fountain, and it is in the heart.

Sit up straight from the chair, Lu Zhou excitedly loud.

"...has it!"

Since you can't touch on the specific technical details of the lithium-ion battery, focus on the focus of the paper on the mathematical model, or simply publish an article on computational materials science, starting with the research of lithium-ion batteries, but It is light to avoid the lithium battery itself!

Thinking of this, his eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and the hands resting on the keyboard move like a wind, and a line of headlines is placed in a blank text.

"Research on the transporting effect of a class of caged carbon molecules on oxygen molecules in modified pdms materials and its application prospects in the field of lithium-ion batteries"

Looking at the title of this line, Lu Zhou could not help but praise himself.

"I am a genius!"

The patent for the caged carbon molecule is readily available, although he later adjusted several large π bonds on the caged carbon molecule, but he has not let go of the related patents, as early as he taught at Princeton. At that time, a professional patent agent has been entrusted to register.

The results of the experiment are all ready-made. This kind of paper is not written by him. He can find a master student from his own students and write an article.

After spending about two or three hours, Lu Zhou successfully completed the writing and layout of the thesis.

After converting the file into pdf format, add it to the mailbox attachment and look at the address of the recipient's address. Lu Zhou's index finger taps on the mouse that holds it, thinking about where to put this manuscript. Suitable.



It seems that it is not suitable.

This kind of research results with a little bit of fried rice is estimated to be queued for a long time. The most important thing is that he doubts whether the gadget can achieve the expected sensation.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou also made a decision.

Since it is written and written, it is better not to consider "nature".

After thinking over and over again, Lu Zhou sent the prepared email to the mailbox of the editorial department of "jacs".

Although not as famous as the two top journals in the scientific community, the impact factor is not so terrible, but the influence of "jacs" in the material science and chemical circles is quite a big one, and it can be said that it is one of the top journals in the field.

Lu Zhou’s paper entitled “Theoretical Model of Electrochemical Interface Structure”, which was awarded the Nobel Prize, was submitted to “jacs”.

Because of the reasons for the review of several manuscripts in this journal, his relationship with the journal was not bad, and his paper should be arranged as soon as possible.

After finishing these things, Lu Zhou stretched out and pushed the chair to stand up and walked out of the study room to go to sleep.


Just when Lu Zhou had almost entered a dream, North America, on the other side of the globe, was the day when the sky was clear.

In the editorial department of "jacs", suddenly there was a scream like the discovery of the New World.

"jesus! Kanov, guess what I received in my mailbox? It is Professor Lu's thesis!"

Looking at the ridiculously pushed open chair, Agris editor, Kanov just said in his heart, "Are you not let me guess?", then he was given by his second sentence in a flash. Attracted.

"Wait, what do you say? Professor Lu's paper? Has he returned to the material sciences?"

When Eglis smiled, "What is return? He was originally in the material science community. Even if you forgot to be the founder of the material science and electrochemical interface theory model, don't forget the 18-year Nobel Prize!"

In the history of "jacs" since its publication, many Nobel Prizes have been published, but for the editor of Aegris, the 18-year Nobel Prize is only one in his career, through him. The hand passed the audit of the Nobel Prize-winning results!

This achievement alone is enough to make his name leave a small line in the chronicle of the "jacs" journal, and this thing is enough for him to spend a lifetime.

A little bit can't stand the character of his editor-in-chief, Kanov whispered a word and said: "But he himself does not think so."

"It doesn't matter! What matters is what we think! Let's not talk nonsense, let me come and see what amazing research results," I sent my colleague a word, and after reading the paper, Eglis carefully read it. The eyes suddenly become a little different.

Looking at the unusual reaction on the face of the editor of Agris, Kanof hesitated, curiously asked.

"What was written above?"

"About the kind of caged carbon molecules in the modified pdms material for the transport of oxygen molecules ... God, is a lithium air battery!" Take a deep breath, Agris quickly turned the paper over again, "I used to hear After that, the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies is calculating the material for the lithium-ion battery project. The academic leader is a Chinese named Yang Xu!"

When I heard Yang Xu, a name that was not unfamiliar, Kanov’s expression gradually appeared a bit moving.

"The signature of this paper is Lu Zhou..."

"Yes," exclaimed with a sigh of excitement. The editor of Agris pinched the right hand of the manuscript and unconsciously tightened. "My dear Mr. Kanof, guess what this means? It means they may Already successful!"

The same is self-answering, this time it is to let Kanov slightly squat.

However, it was just a slap in the face, and he quickly responded, why the editor of Agris made such a bold guess.

According to the experience of the academic editors of these journals, the general propositions are relatively high and are still popular research projects in the academic world. Even if the research team engaged in the project has achieved certain results, it will not immediately The staged results that I got in the experiment were taken out.

And if you take a step back, even if you are forced to publish an article about "performance pressure," it is usually selective to release something that is less important, at least not to inspire competitors.

For example, Yang Xu, a paper has not been published in the past year, but it is said that in the past year, the research team that he brought with him did not make anything, and he would not believe it if he killed him.

Now Lu Zhou suddenly released this paper...

And it is still straightforward, throwing such a crucial result.

Then there is only one possibility to explain, that is, the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies has obtained the patent for this technology, and even has completed the follow-up study!

Only with this explanation can we make sense why they can throw such a heavyweight paper so easily...

There is nothing wrong with the publication.

The only thing left to think about is who to review.

At this point, there was quite a tacit understanding. The editor of Eglis and Kanof exchanged their sights and asked about the opening.

"Who is still doing this direction now?"

After careful thinking for a few moments, Kanov tried to propose: "Professor Jeff Dahn of Dalhousie University in Canada, a pioneer in the industrial application of ternary material linixmnycozo2, has made great achievements in the field of lithium, and Siene has made countless articles... I mean Yes, he probably can."

After thinking for a while, Eglis’s editor shook his head. “I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult. He seems to be working on an ibm project recently. It’s not necessarily empty. And we have to find a big cow in the same field, but we can’t find a contributor. Potential competitors."

"That would be a little difficult."

After scratching his head and thinking for a while, Kanov suddenly popped up a name in his mind, and his eyes suddenly said.

"I know a person! No one is more suitable than him for the reviewer of this manuscript!"

Chief editor Agris immediately asked him: "Who?"

"Stanley Whitingham, Professor of Binghamton University! His paper on titanium sulphide positive is impressive. Even if it has left the front line of scientific research, I still remember the heart of my mind. Shocked..."

It took about three seconds to cherish his childhood, and the look of impatience in the eyes of the editor of Eglis became more and more obvious. Kanov quickly ended his memories of the past, and he spoke quickly.

“I noticed that the citation part of Professor Lu’s paper just quoted an article published by Professor Stanley about a caged carbon molecule six years ago.”

"It is no problem for him to review this paper!"

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