Scholar's Cultivation System Panel

Chapter 133 Mail from Princeton

It was said that they wanted to take back the trophy of the Higher Education Society Cup, but in fact, the moment the final list was announced, the trophy was already in the Department of Mathematics of Jingzhou University.

According to the tradition of previous years, the competition organizing committee will only issue certificates.

Institutions that have won the Higher Education Society Cup and Innovation Award can make trophies and invite members of the organizing committee to present the awards.

Regarding the trophy, Dean Qin had already mentioned that he wanted to stay in the courtyard, so Xu Yun didn't pay much attention to it.

Anyway, the school will give bonuses.

"It turned out to be like this. I was still thinking about going back with the trophy." After Zhu Liyan heard the explanation, the disappointment was visible on his face.

Zheng Yuchao next to him forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, feeling a little proud when he sighed.

"It was definitely the brightest moment of my life."

Just as Xu Yun was about to answer the call, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Pu Wenxing, the captain of Li Wenqing's team, was walking over again.

"Congratulations on winning the Higher Education Society Cup."

Looking at Pu Wenxing who was standing half a meter away from him, he was stunned for a moment when he heard the sound, and then quickly recovered, thanking him with a smile on his face.


Don't reach out to hit the smiling person, let alone he can feel that the other party is congratulating from the heart.

He knew very little about Pu Wenxing, limited to the brief introduction of Li Wenqing in the morning.

However, as a student of the Jinghua Department of Mathematics, he also led the team to win the runner-up in the mathematical modeling competition, so he is obviously a veritable top student.

It's just that the desire to win is a little heavier.

Pu Wenxing recognized Xu Yun's strength and came over to congratulate him on his own initiative, but this did not mean that he gave up.

You must know that the mathematical modeling competition is not limited to the Higher Education Society Cup.

"I used to think that you would delay your studies and waste such a good talent in vain if you started a company. Now it seems that I despise you."

But in the US competition in February next year, I will definitely not lose to you, and we will meet again then. "

Pu Wenxing specifically mentioned next year's competition, in addition to challenging Xu Yun, he also used it to motivate himself.

Originally, his goal was to win the Higher Education Society Cup and the US Championship, to prove his strength and win glory for the Jinghua Mathematics Department.

Although he missed the Higher Education Society Cup now, it is not bad to win an overseas championship.

At least not so completely lost.

It's a pity that Xu Yun's answer immediately disappointed him.

"I might not participate." Xu Yun gave such an answer seriously after thinking about it.

"Not participating?" Pu Wenxing was surprised.

As the highest award winner of this Mathematical Modeling Contest, under normal circumstances, he will participate in overseas competitions to win glory for the school.

It is indeed rare to voluntarily give up.

But soon a guess appeared in his mind, and he asked in front of Xu Yun.

"Are you afraid?"

He knows that the style of overseas competitions is different from that in China, and he must change his original thinking if he wants to get a ranking.

This is why it is difficult for many Higher Education Cup winners to achieve better results after participating in the US competition, let alone win the double crown.

Xu Yun didn't expect to be ashamed of his poor grades at the time, and it was possible that he chose not to participate.

On this matter, Xu Yun didn't mean to hide it. Seeing that Pu Wenxing was so interested in his own affairs, he explained one more sentence.

"Afraid that's not it."

"The main thing is that I have almost completed my credits, and I may be busy with my graduation thesis and defense at that time next year."

What he said was not wrong. Compared with others, he actually entered the senior year.

The next main task is to complete the graduation thesis and defense, and draw a successful conclusion to my undergraduate career.

Naturally, he will not participate in competitions everywhere.

What's more, after experiencing the Higher Education Society Cup, he also lost a lot of interest in this kind of competition.

Instead of easily mixing up a certificate, it is better to continue to study other unsolved problems in the mathematics world.

Otherwise it is a waste of resources.

At this moment, Pu Wenxing was completely speechless, and felt that his spirit had suffered a heavy blow.

I haven't even thought about my graduation thesis since I entered my junior year, and Xu Yun is just about to graduate from his undergraduate degree in his sophomore year.

It turned out that the gap between the two of them was so large.

"I see."

The mood fell instantly, and he mumbled repeatedly in a daze, then turned and left silently.

Seeing that the other party suddenly became like this, Xu Yun felt somewhat embarrassed, and wanted to stop the other party to say something, but finally swallowed the words back.

"This person is quite strong, but it's a pity that he chose the wrong opponent." Zheng Yuchao looked at Pu Wenxing's back and couldn't help but comment.

Zhu Liyan next to him smiled and said, "So what about Jinghua's, whoever comes here will leave crying."

"Let's not talk about this, hurry up and book the high-speed rail tickets, we will return to Jingzhou tomorrow."

Seeing that the two of them talked more and more exaggeratedly, Xu Yun hurriedly changed the subject.

Previously, he was hesitant to meet his old classmates, so he didn't buy a return ticket in advance. Now that he happened to meet Li Wenqing during the expert interview, there was no need to continue to stay in the imperial capital.

It's good that the imperial city is prosperous, but after all, it doesn't have the sense of belonging like Jingzhou City.

Right now, November is not a peak season, and there is no shortage of tickets even if you buy tickets on the same day.

Don't worry about the return trip.

What is worth mentioning is that at night, under Li Wenqing's matchmaking, the two champion and runner-up teams had a dinner at a nearby restaurant.

Although Pu Wenxing's mood was still lower than during the day, fortunately, the overall atmosphere was not bad.

Xu Yun only chatted with Li Wenqing about what happened in the university, especially the mention that Li Hui was taken by a senior to win the provincial second prize.

As for other topics, it seemed tacit understanding, and no one took the initiative to bring it up.



After nine o'clock in the evening, Xu Yun returned to the hotel room.

After taking a shower and lying comfortably on the bed, he first picked up the textbook on algebra and number theory that he had been reading on the way.

After turning a few pages, I put it down again.

He took out his phone to check the news about today.

During the day he was busy answering questions from experts, and at night he went to the dinner party of the two award-winning teams, so he had no time to reply to messages.

In the afternoon, the news that their group had successfully won the Higher Education Society Cup Award had already been sent back to the school.

First of all, the most lively ones are the dormitory group.

The three of Qian Yudong and the others kept chattering in the group, apart from congratulating him on getting the Higher Education Club cup, they also did not forget to mention the treat again.

"I knew that Xu Yun must be fine, so it's easy to win."

"Brother Yun is awesome."

"This time, we must find a high-end restaurant. Xu Yun takes the bonus to eat meat and let the brothers drink some soup."

"Brother Yun, when are you coming back? I want to touch your trophy."

Seeing Zhao Yuefeng's last news, Xu Yun couldn't laugh or cry, thinking that he hadn't even touched the trophy yet.

Thumb tap the virtual button to reply that they will be at school tomorrow, and then exit the chat window.

In addition, Li Hui and some high school classmates, as well as Chen Shihe and Yao Leyi also sent congratulatory messages.

He replied to each of them in turn, expressing his thanks.

But then when he was about to put down his phone, he suddenly noticed that there were two new email notifications in the notification bar, which were almost ignored by him as advertising emails because they were all in English.

I clicked in casually, and suddenly found that the address of the email came from Princeton.


"Could it be that the paper has news."

Thinking of something in an instant, he subconsciously sat up straight and checked quickly.

Almost two months have passed since he submitted his manuscript to the Annual Journal of Mathematics.

At the beginning, he checked the status of the paper from time to time, and when he found that there had been no change, he reduced the frequency of attention.

Unexpectedly, just after participating in the expert interview and winning the Higher Education Society Cup Award, Princeton sent an email.

It can be described as double happiness.

Xu Yun roughly read the two emails, and found that the content was indeed the same as what he thought.

His paper was accepted by the Annals of Mathematics.

One of the two emails was from the editorial board of the Annals of Mathematics. The email first explained the reason for the long delay, and then highly praised his proof process of the Hodge conjecture, saying that this paper will cause great excitement in the entire mathematical community. Shock, and they will also urgently publish the paper in this month's journal.

Xu Yun is not surprised by this point. After all, it is related to the proof of the world's mathematical problems, and it will definitely take time to conduct preliminary demonstrations.

At the same time, he also understands that the publication of the paper is only the beginning. When this paper appears in front of mathematicians around the world, it will definitely attract doubts from all sides.

Only when it is recognized by the mathematics community can it be truly declared that Hodge's conjecture has been successfully proved.

As for the other email, it is more interesting. The sender is from the School of Mathematics, Princeton University.

In the email, he first affirmed his achievements and quoted the evaluations of many mathematicians including Professor Deligne.

Finally, he was invited to study for a master's degree at Princeton University.

Although Xu Yun knew the value of this paper very well, seeing so many well-known professors in the mathematics world gave him very high evaluations, he felt as if his blood was surging.

Emotions are difficult to calm down.

In particular, Professor Deligne not only praised the subtlety of the proof process, but also expressed his incomparable amazement at the fact that he proved Hodge's conjecture alone at such a young age.

He has no interest in studying for a master's degree at Princeton University. After all, after proving Hodge's conjecture, his status in the mathematics world should not be much different from that of senior professors.

Therefore, whether you stay at home or abroad, you still have to do your own research.

What's more, after graduating from undergraduate, he has decided to switch from mathematics to other new majors.

First of all, with his learning efficiency, even if he is exposed to a new subject, he can still study mathematics in depth, and secondly, learning mathematics content seems to be unable to generate tasks again.

His thoughts gradually drifted away, and Xu Yun suddenly came back to his senses, planning to deal with these things after returning to school.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to calm down in the next few days, and I don't know how far this earthquake in the mathematics world will be affected."

Exiting the email, Xu Yun secretly sighed in his heart, Xu Yun was not in the mood to read that algebraic number theory again, and simply went to bed early and waited to return to school tomorrow.

Thank you for the reward of 100 book coins from the book friend 20230129280432, and thank you for the reward of 1500 coins from Zhu Xia's privet!

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