Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 971: Who’s credit, we have a few in mind


He rubbed his nose and sat on the desk in front of the desk, whispering to himself.

"Xiaoai, you said that I have been sneezing all the time, and I don't feel any uncomfortable."

He has been sneezing more and more frequently these days, and he often plays with it.

The strange thing is that there are no signs of a cold.

This feeling is like someone is behind...

Almost the same as his guess, the bottom right corner of the computer screen, a bunch of bubbles popped up.

Xiao Ai: [Master owner, I know, there must be someone behind the back of the master's handsome. ()

As soon as I saw the string of bubbles, Lu Zhou was embarrassed to smile.

This little guy...

After the upgrade, although the IQ did not improve much, the technique of flattering was not slipping away from the teacher.

However, he likes this kind of good boy who is honest and straightforward.

Just as Lu Zhou was planning to continue to delve into the subject of his hand, a phone suddenly hit his mobile phone.

Pressing the button that was turned on, he sucked and licked some faint nose, and said.


"Hey! Academician Lu, I am Lao Lu, remember me?"


Lao Lu?

Upon hearing the name, Lu Zhou slightly stunned.

To be honest, he really can't remember, who is calling him.

Seeing that Lu Zhou did not speak for a long time, the voice on the phone suddenly became awkward.

"Hey, you shouldn't... can't really remember me."

"how come……"

The tone returned slightly and subtly. Lu Zhou frowned and thought for a while. Suddenly a name came out of his head, his eyes suddenly brightened, and his mind blurted out and debuted. "Lv Director?"

Lu Kaimin, Director Lu of the Energy Bureau!

In the past, in the controllable nuclear fusion project and lithium-sulfur battery project, the two had a short intersection.

However, since the end of the controlled fusion project, the focus of the Energy Bureau has shifted from the new energy industry to the nuclear fusion, and Lu Zhou has retired from the position of nuclear fusion. In the past few years, there has been no intersection between the two talents.

On the contrary, because the Science and Technology Bureau took over the work of the development plan of the new energy industry, coupled with the rise of the aerospace industry, the contact between Lu Zhou and the Science and Technology Bureau was more.

Recognizing who was calling, Lu Zhou asked with a smile.

“What happened to Lu’s sudden call?”

Director Lu smiled and said: "Nothing, nothing, just ask where are you now?"

Turning the ballpoint pen in his hand, Lu Zhou said casually: "I am in Jinling... In the office of my own large number of hospitals, what happened?"

Director Lu said with great joy: "Nothing, then you are waiting for me there. I am coming in the afternoon! The plane is going to take off and go back."

Lu Zhou: "..."

Although it was expected, Lu Zhou still did not expect that it was so fast.

On the second weekend after Secretary Li left him, the second day after the publication of the paper "jacs", the long-lost old friend ran to Jinling from Shangjing.

Jinling University number of hospitals.

At the door of the office at the end of the corridor, a smiling old man opened the door and walked in. He said warmly when he met.

"Lu Academician, I haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been recently?"

"It’s been a long time since I saw it," stopped the ballpoint pen in his hand. Lu Zhou looked up and looked at the old man who came in from the door. He said with a smile, "Is Li Secretary fooling you?"

"What is Fudge! No, this has a relationship with Lao Li! I just read the paper on the jacs, only..." I felt that I was not quite right about explaining it. Lu was vaguely confused. I can't wait to go straight to the point. "Don't say this, the lithium-air battery... Did you really get it out?"

Lu Zhou thought about it and gave a reply as accurate as possible.

"Several technical difficulties have basically been solved, and the rest is only a matter of design problems."

If the key materials can be solved, the design will not be in the way. In addition, there is still a reference to the wreckage No. 1, even if it is a copy of the design drawings and changes, the energy density is considerable.

Looking at the director Lu sitting down on the sofa, Lu Zhou looked at the assistant Zhao who was sitting at the desk not far away and looked at himself, so he said.

"Zhao Huan, help me to give Mr. Lu a cup of tea."

"Okay, Professor."

Nodded and stood up, Zhao Huan got up and walked to the side of the cupboard. He took a can of good tea and poured it into the porcelain cup for the hospitality. Then he put it on the coffee table and put it down, laughing.

"Lv Secretary, please drink tea."

"Too polite."

Although the mouth was polite, but the old man who smiled at it did not deny it. After taking a sip of tea, the feeling of pretending was a sigh.

"Good tea!"

Lu Zhou: "Do you want to go back?"

Director Lu sighed and smiled and said: "It doesn't have to be, I know where you got this tea. I have a lot of family."

Lu Zhou: "..."

Then you pretend and drink for the first time!

To tell the truth, Lu Zhou himself is not able to distinguish between tea and tea, and usually does not drink tea.

Every holiday, someone will give him a bunch of gifts, some can be pushed off, but some are issued in the name of various welfare, he does not know who to push, can only pile in the office, find opportunities to send People.

Looking at Lu, there seems to be something to say, but it is not convenient for the opening. Lu Zhou probably understands something, so he looks at Assistant Zhao and smiles and orders.

"Zhao Huan, let me send this document to me for a lesson."

"Okay, Professor."

When I went to Lu’s desk and took the documents, Zhao’s assistant did not ask much, and went outside the office.

Then, Lu Zhou looked at another living person in the office, He Changwen.

"Chang Wen, you go"

Lu Zhou’s words were only half, and Dr. He consciously stuffed the laptop into the bag and pushed the chair to stand up.

"Good professor, I will go to the library."

Seeing this guy so consciously, Lu Zhou smiled in dissatisfaction.

This guy is quite sensible.

Instead, he saved himself an excuse to open him.

With the departure of two unrelated people, there were only two people in the office, Lu Zhou and Lu.

Seeing no outsiders, Director Lu also completely opened the words, laughing and taking pictures of the big/leg.

"Just your students are here, I didn't dare to talk casually, but I broke it."

Lu Zhou said with a smile: "What is going to give you something?"

"Last time, Lao Li did not bring a calculator back from you? It is said that he just landed at the airport in Beijing, and he went to Chang'an Street with a calculator without stopping. It seems that it caused quite a stir! I am not here. At the scene, but the person who listened to the scene said that the calculator was dismantled and the old academician who was doing the technical inspection was so excited that he almost didn't breathe."

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou suddenly sweated.

"Is it okay?"

“Nothing is okay,” said Lu, who waved his hand and smiled. “So many people are watching at the scene, the medical class is on call, what can be done? What about this small problem.”

Speaking of this, Director Lu is also a burst of emotion, watching Lu Zhou continue to say.

"Really, we didn't expect you to be so capable, so you made the carbon-based chip so quickly. And what we didn't expect was that it was not just a carbon-based chip, but even a lithium-ion battery that plagued academics. The big troubles of the industry and the industry for so many years have also been killed by you."

Lu Zhou shook his head and said: "It is a good reputation to say that it is solved by me. Whether it is a carbon-based chip or a lithium-ion battery, it is the result of teamwork research. If I have to say it, I will play a role in it. But it is acting as a catalyst."

This is not a modest, but Secretary Lu clearly does not think so.

I saw that the old man had set his hand and interrupted his words directly.

"Okay, don't be modest, the big-headed soldiers will catch a lot, but the generals who can win the battle are so one or two. Who is the credit, we have a few hearts, and then modest is hypocritical."

Lu Zhou made a helpless expression and stopped going on the topic.

After taking a sip of tea and moistening the scorpion, after a moment of pause, Director Lu continued to look at him and continued to speak eagerly.

"About that lithium-air battery, I want to ask... how much energy density can be achieved."

For this question, Lu Zhou seriously pondered for a moment and gave a conservative answer.

"The energy density is something... It's hard to say how much it can do, but if you estimate it by theory, you can at least 1.5 times more than a lithium-sulfur battery. It is also possible to double it."

When I heard that the energy density of this lithium-ion battery can be 1.5 times that of lithium-sulfur batteries, and even hopefully doubled, Lu’s eyes suddenly became eager, and the hands resting on his knees were tight, and the tone was solemn. Continue to say.

"I still have a question here, I would like to ask the lower academician!"

Seeing that Lu was suddenly serious, Lu Zhou also put on a serious attitude and sat down in the office chair.

"please say."


Although it is expected that Secretary Lu will probably ask some more questions, but when the question is asked by him, it is still a bit out of Lu Zhou’s expectation.

Or, Lu Zhou did not guess that he would ask so directly...

"This lithium air battery technology... can it be used on tanks!"

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