Scholar's Cultivation System Panel

Chapter 172 This is a waste of talent

"I don't know when this last paper will be accepted. The review efficiency of the editorial board is a bit low. If it doesn't work, I really need to use my brain to overclock."

September 16, 2017, Jingzhou City, Peking University Advanced Institute of Mathematics.

In the morning, Xu Yun sat in his own independent office, with a large amount of draft paper filled with mathematical formula symbols piled up on the table next to him, but his bright eyes were staring at the core journal pages in the field of artificial intelligence that were being refreshed on the screen, and he murmured from time to time Two sentences.

It has been a month since the last submission, probably because of the long review cycle of core journals, and it is still in the review stage.

The main author of this paper is not only him, he must not seek a journal to submit a manuscript with a short review period.

The other five papers he wrote independently have all been successfully published a few days ago.

In other words, as long as this paper is accepted now, he will be considered as having successfully completed the advanced task and can get that special reward.

Since the research on the intelligent auxiliary diagnosis system was officially concluded last month, the number of times he went to the research room has decreased significantly.

Basically, Yang Ningkun and the others are responsible for the follow-up optimization, preparing for the Jingzhou Medical Technology Conference in a few days.

During this period of time, he was busy building algorithms to train intelligent models, which was equivalent to changing a new way of thinking and studying mathematics. Therefore, after the project was over, he planned to formally start the improvement of topological group theory.

Want to see if new inspiration can be born.

After all, he has already learned the textbook knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence, and the rest is to participate in the project to consolidate his understanding.

Before there is no suitable topic, you must make full use of your time.

There is nothing better than studying mathematics.

In any case, he is a member of the Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematics at Peking University, and he will definitely promote mathematics research in the institute.

Different from learning algebraic geometry and topology, this is standing on the shoulders of giants to master existing knowledge

Topological group theory is not.

It is no exaggeration to say that his topological group theory is equivalent to opening a new discipline.

There is a world of difference in difficulty between the two.

Because of this, nearly a month has passed, and topological group theory still has not ushered in a breakthrough.

Continued to be immersed in this state, the brain overclocked and entered his thoughts again.

It is planned to turn on the overclocking of the brain to completely solve the problem of topological group theory.

I just thought of getting the rewards of advanced tasks, which can increase the brain development rate by 1% on the original basis, and finally decided to wait until I experienced the reward effects.

Perhaps the improvement of hardware can drive the increase of software, so as to come up with the inspiration for perfecting topological group theory.

This would at least save a lot of points and energy capsules.

For this reason, the first thing he does every day in the recent period is to check the status of the paper.

Almost as soon as the voice fell, the submission status page was finally refreshed, showing the latest status of the manuscript.

The first is the title of the paper.

very long.

"Application of Intelligent Diagnosis System Based on Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning Image Reconstruction Algorithm in Lung Diseases."

But when his eyes fell, he was attracted by the string of English letters.

Because he was familiar with this string of letters and couldn't be more familiar with them.

"Completed accept"

"The manuscript has been successfully accepted, has the review efficiency suddenly increased?"

Temporarily suppressing the excitement in my heart, the expression on my face was finally replaced by joy after refreshing again to confirm that the paper had passed the review.

According to his previous knowledge, the average review cycle of this journal is more than two months.

I didn't expect to cut the time in half directly here.


The next second he suddenly thought of something, he didn't bother to tell Yang Ningkun, Wang Bo and the others the good news, and immediately opened the light curtain panel in front of him.

"A total of ten SCI academic papers have been successfully published, and rewards increase the rate of brain development."

As the reminder message of task completion came into view, Xu Yun first felt a strange wave appear in his mind, and then quickly disappeared as if it had never appeared.

It's like upgrading the graphics card for the computer, and there seems to be no special change after turning it on.

But you can experience the powerful performance when playing games.

"Try first before talking."

Xu Yun didn't think too much about it, then picked up the pen and leaned over decisively to continue the calculation on the draft paper next to him.

When his brain began to run at high speed, he suddenly found that his reaction speed was much faster.

The formula in hand has not been written yet, and the thinking has already calculated the following steps and results.

He even has a corresponding mathematical model in his mind to assist him in calculation and demonstration.

If it took him half a year to perfect the optimal version of topological group theory, then this time is expected to be shortened to four months or even three months after the brain development rate increases.

The substantial increase in efficiency gave him the confidence to perfect the topological group theory without overclocking his brain.

Just when he was about to continue his research, a sudden burst of cell phone ringing interrupted his thoughts.

Pausing for a while, he took out the phone from his pocket, and saw the words "She Zhang" on the incoming call screen.

"Why would Lao Qian call me at this time?"

Thinking that he hadn't returned to the dormitory after the start of the summer vacation, and worried that the three of them had something urgent to do, he hesitated and immediately connected the phone.

As soon as he put the phone to his ear, he heard Qian Yudong's voice coming from the receiver.

"Xu Yun."

"are you in the school?"

"problem occurs."

A few short words made a question mark appear in his mind, not knowing what Qian Yudong was talking about.

"I'll go there later."

Shen Sheng responded, then ended the call and planned to go back to the dormitory to check the specific situation in person.

Breaking away from the high-speed mental state, he first raised his left hand and touched his forehead.

After making sure that the temperature didn't rise much, he turned off the computer, got up and walked outside with his mobile phone.

The human brain is also a precision instrument, and the calculation speed far exceeding that of ordinary people will inevitably lead to an increase in internal temperature. Fortunately, it seems that this increase has little effect on him.



"Is there anything to eat, give me some first."

The first thing Xu Yun said when he walked into the dormitory was not to ask about specific matters, but to ask several people for food.

For such a thing to happen, Xu Yun also expressed some helplessness.

Coming from the Advanced Institute of Mathematics, it was obviously not a long journey, but he felt hungry in the end.

It wasn't long after breakfast.

After thinking about it for a while, he thought it should be due to the increase in the speed of brain power.

Compared with physical labor, mental work is also very energy-consuming.

This is also the reason why energy capsules are needed to assist in turning on brain overclocking.

Now that his brain hardware has improved compared to ordinary people, the demand for energy will naturally increase.

But this made him feel lucky, fortunately, the degree of brain power improvement this time was not that great.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I will become a rice bucket in the future.

"What's the matter, Brother Xu, no matter how busy you are, you can't skip breakfast." Zhao Yuefeng, who had short hair, pulled out a bag of bread and handed it over: "I happen to have a bag of bread here that I haven't eaten yet."

"Then I'll help you get rid of it."

Xu Yun also didn't explain, took the bread and replied and opened it directly.

After a few bites, he turned his attention to Qian Yudong and asked about what happened on the phone just now.

"I haven't asked you yet, House Chief, what did you say?"

"It's about you."

"About me?" Xu Yun asked vaguely, chewing bread.

At this time, Qian Yudong didn't hold back anymore, and took the initiative to hand over his mobile phone to remind him.

"You'd better see for yourself first, it's not easy to say."

After hearing Qian Yudong's words, Xu Yun's curiosity suddenly increased a lot.

Immediately, he took the phone and lowered his eyes to check the content on it, wanting to know what Qian Yudong was talking about.

What caught my eye was a question from Zhihu. I don’t know if the real name of the person who posted it was Pang Guang.

More than half a million page views.

But this question made him frown a little.

"What do you think of the mathematics genius Xu Yun publishing five papers in one month?"

Swiping the screen along the question to look down, the answer with the most comments was sent by this account named Pang Guang.

At a cursory glance, the whole content basically affirmed his mathematical talent and achievements in the field of mathematics, but then changed the subject and accused him of not perfecting topological group theory, publishing low-quality papers and researching artificial intelligence. Waste of talent.


The other party used the word wasted talent.

Compared with his two annual mathematics papers proving the Hodge conjecture and the existence of infinite prime numbers in the Fibonacci sequence, the newly published papers are indeed much lower in academic value.

But Xu Yun doesn't think his thesis is watering.

The most unbearable thing was that the other party actually commented that he would not have much development in the field of artificial intelligence.

You should have reined in the precipice earlier and devoted all your energy to mathematics.

Temporarily holding back his emotions, he casually clicked to answer the many comments that followed.

"If you have such a good talent, don't hurry up and study number theory, what kind of artificial intelligence will you run to?"

"Mathematics is still relatively young. If you don't prove a few difficult problems now, it will only become more difficult in the future."

"Is this flooding? So many papers are published in a month."

"Shen Xu perfected the topological group theory earlier, please."

"I've read all five papers, and they're actually pretty good, and it's too much to say."

"Artificial intelligence has no future, so give up early."

"I think the field of artificial intelligence is the specific application of mathematics. What's the use of studying theoretical mathematics?"


After roughly reading the content on the phone, Xu Yun just wanted to say a word to this account named Pang Guang.

What I research has something to do with you!

He can be sure that the other party obviously didn't read the content of the paper, but he only knew that he had published five papers and it would be online.

He also threatened that he would not have much development in the field of artificial intelligence.

If the latest paper hadn't just been drafted, I believe no one would have said such a thing.

The development of science is inseparable from mathematics, but it is impossible to study theories without specific applications.

He is too lazy to deal with this kind of person. After all, he is also a hot figure in the mathematics world. There are countless discussions about him on the Internet every day. If everyone responds, I am afraid that there is no time to study.

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