Shanghai suburbs.

In a 20-storey office building, in a meeting room with cartons stacked, a white man with brown hair and high nose was sitting on the side of the conference table, staring at Li Tinghui sitting on the other side. It seems as if waiting quietly for this.

The wall clock on the wall walked quietly, and at the moment the needle was turned to the whole point, a squeaking sound was heard.

It seems that Li Tinghui, who was sitting there and interrupted his thoughts, finally got an action.

He took a deep breath and closed the contract on the table.

"I am sorry, I can't accept your proposal."

This is an acquisition contract, not for charging, but for himself.

I have to say that the price that Mr. Beavis fired was indeed quite attractive.

He has spent a lot of effort to get 10 million financing from Star Technology with 60% of the shares. This is not his own. However, Tesla is now willing to acquire the remaining 40% of his shares at a price of 10 million yuan.

If he agrees, he will get the million yuan directly.

Of course, in contrast, if he agrees, this will mean that he will be out of this situation and completely lose control of charging. The 哔哔 charging he founded will also turn from a promising charging pile enterprise to a battlefield between Star Technology and Tesla in the field of charging piles.

"Nothing, we didn't expect to be able to talk at once," he was not surprised by Li Tinghui's answer. The white man stood up and said with a smile on his face. "But I still hope that you seriously consider it." ,after all……"

He paused for a moment, he continued.

"You are faced with a huge monster with assets exceeding tens of billions of dollars. Even if Star Technology intends to support you, it seems to me that your volume is not worth mentioning."

When it comes to the last sentence, Beavis's mouth tilts up a bit of disdain.

Although Musk had beaten him, let him try to talk to the founder of this recharge and see if he could buy the remaining 40% of the shares and spend money to settle the matter.

But in fact, in the depths of his heart, he did not put this sentence too seriously.

As a leader in the field of new energy vehicles, after so many years of publicity, the Tesla brand has been settled in the new energy field for a long time, just like Apple in the mobile phone field, relying solely on its own brand image, Get a large number of loyal supporters.

Now Tesla has acquired evgo and has mastered the complete technology and related patents of “150-350kw ultra-high power fast charging pile”. The first batch of equipment has been put into production in the Tesla factory in Shanghai, at the latest next month. The first batch of ultra-power fast charging piles will be put on the market at the end of the month.

Wireless charging?

It sounds like a gimmick, but I hope that relying on Shantou will be able to fight the power behind Tesla, which is too insane.

By the time they made the product, the entire market in Shanghai has long been the world of Tesla's subsidiary.

After the person was sent away, the company’s technical director Wang Qiang went to Li Tinghui’s side and took a look at the far-reaching Tesla model outside the window. He whispered.

"General Li, is that the Tesla?"

Not only is Wang Qiang asking this question.

Several employees in the office also sneaked into the side, obviously listening to the ears.

In the face of his own ingenious inquiry, Li Tinghui was silent for a while and nodded: "Well, General Manager Beas of Tesla Huaxia District."

There was a whisper of surprise in the office.

After hearing a positive reply, Wang Qiang’s face could not help but reveal a glimpse of the future, and said with a feeling. "Our company is getting more and more powerful. First, I received the financing of Star Technology. Now Tesla has thrown an olive branch... Are they talking about financing?"

Li Tinghui’s expression did not change. After a moment of silence, he nodded. "...OK."

Of course, he can't tell his own people. Beavis didn't come with a financing contract, but came with a "persuasion book."

This is also a blow to morale.

"That Li, do you agree?"

Looking at the expressions that the entrepreneurial partners looked forward to, somehow, Li Tinghui’s mind suddenly appeared in the eyes left by Beavis.

That look is like watching a group of ants, not just disdain, but completely not putting them in the heart.

I felt that a flame in my chest was burning, especially on the eyes of my companions. Li Tinghui was silent for a while and suddenly looked up.


The office is quiet.

Especially the technical director Wang Qiang, the boss of Zhang Zhang, could not believe to look at Li Tinghui.


That is Tesla!

The giant of the new energy auto industry!

He really didn't understand why his boss was rejecting Tesla's resources for whatever reason.

Looking at everyone with a strange expression on their faces, Li Tinghui knew what they were thinking, and continued to speak steadily.

"Tesla is not coming with candy. They are coming with guns."

"Some of you may have heard of it, and some people may still be in the dark, but from now on, each of you must be clear that Tesla, who acquired evgo, is entering the Chinese charging pile market, he It’s our competitors, we can’t be our allies. If we accept their financing, it’s like surrendering to them!”

"You remember, what we have to do is the largest charging pile company in China and even in the world, not a vassal of a new energy car company!"

"Not to mention, it is still an American business!"

"Do you expect to be able to use their resources to rise? Dreaming! The only purpose of their acquisition is to tidy up and pave the way for their own fully owned evgo to occupy the Yangtze River Delta urban cluster and even the entire Chinese power export port market!"

Whether or not their entrepreneurial partners can understand themselves.

But these are the most real thoughts in his heart.

As his voice fell, the office fell silent.

Some people have confusion on their faces, some have regrets on their faces, and more people’s faces are written with infected identity...

I don't know who is the first to applaud.

Applause was like a contagion, from the drizzle of rain to the pouring rain, which eventually filled the entire office.

Facing the applause of the office, facing the pair of affirmative eyes, Li Tinghui took a deep breath and bowed his head slightly.

"Thank you!"

"It is an honor for me to be able to work with you to achieve this cause."


Whether it is ambition to overcome rationality, or purely out of blind optimism about the research and development strength of Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies, after thoroughly recognizing the status quo, Li Tinghui not only showed no worried expression on his face, but rather compared to yesterday’s It's a lot easier.

The opponent is the evgo of Tesla Holdings.

It is foreseeable that all of the pure electric vehicles of the Tesla Group will set a threshold for their products in terms of compatibility.

But this is not something he needs to worry about now. There are only two things he needs to worry about now.

One is the relocation of the office.

The other thing is to negotiate with major shopping malls, residential quarters and parking lots in Shanghai, and try to talk about the wireless parking lot exclusive parking space project at the lowest possible cost...

Public canteen in the office building.

Sitting in a secluded corner while eating, Li Tinghui listened to the news on the TV.

At this moment, CCTV's international news channel suddenly released a report on the breakthrough progress of lithium-air battery, and the news also appeared in the chemical industry top magazine "jacs", and the name of Professor Lu.

Lithium battery?

The ear sharply caught the word, Li Tinghui looked up at the TV screen, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

This technology can be dark enough...

Lithium-sulfur batteries have just come out for a few years. Now, will lithium batteries be used again?

He sent a meal to his mouth, and he chewed and thought casually.

Although he is not in the direction of materials science, the electrical engineering profession will involve a little bit of this.

If the lithium-air battery technology really breaks through, the cruising range of the new energy vehicle will once again be upgraded by one level, and the role of the charging pile will become larger than that of the replaceable battery.

After all, when you replace the battery, the user buys more than just electricity, but also has to pay for a series of explicit or hidden costs such as depreciation, refurbishment and even environmental protection. Only on the highway, consumers have the motive to take money for time, and the replaceable battery has a broad market.

And if you just run in the city, at home, even the current mileage of lithium-sulfur batteries, it is not so simple to run out. Stop the car, sleep for one night to fill the electricity, the fool will change a battery.

No matter what you think, this thing should be a good news for 哔哔 charging.

The end of a piece of news, followed by the next news, is about the continued rise in international iron ore prices. According to the analysis of relevant people, the price of infrastructure building materials has been continuously rising due to the recent heat in the infrastructure market in Asia, and even spilled into the upstream of the industrial chain, iron ore.

Not very concerned about the futures market, Li Tinghui continued to eat and paid attention to it completely from the TV.

At this moment, he didn't realize it, or everyone didn't realize that the news of this lithium-ion battery would have a huge impact on the increasingly charging charging pile market and even the entire new energy industry... ...

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