Scholar's Cultivation System Panel

Chapter 221 Who Says You Are Responsible

Staring at Meng Songyan's back until it disappeared from sight, Xu Yun then looked back and carefully checked the two resumes in his hand.

First of all, there must be no problem with academic qualifications. They are all PhD graduates from well-known overseas universities, and have research experience in many lithium battery engineering laboratories. Before joining Deepin Technology, they were responsible for the research work of Songxia Battery, a well-known Neon company.

Although there are only two people, it is no problem to serve as his scientific research assistant with this resume.

After all, it is not difficult for him to develop a real all-solid-state battery.

"From today onwards, we are finally on the right track. When this metal all-solid-state battery comes out, it should cause a lot of commotion."

"I have some expectations."

After roughly browsing the resumes of the two, Xu Yun was quite satisfied. Thinking of the changes his technology might bring to human civilization, he felt a little impatient.

He muttered a few words to himself, and started operating without waiting for the two of them to come over.

The battery research and development experiment is basically divided into several parts.

The first is chemistry.

It is necessary to complete the research and trial production of insulating materials and cathode and anode materials.

Unlike the slurry materials required by ordinary lithium-ion batteries, the electrodes and electrolytes of metal all-solid-state batteries are solid, so metals such as lithium and sodium must first be made into glass compounds as conductive substances to increase the energy density of the battery.

The funds spent on building this laboratory include raw materials in addition to the purchase of instruments and equipment.

So research can be done right away.

At this moment, the closed door of the laboratory was opened from the outside, and two men in their thirties who wore myopia glasses walked in. The boundary line is the best proof of their strength, and you can tell that they have real talents and practical learning.

There were photos of them in the resume just now, so Xu Yun immediately recognized that the two were the first members of the solid-state battery laboratory.

Lu Yi.

Wan Xiaoyong.

"All the procedures are completed, welcome to join Deepin Technology's solid-state battery laboratory."

Xu Yun was very enthusiastic about outstanding talents, and before the two could react, he took the initiative to greet and shake hands.

Lu Yi and Wan Xiaoyong chose to join Deepin Technology, so they must have a detailed understanding in advance. Although they are not people in the field of mathematics, they must know Xu Yun very well.

So after seeing that it was the big boss who greeted him, an excited smile appeared on his face.

Quickly responded.

"Boss Xu."

It can be said that he put his posture very low.

He is not defiant just because he came from a well-known overseas battery laboratory.

Whether he founded Deepin Technology and developed it to its current scale, or continuously proved two world mathematical problems and became the youngest winner of the Fields Medal and Wolf Mathematics Prize in the history of mathematics, it shows that Xu Yun's talent in academic research is very terrifying. Anyone who feels contemptuous because of their age is definitely the worst decision to make.

It can be called stupid.

Surely they wouldn't make such a mistake.

"I have been hearing about Mr. Xu's deeds overseas before, and this time I finally have the opportunity to work together."

After the two parties greeted each other, Lu Yi first picked up the topic and expressed his admiration to Xu Yun.

Wan Xiaoyong also answered next to the words: "We also want to thank Mr. Xu for his willingness to invest in the laboratory, otherwise we would not have found such a good opportunity." From the emotion in his eyes, it is not difficult to see that he is sincere.

It can only be said that there are still many things to do while working in a foreign company, and I will definitely come back if I have the opportunity.

Deepin Technology established a research institute and set up three new laboratories in one go, which just provided them with suitable jobs.

Under such circumstances, how can we not seize the opportunity, not to mention that everyone can see Xu Yun's potential now.

Therefore, after receiving relevant news, they immediately finished the matter at hand in the shortest possible time, and went to Deepin Technology together.

The conversation between the two of them made Xu Yun very useful. It seems that the mutual attraction between geniuses is not just talk.

Originally, he thought that these two people were dug back from overseas by Meng Songyan, but he never thought that they came here specially.

"This is a laboratory, you two don't have to be so serious, you can just call me Xu Yun from now on." Xu Yun's affection for the two has increased a lot, and with a smile on his lips, he ordered a sentence: "As for the work , Starting today, we will formally conduct research on solid-state batteries."

As Xu Yun's voice fell, Lu Yi and Wan Xiaoyong showed embarrassment on their faces.

After a little hesitation, Lu Yi took the lead in making a statement.

"This is Mr. Xu. Although we have been engaged in research in the field of solid-state batteries before, the core content involved is not much. Now we may not be able to carry out the work alone."

"At the moment, we should continue to recruit excellent talents and form a capable solid-state battery research team."

They only know that Deepin Technology has established a solid-state battery laboratory and wants to lay out the future market in advance.

It is not surprising that this kind of operation looks at the world, and many powerful companies will do the same.

But right now there are only the two of them in the laboratory. Under such circumstances, starting the research work of solid-state batteries from scratch, they see no hope except wasting money and wasting time in vain.

"The domestic research on all-solid-state batteries is still relatively limited, and it is really not suitable to start research immediately."

Wan Xiaoyong nodded in agreement with Lu Yi's point of view, and he did not want to see the laboratory face a crisis just after its establishment.

Since he is willing to give up his high salary and come back from overseas, in addition to getting better treatment from Deepin Technology, he also wants to make his own contribution to the development of domestic battery technology and let it lead the world.

With this concept, I definitely hope that Deepin’s solid-state battery laboratory can develop steadily.

Now that the two of them are starting to study, wouldn't that be a child's play.

It is important to know that the amount of funds consumed every day is not a small amount when the laboratory is running.

Although Deepin Technology is a leader in the industry, it will certainly not be able to maintain it for a long time in the face of several bottomless continuous demands, so the laboratory must make results to give back.

Otherwise, if there is a problem with funds, not only will the laboratory be forced to close the previous investment, but also the previous investment will be in vain.

The loss outweighs the gain.

Xu Yun listened to the persuasion of the two people, and immediately understood that they regarded themselves as the person in charge of the solid-state battery project.

It would certainly be pointless to rely on the two of them to study solid-state batteries from scratch.

The key is that he is the person in charge of this project, and he still has the core technology in his mind. Not to mention only two scientific research assistants to help, even if he does it himself, there is no problem.

It just takes more time.

The thought stayed here, and he immediately responded to the two with confidence.

"Don't worry, you two, we will not only manufacture a real all-solid-state battery, but also within a few months."

As Xu Yun's words fell, Lu Yi and Wan Xiaoyong's eyes widened instantly, and question marks appeared in their minds.

"A real all-solid-state battery?"

"How many months?"

When they decided to join Deepin Technology, they still had very high expectations for this solid-state battery laboratory. They felt that it was a very good thing for domestic scientific and technological research to have someone like Xu Yun who was really willing to contribute to the development of science and technology. .

But looking at it now, it always feels unreliable.

All-solid-state batteries have long been proposed and are recognized by the industry as a substitute for traditional lithium batteries in the future.

To this end, companies in many countries around the world have established relevant laboratories, but they still face various problems so far.

It is not known when solid-state batteries will really enter the market.

But now Xu Yun said that he would complete the research in a few months, which is undoubtedly a dream.

After all, they don't know that they have such strength.

If it weren't for Xu Yun's status in the academic world and the honors he had won, they would have wondered if they had met a lunatic.

In this regard, they only think that Xu Yun is too idealistic, thinking that the research of battery technology is as easy as theoretical mathematics.

Although Xu Yun has also made achievements in the field of lidar, but after all, he was born in the study of theoretical mathematics, and it is understandable that the research on solid-state batteries is not too deep.

Of course, the two of them can't be so unrealistic, Xu Yun must be made to recognize the reality.

The brains were running quickly, and the two looked at each other, and immediately organized their words to continue persuading.

"With all due respect to Mr. Xu, the research on all-solid-state battery technology is not as simple as imagined. Let alone only a few months, if there is not a strong enough research team, I am afraid that it will be very difficult for there to be no obvious progress in a few years." normal."

"Boss Xu."

"Lu Yi is right, at this stage we still have to focus on the basics."

"Hiring good people first."

Wan Xiaoyong took Lu Yi's words and persuaded him again, showing that he very much agreed with Lu Yi's point of view.

As soon as the voice on the front foot fell, he still did not forget to express his attitude in the next second.

"If Mr. Xu still insists on this unrealistic idea, I'm afraid we won't be able to take charge of the research of this project."

After hearing the serious words of the two, Xu Yun didn't know what to say.

But in order to carry out the research as soon as possible, he had to explain the situation to the two of them so that they could recognize his identity as a scientific research assistant.

"Who said you are going to be in charge of the solid-state battery project."


"Aren't we responsible?"

Lu Yi and Wan Xiaoyong, who were thinking about how to persuade them, were stunned when they heard Xu Yun's words.

Obviously never thought about it.

It's just that Xu Yun didn't give them time to digest, and in the next second, he threw out another big news.

"I am in charge of this solid-state battery technology research project, and the two of you will be my scientific research assistants."

"In addition to completing the trial production of solid-state batteries and performance and environmental safety tests within a few months, it is also necessary to solve the problem of production efficiency and write papers for submission to two major journals in natural sciences."

It is no exaggeration to say that if they just thought that Xu Yun took the solid-state battery technology for granted just now, then after hearing these words now, they only think it is whimsical.

Even if Xu Yun can achieve such great achievements in the field of mathematics, it is impossible to solve the problem of solid-state batteries in a short time.

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