Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 983: This is a story about twenty-five

The news of the wireless charging technology and the patent of the lithium-ion battery technology is internationally arguably a wave of waves.

In particular, the speech delivered by the US Department of Commerce has pushed the hotspot of the entire news to the peak.

Just as the new energy sector in global stock markets is in turbulent ups and downs, everyone is waiting for the response of Star Technology, and everyone is waiting for what the US Department of Commerce’s “close attention” will lead to.

However, at this stormy gate, Starry Sky Technology did not hear it, and released the technical details of the “sh standard” step by step.

Among them, s is the initial letter of the English name of Star Science and Technology, h is the initial letter of Warwick, and the combination of the two is also an abbreviation of Shanghai listing.

As revealed by this combination of acronyms, this standard was developed by Star Technology, and the receiver and transmitter chips were completed by Warwick.

These two can be said to be almost no direct connection with charging piles and new energy vehicles, but they almost monopolize the future of almost the entire charging pile industry and new energy vehicles.

Obviously, the unspoken attitude of Star Technology in the face of the US Department of Commerce has also caused an outrageous voice in the international arena. Even many people in China have quite a few words about Star TV, thinking that they are coming. The more inflated, the more it started to flow like Qualcomm.

Because of the fact that there are millions of concerns on his collar, Lu Zhou still heard a little about this rumor, but he did not feel that there was anything wrong with the school sister.

To deal with the flow / 氓, you have to use the flow / 氓 way.

Civilized people's hospitality, it is also for civilized people.

If they do not take action, let Tesla and other traditional car manufacturers ready to enter the field of new energy vehicles reach an exclusive strategic cooperation agreement. Excluded from the market is to charge these potential Chinese countries. Enterprise...

The second weekend of May.

In the space shuttle assembly center, eight large and long mechanical arms are dexterously removing a pile of round tubular equipment from the logistics vehicle. Through the precise positioning of the industrial camera, all the equipment is packaged in a two-person high. Spacecraft dedicated container.

This is the imcrc goods, which will be shipped to the lunar surface after three days.

As early as a month ago, the lunar environmental shield machine jointly produced by Huatie Group and Hangke Group was sent to the Yuegong Space Station by Yanqiao and carried out in the crater of the Moon Hadron Collider. Precise deployment.

After a month of construction, the shield machine has successfully laid a collider pipe covered with titanium alloy material along the inner side of the outer ring of the crater under the efforts of the construction workers on the moon.

By the time the shipment and the new supply are shipped to the surface of the moon, the first track of imcrc can be completed.

Although this orbit is only a short one hundred meters, there is still a long way to go before the tens of kilometers of orbits are completed. However, since the first step to the finish line has already been taken, it is only a matter of time to greet the victory. Things...

At this moment, standing next to the console of the Space Shuttle Assembly Center, watching the flexible arm that is not far from the dancing octopus in the deep sea, Lu Zhou can not help but hear only him and Xiaoai can hear it. Feeling.

"It’s a quantum computer, it’s so special!"

Since the automated assembly system of the Space Shuttle Assembly Center was connected to the server of the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies, the quantum computer took over the automation of the entire assembly center.

If it is not worried that it is too ridiculous, the entire assembly center can even be needed by an employee. Except that the input and output of the product requires manual participation, all production activities can be handed over to the machine.

Apparently, I heard the feeling of Lu Zhou, and a bunch of bubbles popped up on the console screen in front of me.

Xiao Ai: [Master, even if it is a quantum computer, there is no excellent artificial intelligence to operate it can not play its full strength. ('???)

Lu Zhou said perfunctorily: "Okay, you are amazing."

Xiao Ai: [Hey, you are welcome, please praise me. (///w///)]

Looking at the mood, Xiao Ai, who suddenly became better, Lu Zhou sighed silently in his heart.

This silly boy.

It seems that there is still a long way to go from the IQ of normal people.

Just then, the bubbles on the screen suddenly disappeared.

Estimated that someone should come through the camera, Lu Zhou turned and saw an acquaintance came in the direction of the factory door.

“Secretary Li?” The unexpectedly sighted the old man who came from the door. Lu Zhou smiled and said, “What wind has blown you?”

Director Li: "I heard that the first batch of pipeline equipment of imcrc has been completed. I am thinking about throwing this work to you. I can't leave it alone, just drop it."

"Just for imcrc? I don't believe it."

"You have been guessed again," Li said. He did not deny it. After smiling, he changed his face and said, "I am coming here, it’s not just for the collider. I still want to I’m asking you, what is your recent situation?”

Lu Zhou: "What is the situation."

"Okay, don't pretend to be stupid, the patent thing, the sh standard that you are engaged in. I think the US Department of Commerce means to stare at you. You have done something that is both insulting and insulting. It has brought such a big hatred. ”

Lu Zhou shrugged his shoulders and said with a helpless expression: "There is no anger among the human beings. We are just considering the consumer's point of view and bundling the two technologies of wireless charging and lithium-ion battery."

Director Li frowned and asked: "I am also very curious about it. Why are you so obsessed with bundling two patents together? I think it seems that there is nothing wrong with it."

Lu Zhou did not explain, just said from the self.

"Whether it is bb charging or cc charging, the new generation of wireless charging technology receiving chip uses Warwick Hirsch design, and the cp7724 system produced by the cooperative manufacturer, this system is completely different from international The standards of qi, a4wp, etc., which are prevailing, are completely designed and formulated by China."

"In addition, we have not yet prepared a system that is fully compatible with existing design standards - the Leigong system, which is based on carbon-based semiconductor technology, until we release the carbon-based semiconductor Technical limitations, ready to go, replace the existing cp7724 system."

"However, no matter how our system itself does, there is a fatal weakness, which is difficult to promote. This is not directly related to whether the technology itself is good enough, just as inpofi technology is better than qi technology in transmission efficiency. But in the end they still lost to the qi standard in the market. The reason is not because they are not good, just because Apple chose qi... Do you understand the reason we do this?"

When a technology is not advanced to an irreplaceable degree, it is not only the technology itself that determines whether it can win in the market competition, but also the factors of commercial operation.

The emergence of inpofi technology has undoubtedly touched the qi standard's launcher, the wireless charging alliance's cheese, which is naturally isolated by the holders of the qi standard and the downstream manufacturers of the industry chain.

The final result is also obvious. Even with a series of characteristics such as low electromagnetic radiation, high electrical energy conversion efficiency, and weak thermal effects, this technology is still lost to his opponent.

After listening to Lu Zhou’s explanation, Director Li thought about it.

"I understand what you mean... You are planning to force others to accept the standards we set up with lithium batteries."

"How can we say that we are forced? We have not forced others to use lithium batteries," Lu Zhou said after a laugh. "Under the circumstances, since the explosion of the new energy market is in Shanghai, why should we use others?" The standard is to set obstacles for ourselves. We can go out of our own way and let others step on our footprints..."

This sentence is not what Lu Zhou himself thought of. He usually does not have so much time to deal with these business leisure.

Only occasionally when I was calling with my sister, I could always hear her say something similar in excitement. Lu Zhou listened and listened, remembered it, and felt a little reasonable, so he took it.

"I didn't expect you to have considered such a long-term thing," Secretary Li nodded and nodded. After a pause, he continued. "But you have to be prepared. Tesla has suffered such a big grievance here." I am afraid that the United States will not give up."

"I don't worry about Tesla," he said. Lu Zhou's face suddenly showed a touch of sadness. "To tell the truth, Tesla is just a person who is really offended. Small role."

Director Li sighed slightly and frowned. "Who are you offended?"

"Exxon Mobil."

When it comes to this name, there is a trace of nostalgia in Lu’s eyes.

If he can smoke, he will definitely have a point to set off the atmosphere, but unfortunately, he has not figured out what the gadgets are, besides being awkward, what can make people feel satisfied.

"I have already lost money. I have already returned to Princeton. I am afraid that you can find me under the bridge."

"Exxon Mobil seems to be an oil company..." Director Li continued to ask, "How do you offend them?"

Here is China, and Secretary Li is worried about what Mobil is not Mobil, and how much they have in the United States, and they have to do business honestly on the territory of China.

However, what he did not understand was how the Star Technology and the oil companies that could not beat the Eight Diagrams were on the list?

Even if new energy technologies impact the interests of oil giants, can this conflict be comparable to the impact of nuclear fusion technology? Didn’t look at the recent oil prices, nothing happened...

"Not just oil, they also do chemicals, and the scale is not small. As for why I offended them, then it is a long story."

Director Li was curious: "Then you talk about it, but it is not busy now."

"Time has to go back to the summer of six years ago... It seems to be five years ago," looked at the robotic arm that danced not far away. Lu Zhou said with a sigh. "In short, this is a story about the 25th Five-year-old." ......"

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