Scholar's Cultivation System Panel

Chapter 158 Determining the Time for Defense

Counting for 12 hours, Xu Yun remained excited under the effect of the energy potion, as if he could not feel the negative feelings such as fatigue, sleepiness or even fatigue that should appear in the body, and ideas continued to burst out of his mind to help him continue to improve his graduation The final argument of the thesis.


"gcd(Fm, Fn)=Fgcd(m, n)"


"Fn is a prime number, n≠4, n must be a prime number."


"From Formula 4, Formula 5, and Formula 6, it can be obtained that F(x) and P(x) are exactly the same in the domain of definition."

"According to the infinity of prime numbers, there are infinitely many prime numbers in the sequence Fn."

"The proof is over."

When Xu Yun finished writing the last step of the formula and successfully proved that there are infinitely many prime numbers in the Fibonacci sequence, he also completed the demonstration of his method of topological group theory.

It can be said that this method builds a bridge in number theory that can help mathematicians to those conjectures.

But whether it can be found and used well is a big problem.

But with this milestone success, the difficulties in number theory are no longer difficult.

As long as he gives time to continue to optimize the topological group theory, I believe it will be a matter of time to prove Goldbach's conjecture.

It was almost the second after Xu Yun completed the proof, and before he could fully enjoy this great joy, the effect brought by the energy potion was quickly withdrawn from his body like a tide.

High-intensity computing that lasted for more than ten hours, plus no food in between.

Didn't even take a sip of water.

The emerging sense of hunger and exhaustion made him lie on the table like a deflated ball.

Just when he was about to slow down a little bit, and then went directly to the school cafeteria to have a good meal, he suddenly saw many students around him running towards his position, and there were worried shouts in his ears It came one after another.

"Xu Shen seems to have fainted, everyone hurry up and help."

"It must have been too long to eat and be hungry, whoever helps him quickly carry him to the infirmary."

"I have persisted since morning until now. Compared with Xu Shen's learning attitude, I am simply a waste."

"Don't forget to pack the draft paper on the table for God Xu, but don't lose it."


Although Xu Yun really wanted to say that he was fine, he really couldn't hold back the enthusiasm of the students around him.

In addition, I had no strength, so I had to let a burly male classmate carry me on my back.

However, it might be because the other party was worried, so he was jolted all the way and fell asleep in a daze.

And for this, he can only feel pain and happiness, thinking that his classmates are still blaming Lei.

After an unknown amount of time passed, when he opened his eyes again, his field of vision was suddenly occupied by a girl in a white coat.


"How does your body feel?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the surrounding environment slightly, only to realize that he was sent to the school infirmary.

He quickly sat up and shook his head and replied, "I'm fine, doctor."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qian Yudong, Zhao Yuefeng, and Zhou Qi, who came over at some unknown time, surrounded him, looking at him with expressions of worship and admiration.

After confirming that Xu Yun was fine, he spoke like pouring beans.

"I'm not talking about you, Xu Yun. You worked too hard this time. You actually stayed in the library for more than ten hours without eating or drinking."

"If it wasn't for people from our professional class in the library to see you, we wouldn't know you've returned to school." Zhao Yuefeng quickly added after taking Qian Yudong's words.

Knowing that they all cared about him, Xu Yun forced a smile to explain to the three of them.

"I was writing my graduation thesis in the library, and I just had inspiration, so I didn't take much time."

"Let's eat something first." At this time, Zhou Qi took out food from the bag and handed it over, "We bought it at the restaurant when we came here."

Xu Yun hasn't eaten for such a long time, so he doesn't care about his image when he sees food.

"I won't be polite to you guys."

He replied with a smile on his mouth, took it from Zhou Qi's hand, and immediately started to eat it.

As the food entered his stomach, he recovered a little strength and asked the three of them about the situation in the library.

"Who sent me here, didn't it affect the library?"

"One of the seniors from the academy carried you back and put everything in the backpack for you. We already thanked you when we came." Zhou Qi explained the situation clearly following Xu Yun's question, and then seemed to be Thinking of something, he opened his mouth again: "But you are popular again in school this time, and some people say that you are proving that the conjecture unfortunately went crazy."

Mentioning this incident immediately opened up the topic, and both Qian Yudong and Zhao Yuefeng agreed.

"The whole school probably knows about you in the library by now, and everyone admires it."

"Let's talk about this durability, who would dare not admire it."

Xu Yun didn't mind the teasing of several people, anyway, he was already a celebrity in the school.

It's no big deal to be famous again.

Anyway, his graduation thesis has been successfully demonstrated, and then he just needs to write it according to the format of the thesis.

Just when several people were chatting, Xu Yun suddenly noticed that Tang Yanshan hurried in from the outside, and before he reached the front, the words of concern had already spit out from his mouth.

"Are you all right, boy?"

"Professor Tang."

Unexpectedly, Tang Yanshan was alarmed by this incident, and hurriedly got down from the hospital bed regardless of the food in his hand.

"I can have anything, because the students are too enthusiastic."

"It's just a graduation thesis for undergraduates. With your strength, can it be difficult?"

"Is it necessary to work so hard?"

Tang Yanshan automatically ignored Xu Yun's playful smile and severely criticized his behavior.

Although he didn't know the specific direction of Xu Yun's graduation thesis, it would not be difficult for him to choose the field of algebra he is good at.

There is still more than a month before the graduation season, and I will definitely be able to complete it smoothly if I write slowly.

Doing what the library does today, if it affects the body, it will be too much to lose.

Originally, he was about to go home from school when he heard passing students talking about this matter, so he was worried and asked Xu Yun's location and hurried over.

It wasn't until he saw that Xu Yun was fine, that his hanging heart was completely relieved.

Xu Yun understood that Tang Yanshan was doing it for his own good, so he didn't choose to refute it.

He always had a smile on his face when he spoke.

"Isn't this in a better state? I was worried that if I stopped halfway, my thoughts would become confused, so I continued to calculate and improve."

"Fortunately, today's efforts were not in vain. My graduation thesis is basically completed."


Tang Yanshan didn't react at first, and after repeating a sentence, he realized that a little surprise appeared on his face.

"You mean your graduation thesis is finished?"

"It's just the ending and the format." Xu Yun nodded and admitted, and then said to Tang Yanshan: "I still need to trouble Professor Tang and Dean Qin to speak. My defense time will be set next month."

Xu Yun knew that Qin Xiangxin was going to invite members of the Mathematics Society to form a jury with the highest standards to participate in his defense, so the time must be determined in advance.

After confirming that Xu Yun had really completed his graduation thesis, Tang Yanshan was not too surprised.

A smile finally appeared on his face, and he expressed his expectations for Xu Yun's graduation defense.

"I will tell the dean about this, and I will inform you when the specific time is determined."

"I am looking forward to the graduation thesis of the prover of the Hodge Conjecture, the world's most difficult mathematical problem."

"The academic value of a graduation thesis that allows you to complete it in the library without eating or drinking may not be too simple. Just don't let our jury down."

Since Tang Yanshan had previously said that he had no plans to help him revise his thesis, Xu Yun put it off for the time being.

"Don't worry, Professor Tang, I will definitely not disappoint you on the day of the defense."

After finishing this sentence with confidence, they watched Professor Tang leave, but the two did not continue their conversation.

Xu Yun and Tang Yanshan can communicate generously like friends, but it doesn't mean that Qian Yudong, Zhao Yuefeng and Zhou Qi will also dare. After all, Tang Yanshan will still play a very important role in whether they can graduate smoothly or take postgraduate entrance examinations in the future.

If that sentence was wrong and left a bad impression on Tang Yanshan, it would be too late to regret it.

Therefore, when Xu Yun and Tang Yanshan were talking, the three of them always stood obediently by the side.

During the whole process, I didn't say a word, trying to make myself a transparent person.

It wasn't until Tang Yanshan's figure completely disappeared from sight that the three of them heaved a long sigh of relief, and reacted to chatting with Xu Yun about their graduation thesis.

"Brother Yun."

"Are you really going to have a graduation defense?"

"If Dean Qin and the others have time, it should be next month." Xu Yun answered Zhao Yuefeng's question truthfully.

"Brother Yun will be a graduate student by then, so he should change dorms."

"Xu Yun has already finished his undergraduate courses, and he will definitely graduate." Although Qian Yudong, as the head of the dormitory, was also a little reluctant to leave Xu Yun, he still took Zhao Yuefeng's words and added.

After all, as a roommate in the same dormitory, I definitely hope that Xu Yun will get better and better academically.

Xu Yun has actually considered this issue. Now that he has a full-time driver sent by the company, the number of times he lives in the dormitory has actually dropped. Even if he becomes a graduate student, there is no need to change the dormitory.

The thought stayed here, and he immediately answered: "Even if I am a graduate student, I will continue to live in our dormitory."

"That's really great, we are all reluctant to let you go." Zhao Yuefeng's face burst into joy when he heard the sound.

On the other hand, Zhou Qi thought of something, and couldn't help asking: "Xu Yun, which major are you planning to study as a graduate student?"

"There is a preliminary direction, but we still need to discuss it with the department." Xu Yun gave such an answer after a pause of two seconds.

Earlier, he had heard Qin Xiangxin mention a few words, saying that the department had formulated new regulations for his studies, so he wanted to wait until he finished his graduation defense to inquire about it in detail.

Xu Yun didn't stay in the school infirmary for the rest of the time, and then they took the backpack and Qian Yudong and they returned to the dormitory.

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