Scholar's Cultivation System Panel

Chapter 265 Nomination for Science and Technology Progress Award

Xu Yun did not disappoint everyone in the Institute of Optoelectronics Technology. After testing the power data of the xenon fluoride light source and confirming that it can meet the light source requirements of the extreme ultraviolet lithography machine, he immediately started to work on the optical projection system and mask lithography. The study of the other two major problems of the machine.

In the end, the overclocking of the brain lasted for two hours respectively, and a total of 250 points was spent to successfully come up with the plan.

That left him with only the last two hours of overclocking time.

and 30 points.

If new tasks are not generated, it is basically impossible to turn on the brain overclocking.

Fortunately, the result is quite satisfactory.

After successfully solving these few problems, even if the universities participating in this project cannot solve the remaining minor problems, he can overcome them with his current level.

It just takes a little more time.

Anyway, relying on brain overclocking has saved a lot of time for the project on several key issues.

Not bad this will.

It is worth mentioning that because of the xenon fluoride light source solution, when Xu Yun came up with the optical projection system and mask design solution again later, the others were relatively calm.

It's like knowing that there will be a plan.

A simple project meeting was held to settle the matter.

The collective vote passed these two plans, and relevant detailed experimental tests will be carried out immediately.

Make sure to meet EUV lithography machine requirements.

In this way, in the next few months, Xu Yun spent most of his time in the research institute doing various research, and occasionally flew to other universities to guide the research of lithography machine parts.

After all, the entire high-end lithography machine has hundreds of thousands of parts, and it is not enough to solve the important ones.

It is necessary to ensure that other small components keep up with the progress, otherwise the light source projection system and mask are solved, and a domestic high-end lithography machine cannot be assembled.

Time is like a stubborn donkey that keeps running.

It soon entered October when the temperature began to be comfortable. The optical projection system and mask design scheme proposed by Xu Yun passed various tests. Simply put, this is equivalent to the progress of the domestic extreme ultraviolet lithography machine project. More than half of it is left. Assembly of the next stage and other parts.

Such a fast research and development speed not only refreshed the highest record of the Institute of Optoelectronics Technology.

It also made the members of the institute fully realize Xu Yun's abnormal talent.

However, under such a good situation, the project team members work more seriously and diligently.

Young postdoctoral fellows like Liu Xing even worked overtime overnight.

It seems that everyone is suffocating in their hearts, and they want to make the first domestic extreme ultraviolet lithography machine as good as possible, and then show it to the whole world.

Slap those arrogant guys overseas hard in the face.

But at this critical time, Xu Yun was not in Jincheng, but was invited to the imperial capital.


"I've had a hard time on the road. Should I go back to the hotel first, or go to dinner directly?"

Imperial Capital Daxing International Airport.

Li Tingbo looked at the handsome boy in casual and comfortable clothes, simply carrying a bag on his back, and asked him about his next arrangements.

As the director of the Office of the Natural Science Foundation of China, even college professors would be very polite when they see him.

But today, he is willing to pick up a young boy, so that others will think more about the appointment.

However, Li Tingbo's face was full of joy.

Because standing in front of him at this moment is Xu Yun, a researcher of the Academy of Sciences.

Not to mention Xu Yun's achievements in academia, many academicians are incomparable and unable to do it.

Just because the other party has completed the outstanding task of Jie Qing and added an important stroke to his resume is worth picking up in person.

What's more, he still clearly remembered that he owed Xu Yun a celebration banquet.

Let's talk about Xu Yun's side, he was invited to the emperor this time to participate in the Science and Technology Award Conference in a few days.

I thought that the higher-ups would send staff to pick up the plane, but I didn't expect it to be Li Tingbo himself.

He was a little surprised when he first saw the other party.

After all, in his impression, Li Tingbo should be busy at ordinary times.

These thoughts did not appear in his mind for a moment, and he came back to his senses and hurriedly said hello.

"Director Li, we meet again."

A bright and enthusiastic smile appeared on his face, and he continued, "Let's go to the hotel first."

This trip to the imperial capital will not last long, and he didn't bring much.

If you just go to eat, it is always inconvenient to carry luggage.

Li Tingbo seemed to have guessed Xu Yun's answer, and there was no emotion on his face when he heard the sound.

Still smiling, he said, "Then let's go, the hotel rooms for those who come to the conference have been arranged."

"Excuse me, Director Li."

The relationship between the two of them can be regarded as acquaintance, Xu Yun naturally wouldn't be entangled with anything at this time, he put on his sunglasses and hat again after replying, and followed Li Tingbo back into the car.

Of course, he didn't do this to pretend.

The main reason is that although he is a researcher of the Academy of Sciences, his popularity on the Internet is higher than that of many well-known celebrities. Appearing in a public place like the airport will definitely cause a large number of people to surround him and cause accidents. At that time, in addition to causing congestion problems at the airport, it will also bring great inconvenience to itself.

It is known on the key Internet that he is in charge of the domestic extreme ultraviolet lithography machine, and if someone finds out, he will definitely ask relevant questions.

Although the domestic extreme ultraviolet lithography machine has ushered in a major breakthrough, since it has been decided not to announce it for the time being, the related confidentiality work still needs to be completed.

Therefore, it is very necessary to properly cover the lower face.

Soon after getting into Li Tingbo's car, Xu Yun heaved a sigh of relief and took off his sunglasses and hat.

"It's not necessarily a good thing to be too famous," said Li Tingbo, who was arranging his hair with his hands and beside him.

"It's better for everyone to treat you as an idol than chasing those traffic stars." Li Tingbo raised a different opinion.

Xu Yun smiled and stopped talking.

Immediately when the car started to drive, Li Tingbo's familiar voice sounded next to his ears.

"Let's talk about the business with you first. This time your military exoskeleton project was nominated for the Science and Technology Progress Award, and it was personally recommended by Academician Gu Changzhi."

"Basically, it's a sure thing."

"Speaking of which, you are the only member of this project. Compared with other winners of the Natural Science Award and the Technology Invention Award, your treatment is almost the same as the highest science and technology award."

"The kind that makes me jealous."

Hearing all Li Tingbo's words into his ears, Xu Yun couldn't help showing a calm smile on the corner of his mouth.

well known.

The highest science and technology award is won by two academicians, and the remaining four awards are basically won by teams.

It is difficult for any project to be solved by individual efforts alone, and the results obtained are naturally not the credit of one person.

But Xu Yun is a special case.

At the beginning, I thought that with the blueprint of the modular robot in my mind, it would not be too difficult to manufacture it, so I didn't find the project members to complete it all by myself in the closed place of the army.

Now that door frame robots are mass-produced, he deserves the honor of the Science and Technology Progress Award.

However, the Science and Technology Progress Award is also divided into several rankings, and the lower the number of winners, the higher the number of winners.

If you get a second prize for scientific and technological progress, the gold content is not that high.

Of course, these results will have to wait for the announcement on the day of the conference, and it is really too early to think about it now.

"There are relatively few cases where projects can be completed alone, and most of them require close cooperation among members." Xu Yun said to Li Tingbo, looking away from the scenery outside the car window.

His words were not perfunctory for Li Tingbo.

Take the extreme ultraviolet lithography machine project that is currently underway, he will definitely not be able to do it alone.

Just manufacturing the light source device according to the plan and conducting related tests does not know how much work is involved.

And being reminded by Xu Yun, Li Tingbo also thought of something.

Subconsciously asked: "By the way, did you still get used to the Institute of Optoelectronic Technology of the Academy of Sciences in Jincheng?"

"How is the project going?"

"To be honest, I really didn't expect you to study the extreme ultraviolet lithography machine."

Li Tingbo asked two questions in a row, and he could hear obvious surprise when he spoke the last sentence.

In Li Tingbo's impression, Xu Yun created a powerful door frame robot armor alone. This kind of talent should be used to study military weapons, fighter jets and other machinery.

As a result, the company launched a lot of artificial intelligence models, and then took over the lithography machine project.

The difference between the front and back fields is not a big one.

That is to say, the disciplines that Xu Yun is good at are relatively comprehensive, otherwise he would not believe that another project leader could develop a domestic high-end lithography machine.

"I also agreed to take over at the invitation of Dean Hou. Fortunately, the progress is going smoothly."

"As for the extent of the research, it needs to be kept secret."

Xu Yun did not answer all of Li Tingbo's questions, and he gave up on the research progress of the domestic EUV lithography machine.

As the person in charge of the outstanding youth project, Li Tingbo is naturally very clear about the rules here.

Hearing this, he immediately smiled and said: "I still don't ask, anyway, from your mentality, it should be fine."

"Do not worry."

"Do not worry."

"We won't wait too long for related news." Xu Yun took over the words and added.

And these words immediately moved Li Tingbo's heart slightly. Although he thought of something in his heart, his surface was still calm.

Anyway, it's good news that can make people happy and excited, and it doesn't matter if you know it sooner or later.

It's never too late for a good thing.

It didn't take long for Xu Yun to arrive at the hotel that had been arranged earlier. After checking in, he put his luggage in the room, and then followed Li Tingbo to the place to eat.

Obviously, he knew that Xu Yun didn't like scenes with many strangers and being too lively and chaotic, so there were not many people at the dinner table, and he had seen it before when testing the robot armor on the door frame.

Overall ambiance is not bad.

Let's talk about the network.

Although the list of winners of the five major science and technology awards has not yet been officially announced, due to the fact that many media accounts released videos for reporting, discussions on related topics are not low.

One of the most inescapable names is naturally Xu Yun.

Although Xu Yun is young, he is still a second-level full professor of Jingzhou University.

Now he is a research fellow of the Academy of Sciences.

In addition to the many technical achievements he has conquered, no matter how you look at it, there is a probability of winning one of the awards.

Therefore, later on, someone raised a discussion topic, and they all guessed what Xu Yun's most likely award-winning project was.

The number of views and popularity of the topic remained high until the day before the conference.

If you click on one at random, you can see that many people have analyzed it in a logical manner.

Those who didn't know thought they got inside information.

"Professor Xu's project that is most likely to win the prize should be plastic fluorocarbon polymer coating materials. After all, this thing has high use value in military industry and automobiles, and it has also started large-scale production now. It is enough to get to one of the remaining four awards."

"I just got off the plane in Yangcheng. Let me tell you about my analysis. First of all, the highest science and technology award can only be obtained with the status of an academician. Among the remaining four awards, I think Professor Xu is qualified to win any one..."

"Is it still necessary to analyze it? It must be brainless to choose high-end photoresist!"

"Winning the award does not depend entirely on technical achievements. I feel that the solid-state lidar project carried out by the Joint Laboratory of Imperial University is more likely to win the award. Anyway, Professor Xu participated in the research and development."

"I'm really looking forward to the conference. I heard that I can see the award in person."

"If you can go in and receive an award in this life, then you will have no regrets in your life."

"Professor Xu is indeed my idol, he is enviable."


Compared with the intense analysis and discussion of everyone on the Internet, Qiu Bin's fan group is also in full swing at the moment.

However, the group of friends is not arguing and discussing, but wants him to conduct a comprehensive analysis and prediction of his release video to see if he can predict success in the end.

"Such a good material won't be released for a video, Xiaochao?"

"If I really want to say who has the most accurate analysis, it must be the group owner. After all, the quality of the previous videos was very high."

"I hope the group owner will not be ignorant of good and bad. I want to watch the video in half an hour."

"I'll say a number, ten minutes later."


"The Science and Technology Award Conference is so popular, it's really a blood loss if you don't watch the video."

"Professor Xu is the project most likely to be selected for the award..."

In the study, Qiu Bin browsed the news in the group, and Xinsi suddenly became active, and the protagonist in his mind had a new video content.

He can have millions of fans today, it can be said that it is all due to the dividends from Xu Yun and Deepin Technology.

Because of the analysis of plastic fluorocarbon polymer materials, robot dog Benben and artificial intelligence models, etc., the number of video playbacks skyrocketed and gained a large number of fans.

From a certain point of view, his understanding of Xu Yun is indeed very clear.

Know more about the value of each technological achievement.

Guessing from my own point of view which projects Xu Yun can win is relatively accurate.

After all, artificial intelligence models such as all-solid-state batteries belong to the patents of Deepin Technology, and there is no way to participate in the nominations for the five major science and technology awards.

After filtering like this, there are not many options.

Immediately afterwards, he organized the language in his mind a little bit, and then opened a blank document to write the keywords of the copy.

Then give it to Benben to generate automatically.

At that time, he can make simple modifications at most, and then he can directly dub and cut the video.

In fact, even dubbing can be done by Benben, but considering that this is his video feature and soul, he still dubs the video by himself.

"Science and Technology Prize Predictions."

"Shaping Fluorocarbon Polymer Materials."


Not long after Qiu Bin finished writing the key words of the copy, he handed it over to Benben for the next step.


His prediction is the same as the mainstream view of netizens.

It is believed that the most likely nomination for the award is the plastic fluorocarbon polymer coating material.

The reason is also very simple.

The application prospect of plastic fluorocarbon polymer materials is high enough, and it has a wide range of applications and high value.

Although high-end photoresists have broken through the technical blockade of Neon and have the advantages of better performance and lower cost, they do not have market demand at all without high-end photolithography machines. Simply put, they can only eat ashes in a short time.

In this way, as long as Xu Yun can nominate for science and technology awards, the plastic fluorocarbon polymer material will definitely be on the list.

Qiu Bin was busy until the afternoon. After dubbing all the sounds of the copywriting, he released the video.

There is no fixed time update.

The main thing is that the Science and Technology Award Conference is about to be held, so there is no need to update the video quickly.

I have to say that he found a good point of view in the video, and after the review of the video, you can see that the comment area is basically supportive.

It is equivalent to everyone holding the same idea and firmly believing that their predictions must be correct.

After all, they really couldn't think of Xu Yun's other projects that could be selected for science and technology awards.

In the evening, Qiu Bin browsed through the comments of the fans again, and after seeing that the number of views of the video had reached close to one million, he washed up and went to bed satisfied.

Waiting for the results to be announced after the conference starts tomorrow.


"Professor Xu."

"The special car has arrived downstairs and is going to pick you up to the synagogue."

In the hotel located in the third ring road of the imperial capital, Xu Yun, who was dressed in a handsome formal suit in the morning, was watching the video on his mobile phone.

Hearing the sound from outside the room, he immediately raised his eyes to respond.

"I'll be right down."

He didn't stay in the hotel all the time these days, because there were many nominated people living around, and he got to know a lot of academicians and professors.

Even discussed and exchanged with others in many aspects.

It is a kind of abundance for oneself.

Originally, he finally waited until the official start of the conference. He wanted to end it early and go back to the research institute to continue the research and development of the domestic extreme ultraviolet lithography machine.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to go out, he found that Benben had pushed him a video.

It was the super military account he followed.

Seeing that the other party was actually predicting his award-winning project, he became interested and watched it for a while.

But it is a pity that the other party did not predict correctly.

However, this result is normal. Whoever made his outstanding youth project has not been made public so far, the outside world thinks that he has given up on this project, so naturally he will not think about it.

Besides, who would think that an exoskeleton armor can win this kind of award.

"When the list of winners is announced, it should surprise many people. I don't know if things will become interesting."

Knowing that it was getting late, Xu Yun put away his phone and muttered to himself, then walked outside.

As soon as I opened the door of the room, I saw a hotel service staff in professional attire.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a hotel that undertakes such activities, and even the service staff are very elegant and beautiful.

The other party took a careful look after seeing Xu Yun coming out, and then smiled with a very standard etiquette: "Professor Xu, you look very elegant in formal clothes."


Xu Yun didn't think too much when he heard the sound, he replied politely, and then walked towards the elevator.

After Chen Shihe learned that he was going to accept the award, he specially asked someone to order this suit. Although he usually doesn't like to wear such tight clothes, it really has nothing to say in terms of setting off his temperament.

After a while, Xu Yun came downstairs, met and greeted other nominated professors and academicians, and then got into the special car that had already stopped.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the special car started on time and went to the place where the Science and Technology Award Conference was held today.

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